Criticism of Niantic’s Community Day Handling by Pokemon Go Players

Some Pokemon Go players, who have limited time for the game, have expressed frustration with the inconvenient scheduling of Community Days.

The feature, which has been a mainstay in the mobile game since it was first introduced in 2018, typically takes place for a duration of three hours during the early afternoon on weekends in the user’s local time.

Niantic has always aimed to include as many people as possible in their events, but the time constraints of each Community Day have inevitably excluded certain individuals, such as those with weekend jobs or those affected by inclement weather.

Expressing their discontent on Reddit, a player questioned the reasoning behind the short duration and exclusivity of the community day event.

Complaining that they were unable to participate due to having to work on Sunday during Beldum’s Community Day Classic, they remarked, “The time frame is too short for those of us with 9-5 jobs. It would be great if Niantic could make it more accessible.”

Some individuals responded to the original poster by proposing that Niantic could potentially resolve the problem by allowing players to have control over when they ‘activate’ the event.

pokemon go community day classic beldum august 2024

The affected player missed their chance to get a Shiny Beldum

“One person expressed a desire for a Raid Pass-type item that could be activated at any point during the day to start the event.”

Another person suggested that having the option for a mystery box-style Community Day, similar to the Meltan Box, would be beneficial for those who are unable to leave work or stay indoors due to bad weather.

Some were not as understanding, arguing that the author could have scheduled a day off and that the limited time frame was purposely designed to promote social interaction.

Niantic has a history of modifying the parameters of Community Days to ensure accessibility, so it is possible that they may reassess their operations.

The upcoming limited-time event on August 21 for Pokemon Go will feature Gen 7’s Popplio as its main focus.

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