Crow Country Complete Walkthrough: Unlocking All Passwords and Solving Puzzles

Crow Country Complete Walkthrough: Unlocking All Passwords and Solving Puzzles

Crow Country, a gripping survival horror game developed by SFB Games, has launched to rave user feedback. Drawing inspiration from classic Resident Evil-style gameplay, it presents a thrilling experience. However, players may find themselves needing a detailed walkthrough due to the game’s numerous locked doors, elaborate puzzles, and hidden secrets.

You will begin your adventure in a grimy parking lot, accompanied only by your car and some scattered notes on the hood. One of your first objectives is to examine your car’s trunk, which contains a finite yet replenishable stash of eight rounds of ammunition.

Revealing the emergency ammo stash in the car's trunk.
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After making your way through the main gate—don’t forget to grab the flashlight—you will enter what I like to call the Hub area, the central access point to the game’s three key regions. To your left upon entering, you’ll find a restroom, which holds various items, an obstructed door, and a sinister collection of bones that you’ll want to investigate later.

Indicating the location of the bathroom in Crow Country.
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Explore the area thoroughly to gather items and notes, then proceed towards the large crow statue to enter your first primary area: Fairytale Town.

Indicating directions to Fairytale Town in Crow Country.
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Fairytale Town Walkthrough

Fairytale Town is a charming place for mushroom enthusiasts (of which I am not one), marking your initial quest in search of Mr. Crow.

First view entering Fairytale Town in Crow Country.
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One of your initial tasks, hinted at in your notes, is to locate the bronze key, said to be found in the fairy pond. You will spot the pond’s entrance, but a keycode is required to access it.

Advance further until you encounter a man lying on the ground, injured. Engage him in dialogue and offer him a healing item when prompted (using a standard medkit is advisable; there’s no need to waste one of your larger supplies).

The NPC on the ground in Crow Country, ready for interaction.
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After tending to him, you can escort him back to your car, where he will wait for now. (Return to talk to him at your vehicle for an achievement and additional dialogue—coming back at intervals will trigger more conversations between you two).

Upon returning to Fairytale Town, you’ll find he is gone, but in his place lies a scrap of paper with the code to the fairy pond. Directly ahead of where he was, there are two doors: one leads straight, while the other veers left.

First, go through the left door, but be cautious as this will initiate your first true combat scenario (on survival horror difficulty), and also lead you to a safe room. Once through, eliminate the two foes blocking your path.

Inside the safe room, numerous interactions are available, but do not overlook the items on the left and at the rear wall. One contains crucial information on how to access the Fairy Pond, and another is vital: your first map. Plus, remember to check the fireplace, as it allows you to save your progress.

Details of the safe room, including directions to the map and fairy fountain hint in Crow Country.
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Once you’ve explored the safe room, head back out with caution, as some spiders may leap out at you on your way out. Save your ammunition and evade them if feasible, as enemies will now be patrolling Fairytale Town. Manage your ammo carefully—utilize traps, exploding barrels, and strike from close range with headshots to maximize damage while conserving rounds.

Next, revisit the ‘tree lady’ we encountered on the way to the safe room and enter 3184 on the keypad. She will turn around; interact with her and recite the phrase noted down.

Hear me, oh Great Fairy of Fairest Forest!

Directions to the keypad for the fairy pond in Crow Country.
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Upon entering the correct phrase (using up and down to select and left and right to change the words), she will twirl and graciously step aside for you.

Fairy Forest and Valve Puzzle Walkthrough

As soon as you walk into the Fairy Forest, you will notice another room directly in front of you, which holds a weapon upgrade concealed in the wall at the back right side. Even though this weapon won’t be obtainable until later, it’s advisable to snag it early.

The objective here involves balancing the pressure in the filter pump using a valve. Failing to do so will trigger the vents (as noted in an earlier hint, this might compromise your health). Fortunately, an antidote is located in the corner next to the vent override, which may be needed if you make a mistake. Do tread cautiously, as manipulating the pressure valve releases steam that can inflict damage—as you handle it, move carefully around it.

This puzzle isn’t very complex. Simply position your camera to observe the gauge on the pump while interacting with the valve. Rotate it until slightly above the white section, then carefully proceed to the pump, waiting until it’s within the white zone, if necessary, to use the pump. If you miscalculate, dash to the override and use the antidote quickly to counteract any poisoning.

