Controversy Surrounding Mandatory Sauna Sessions in Game Development Company

During the development of the new game, Spectrum Studios’ creative director Jacek Piorkowski sparked controversy by allegedly mandating that employees participate in naked sauna sessions.

The requirement was brought to attention by Patryk Suchy, Lead Recruiter at 8bit, in a LinkedIn post. In the post, he addresses the demand made by a creative director for NAKED SAUNA SESSIONS as a mandatory aspect of working in his studio.

The post features screenshots of Piorkowski’s responses on LinkedIn to a developer he had previously spoken to about the job (

“Based on your statement, it appears that you consider participating in naked sauna sessions to be a necessary aspect of working in your studio. I expressed to you that this was a non-negotiable factor for me.”

Piorkowski expressed disappointment, stating that there was plenty of time to disprove him by writing a scene in the sauna without actually being in one. However, instead of using that time productively, it was being wasted on social media.

He added, “In order to come up with an amazing script for our proof of concept, my narrative girls had to join me in the sauna.”

“I am completely enamored by the way they were able to utilize their sauna experience to craft amazing scenes.”

The game that is being developed has been advertised for an Art Director on (as shown

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