Controversy Surrounding League Streamer’s Use of Bot to Auto-Report Entire Lobby

The League of Legends community has recently criticized popular streamer ‘BARDINETTE,’ known for playing unconventional champions and using Bard in the top lane, for allegedly utilizing a bot to automatically report entire lobbies after games.

The streamer was caught using a bot to report every player in a match on stream while they were away from their computer. The stream showed the cursor moving from a static position to clicking on the report icon for each player on the opposing team in a recently completed match.

The bot proceeded to choose nearly all available reporting options for a player, ranging from “negative attitude”to “cheating”and “hate speech.”

The League of Legends Reddit community was quick to react to the clip, criticizing BARDINETTE for reporting the entire lobby after “forcing”his team to accommodate his off-meta pick.

One Reddit user commented that this is a prime example of why Reports are not considered credible.

“Another person mentioned that he is certainly well-adjusted and not causing chaos in solo queue by, as they checked their notes, dictating how everyone should play the game and reporting all of his teammates using a script.”

The thread received a response from the streamer who then took to social media to explain the clip, stating “The witch hunt is still ongoing.”

Due to my experience in automation, I enjoy being able to complete champion selection and reports with the simple press of a button while I take a break to grab some snacks. However, in this particular game, there were five or six players who displayed extremely toxic behavior, which goes against the Summoner’s Code.

“BARDINETTE stated in the thread that she had activated the mass report protocol, clarifying that it was a simple tool for use on Steam and not to be overthought.”

The streamer has faced criticism in the past for his unconventional tactics in the game, such as playing Bard in the top lane rather than in the support role. He typically focuses on supporting his teammates and allowing the enemy top laner to take his towers, which allows them to gain gold and experience without any interference.

Despite his unorthodox style of play, BARDINETTE has managed to maintain a high ranking on the competitive ladder, as evidenced by his impressive record.

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