Look back towards the pond, and you will notice a target in the water. Shoot it, and the fairy will emerge holding the bronze key.

Guide the fairy towards the explosive barrel and shoot it for some preliminary damage before finishing it with your handgun. Upon its defeat, return to the training room you noticed earlier and unlock it with the bronze key; inside will be another safe room boasting more interactive elements.

Directions to the second safe room in Crow Country.
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Return to the bird, but this time turn right, using the bronze key to unlock the next significant area: Haunted Hilltop.

Directions to the second main area in Crow Country, this time going right.
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Haunted Hilltop Walkthrough

Our next destination is intriguingly named ‘HAUNTED HILLTOP,’ complete with a decorative skull and bones.

First entry into Haunted Hilltop in Crow Country.
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Map directions and NPCs within Haunted Hilltop in Crow Country.
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Firstly, make your way to The Crypt directly ahead then turn right. It’s crucial to save your game prior to entering, as you will be trapped in The Crypt until you solve its associated puzzle.

Crypt Puzzle Walkthrough

Upon entry, you will encounter a ticking clock, a shotgun, and four gravestones.

To solve this puzzle, you need to check the initial letters from the names on the gravestones and align their respective heads to the appropriate compass direction, using the compass placed on the floor as a reference.

Upon solving the puzzle, a monster will erupt from a concealed compartment behind the gate in the back wall of the room. Lure it away from the wall, as some ammo is hidden to the right of the compartment in case you run low.

Once dealt with, return to the compartment and interact with the handle to open the gate, granting access to a safe room and another section of the game.

Crypt Saferoom and South Utility Corridor Walkthrough

As you ascend the stairs after opening the gate, you will encounter another save point, so be sure to use it. Moving straight from the fire leads to The Cell, a non-functional elevator, a safe, and the storeroom with the NPC behind the door. Explore Door 1A first for some handgun ammo and gasoline.

  • 1A – Door
  • 1B – Elevator (Currently Inoperative)
  • 1C – Safe, Map, Cell, NPC Door

Proceed directly and interact with the latch on the large metal NPC door to grant her entry. This interaction enables a conversation, which you should exhaust for vital information, after which she will take refuge in the cell.

Before following her inside, interact with the safe. There is a clue book to the right that will give a hint about the code, but the correct code is 1872. Opening it yields the hand crank, another essential item for future tasks along with the gasoline.

Once inside The Cell, speak with Julie again to clear her available dialogue. She will drop a hint regarding your next course of action, but first, interact with a hidden panel in the floor to reveal a large med kit. Look behind Julie for more hidden handgun ammo.

  • 1A – Hidden Panel
  • 1B – Large With Kit
  • 1C – Handgun Ammo
Item directions within the cell in Crow Country.
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Exit through the door you opened for Julie and make your way to The Haunted Mansion.

Haunted Mansion Walkthrough

As you leave, enemies will have multiplied in the area, so proceed cautiously towards The Haunted Mansion, located directly across from your entrance into The Crypt. You’ll encounter an owl at a locked door; when you interact with it, the owl will hoot five times, meaning you need to ring the bell on the left side of the door five times, then choose the ‘leave’ option.

Opening the Haunted Mansion door puzzle in Crow Country.
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Upon entering, the telephone will be ringing. Head to the top left corner to answer it and finish the dialogue. Inside the mansion, you’ll find a piano, bookshelves, and clocks, alongside a fortune teller machine.

  • 1A – Telephone
  • 1B – Bookshelves
  • 1C – Clocks
  • 1D – Plan
Directions around the Haunted Mansion in Crow Country.
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Be cautious when interacting with the bookshelves; the title of the book corresponds with the effect experienced if you choose to interact with it again.

Various outcomes include: “Inconsequential”yielding no effect, “Histories Deadliest Poisons”poisoning you, “A Swift End”resulting in instant death, and “Pull The Pin”granting you a grenade. The titles of books might alter with each entry, meaning some may not appear here. After interacting with the clocks, check the demon painting positioned between them for a hint regarding its solution, which involves setting the left clock to 10:20 and the right clock to 11:15. This can be done using the crank item obtained from the safe previously.

Interact with the item revealed within the mouth of the demon to obtain the gemstone, which will be utilized for a puzzle back in Fairytale Town.

Once you’re finished, return to Fairytale Town while being mindful of a new foe type. Implement the same strategy of luring them to explosive barrels to save ammo, but exercise caution to avoid setting off the barrels yourself. Upon entering, approach the left door to find the Swan Puzzle.

Directions to the swan puzzle in Crow Country.
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Swan Puzzle Walkthrough

With the gemstone in hand, interact with the pillar next to the wheel. Use the gemstone item and take control of the wheel, guiding the swan to the damaged section of the fence on the left. After doing so, engage the swan to collect the chain item.

Completion of the swan puzzle in Crow Country.
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Next, we will head towards the new door that opened since your last visit to Fairytale Town—the Mush Room. After exiting the Swan Room, head due south until you spot a large mushroom on your right, directly opposite the earlier Fairy Pond. Enter through the mouth of the mushroom.

Mush Room Puzzle Walkthrough

It’s highly advisable to save your game before embarking on this puzzle, as it holds a higher risk of fatality than most encounters. Enter the Mush Room, and immediately shoot the chandelier trap to avoid being ensnared later. Proceed directly down the room and examine the scrolls on either side of the Mushroom King.

This solution is intentionally misleading; rather than consuming only the beneficial mushrooms, your objective is to eat ALL of them, done strategically. Refer to the guide below for identifying which ones are beneficial and which are harmful. You’ll recognize a bad mushroom from your character’s animation of clutching their stomach. If you consume a bad mushroom, make sure to heal or utilize an antidote for any poisoning.

  • “LENTINULA EDODES” = Good (Shiitake)
  • “MORCHELLA” = Good (Morel)
  • “AMANITA RUBESCENS” = Good (Blusher)
  • “AMANITA PHALLOIDES” = Bad (Death Cap)
  • “LEPIOTA BRUNNEOINCARNATA” = Bad (Deadly Dapperling)
  • “AMANITA BISPORIGERA” = Bad (Destroying Angels)

Successfully completing this puzzle will grant you your first weapon upgrade from the small mushroom that appears as a result of eating all the mushrooms.

Hut Puzzle Walkthrough

Return to the main path of Fairytale Town and approach the small hut directly opposite the Swan Puzzle. If you haven’t already, apply the bronze key to the mailbox to unlock the door. Enter and clear out any present enemies. Once inside, you’ll need to interact with several items.

  • 1A – Gasoline Tank
  • 1B – Crane Chain
  • 1C – Pipe Crank

Choose any order for interacting with these items, but ensure to place the two gasoline bottles you’ve collected into the tank, fix the crank onto the pipe and activate it, then attach the chain to the crane. Spin the crane’s wheel, and activate the flamethrower to melt the resin for the Witchwood Mask.

Witchwood Maze Walkthrough

Head back to Haunted Hilltop and go right as you enter. You will find the entrance to the Witchwood. Interact with the empty slot on the right of the door and utilize the mask item obtained from the resin earlier.

The Witchwood Maze isn’t a traditional maze or puzzle; instead, it simply requires you to hit any glowing green pillars in order to match their symbols with the pillars you wish to retract. The first one you’ll see is on your immediate right upon entering the maze.

Remember to explore other routes, as nearly all pathways hold helpful items; your ultimate goal, though, is to navigate to the center and interact with the cauldron until you acquire the trident item.

Be aware that once you retrieve the trident, the maze will darken and enemies will spawn, so prepare yourself and ensure you’re healed before proceeding to the Ocean Kingdom.

First view entering the Ocean Kingdom area of Crow Country.
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Ocean Kingdom Walkthrough

Interact with the hole on the left of the entrance door and select the hand crank when prompted. Turn it until the spikes are wholly retracted. Be cautious as you step through, as the spikes will jolt forward and cause damage; heal if necessary before passage.

Inside Ocean Kingdom, you will have access to only two areas initially, so head straight and then left to enter the submarine, attempting to unlock the shotgun.

Approach the submarine’s hatch and descend. This place serves as a save point, and saving before attempting to unlock the shotgun is strongly advised. Ammo can also be found scattered around this location, so gather it.

  • 1A – Submarine
  • 1B – Sunken Treasure Arcade

When you finish collecting ammo, the container harboring the shotgun will be unlatched. It’s advisable to save once more as a new enemy type—substantially larger—will be waiting for you once you exit the submarine for the first time. After defeating it, progress onward and look to the left of the door obstructed by gas to retrieve the map of this area.

Next, veer right and approach the open door on the back wall of Ocean Kingdom. As you enter, prepare for a dim arcade experience and engage with another NPC. Ensure your flashlight is off during this interaction, then speak with the NPC until the dialogue concludes. Once they are done speaking, you can move into the area behind them, which leads to the Staff Hallway.

The Staff Hallway primarily acts as a shortcut between Ocean Kingdom and Fairytale Town but also leads to our next puzzle.

  • 1A – Map as well as Shortcut to the Lounge Safe Room
  • 1B – Shortcut to the Fairy Forest Pond
  • 1C – Restaurant

Exercise caution around the crate you find upon entering the room; interacting with it will spawn a powerful foe when you return. Ensure to access all the shortcuts available, save at the Lounge Safe Room, then move into the Restaurant.

Restaurant Puzzle Walkthrough

This area is less of a puzzle and more about careful positioning. You need to get all four sea monsters to sing, so tap the glass at various angles until they sing while you position yourself right in front of the chest. The chest will have four green lights indicating which ones may need adjustment.

Once completed, the chest will open to reveal the silver key. Make your way out the same way you entered and return to the arcade.

Arcade Puzzle Walkthrough

Upon re-entering the Arcade, head straight for the back wall to interact with the panel and utilize the silver key to reactivate the power. The goal of this puzzle is to adjust the points on the machines to reach a specific number.

When completed, engage with the change machine to receive a data disk required for upcoming puzzles.

Gift Shop Puzzle Walkthrough

Once back in the hub, approach the side door leading to the gift shop and use the silver key to unlock it. Inside, eliminate any enemies, then investigate behind the counter for puzzle instructions, along with a small mushroom that will enhance your shotgun’s capacity.

This puzzle tasks you with finding the three mentioned gifts, determining their prices, and summing them up.

The total is 19.75, enter this number into the cash register to claim the magnum revolver.

Train Room Puzzle Walkthrough

Leaving the gift shop and proceeding into the train safe room will yield yet another new weapon, the flamethrower. At first, I struggled with the train room puzzle, but it simplifies down to examining more initial letters.

Utilize the computer to enter the security disk acquired from the arcade, then refer to the plaques in front of the two interactive trains to identify the types of train cars they possess for the combination. You can either try and solve it on your own or follow the solution below.

  • B – D – A – C

Input this pattern into the computer to receive the flamethrower. Afterward, our next stop will be to return to Haunted Hilltop for another key item we will need shortly.

Dungeon Puzzle Walkthrough

We will acquire another key item from this location while utilizing the data disk we previously discovered, so upon returning to Haunted Hilltop, enter the first door on your left—the Dungeon. Insert the disk into the computer, and from then, open cells by matching the amounts of legs, arms, heads, and eyes each creature possesses.

The key cell is the mermaid cell, as it contains an acid bottle that we will need later.

To open each cell, the solution is as follows:


After entering the corresponding sets of numbers, exit the computer and access the opened cell, as altering the numbers will close any cells you had already opened. The other cells contain useful items, including med kits and ammo.

Tolman’s Office Puzzle Walkthrough

Return to the Staff Hallway and locate the wooden door; kick it if necessary to uncover the silver keyhole. Engage with the NPC and thoroughly exhaust their dialogue before proceeding. Inside, you’ll see a TV, a selection of four tapes, four calendars, and a keyboard.

To solve the puzzle, you must play the tapes in the order they are listed on the calendars and watch the TV closely; a letter will appear in green. Use these notes to play on the keyboard.

  • 1350 = F
  • 1912 = A
  • 1937 = C
  • 1945 = And

Input the notes on the keyboard in the correct order to unlock the elevator switch. Interact with it to unlock the elevator located outside Tolman’s office and others throughout the map. Descend the elevator to access the root access area.

Root Tunnels Walkthrough

After reaching the bottom of the elevator, head immediately left to go into the break room. Inside, you will find a lever at the back, which can grant you “root access”. When you interact with it, be cautious, as a new large enemy type will appear and lock the door. Defeat it to discover the combination needed to escape, which is 2663.

The Root Tunnels essentially form a loop around many of the areas you’ve explored previously, with some rooms branching off between them. Here’s a breakdown of the side rooms and their contents.

To find your way back towards the Break Room, head right and navigate from there. The root rooms will now be referred to by their respective weekdays.

  • ROOT FRIDAY – Here, you should apply the acid bottle from the dungeon to the dripping tap on the right, which will allow you to fill the bottle with acid.
  • ROOT THURSDAY – Another computer puzzle awaits, requiring you to balance gas pressures to gain access to a new area of Ocean Kingdom. The goal is to ensure the total output equals 50. Input CO – 17 / SO2 – 14 / NO2 – 11 / COCL2 – 8 accordingly.
  • ROOT WEDNESDAY – A safe room is available here; take a moment to save as the root tunnels generally host perilous enemies.
  • ROOT TUESDAY – A puzzle requiring an item we do not yet possess.
  • ROOT MONDAY – Tolman, alongside that peculiar man from the arcade, will be found in this room; engage and address both of them.
  • ROOT SUNDAY – A power generator that can be destroyed, alongside the internal underground map.
  • ROOT SATURDAY – This room contains a strange model and the external underground map.

After checking each root room, defeating the Thursday puzzle, procuring the acid, and dismantling the generator, you can head back up to Ocean Kingdom. Unfortunately, while access to The Seven Seas ride is available, it remains unhelpful for now.

However, to the left of The Seven Seas ride, the mysterious metal door previously encountered will now be unlocked. Proceed left from The Seven Seas and upon entry, move right and interact with the large wooden box with noise emanating from within to open it.

You’ll find Julie, the NPC you met in Haunted Hilltop earlier, who will provide you with your next destination. A small area within this section contains helpful items, but be cautious of mimic items you may have encountered already.

Even if you’re aware of the Theatre’s location, you cannot access it through the front door; alternatively, you will have to revisit the root tunnels to reach the North East Elevator (found between Room Saturday and Room Sunday).

Map directions for locating the necessary elevator in Crow Country.
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Staff Hallway and Theatre Walkthrough

After exploring, make your way towards the Theatre area, as this is where you will be acquiring the gold key.

Firstly, interact with the curtain pulley (1A) and raise it all the way, then head down the lift (1B). Be cautious as the theatre is now filled with numerous enemies. The telephone (1C) will ring; answer it to converse with Mr. Crow once more. Finally, approach the water tank (1D) and apply the bottle of acid. Turn back and notice a red valve situated on the stage.

Before using it, shoot the head off the fairy, as it will reveal the key sealed in resin, then activate the valve. Return using the lift to reach the stage and collect the key, which will allow entry into Mr. Crow’s Office.

Directions for navigating the theatre puzzle in Crow Country.
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Step inside and get acquainted with your surroundings. The telephone will ring once again; go answer it. Pay attention to the picture frame near the statue on the back wall’s right side, as this will provide access to another safe room.

  • 1A – Picture Frame
  • 1B – Safe Room
  • 1C – Telephone
  • 1D – Control Room
Directions within Mr. Crow's office in Crow Country.
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After entering the safe room and subsequently exiting, it will be noted that Natalie is waiting. Engage her and exhaust all dialogue. The chalkboard beside the projector will indicate that you’ll eventually need a specific code, so deciphering it now will be beneficial.

Projector Puzzle Walkthrough

The chalkboard outlines conditions for extracting numbers based on the images of hostiles displayed on the projector.

Puzzle hint for the elevator control panel in Crow Country.
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  • The first number appears in both Grinner and Goblin. (5592 / 1739)
  • The second number can be found in Guest but not in Puddle or Spindle. (3762 / 3973 / 6413)
  • The third number is present in Lumber and Goblin but absent in Puddle. (1347 / 1739 / 3973)
  • The fourth number does not appear in any sequence of numbers. (8)

Compiling this information, the final combination is 9 – 2 – 1 – 8.

Head to the control room, open the door, and step inside. You’ll find two monitors, a keypad, dice markings on the floor, and a peculiar screen on the opposite wall showing random numbers at intervals. You may use the left monitor to interact with Arthur, the NPC you assisted back in Fairytale Town.

Interior of the control room for the elevators in Crow Country.
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Interact with the keypad and input the code obtained from the office. This will unlock another elevator located somewhere in the central area of the map, within the root tunnels. As you prepare to leave, be cautious—a fourth mini-boss will emerge from the wall to your right. Quickly eliminate it, and if following this guide under survival horror mode, achieving this will also grant you an achievement, as this marks the last mini boss.

Additionally, you’ll find yourself locked inside the control room, but escaping is straightforward—the numbers on the dice across the floor correspond to the figures displayed on the back screen. Interacting with the gate will inform you that the code is 123456.

If you’ve already stepped on some, initiate the reset button on the screen. Then navigate carefully until you’ve entered all the correct numbers, triggering the gate to open automatically.

Having secured the golden key, you must return to Ocean Kingdom for another critical item.

Seven Seas Walkthrough

When getting back to Ocean Kingdom, remember to utilize the root tunnels for a swifter journey through the elevator located next to Mr. Crow’s office. Upon arrival, direct yourself towards the southwest elevator.

Map illustrating the southwest elevator in the root tunnels in Crow Country.
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Ascending leads back to the room with Julie. Previously, she expressed an eagerness to assist once the ride control room door was unlocked, which you can now accomplish. Exit and head to the first door on your left as you depart. Upon entering, the telephone will ring—answer it to further converse with Mr. Crow.

Finally, proceed back into the elevator room and speak to Julie. After your chat, return to the Seven Seas area, not the control room, and head towards the central boat—ensure you sit in the middle, seat number two.

The ride will be brief, quickly interrupted by a Whale. Disembark from the boat via the right side and interact with the large lever to reopen the doorway back to the control room. Julie will be absent, so return to the ride.

Your task is to discover a battery within one of the mermaids. Use the left box to bring forth a mermaid and the right to elevate them from the water. The third mermaid will harbor the battery, while the second will contain some shotgun shells.

Battery Charging Walkthrough

The battery represents the final key item needed, but it must be charged. Return to the elevator you utilized to reach Ocean Kingdom, descending with caution due to the new enemies now present. You need to locate Root Tuesday, where the electrocution machine resides to charge the battery.

To access the charging area, exit to the right from the elevator and settle into the cart, which will take you directly there.

Position the battery into the apparatus located on the left, interact with the right button, and hold until the battery fully charges (you can rotate your camera while holding to monitor progress).

Crow Elevator Walkthrough

Prior to advancing, it’s wise to stop at any nearby safe room you locate.

Upon reaching the hub, make your way to the central crow hut. Move to the back and, if you haven’t already, interact with the hidden panel to unveil a button.

Pressing the button will activate two control panels; approach the right panel first to rotate the crow, then insert the battery into the slot on his back. Next, return to the turning panel and orient him back before switching to the other panel to trigger his walking sequence. This will unveil the elevator.

The elevator to the final area in Crow Country.
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Upon descending, the tiny room you enter will swarm with enemies; your main goal is to activate two switches, one to your left and the other to your right. Conserve ammo by evading the enemies, but be cautious to avoid excessive damage.

Illustration of one of the switches in the Crow area of Crow Country.
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Persevere through to the next room, and I recommend taking the southwest tunnel and resting at Root Wednesday before returning and pushing forward. Once you’re ready, continue towards the lantern puzzle.

The lantern puzzle in Crow Country.
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The lantern puzzle may seem intricate, but it essentially requires you to shoot a number of lanterns that correspond with the number on the corresponding gate.

For instance, striking one lantern opens the gate labeled ‘I’, while hitting two will open ‘II’, and so forth. To navigate efficiently, shoot one lantern and step through the ‘I’ gate before shooting four more to step through the gate labeled ‘V’. Despite having ammunition available from the center row, another gate will demand a total of seven lanterns lit, implying you should expect a loss of seven rounds through the traverse.

Tolman obstructing the path in Crow Country.
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Continue until you encounter Tolman obstructing your way. Interact with him and allow the cutscene to unfold, then assist Julie out from the vent. Talk to both and exhaust all dialogues before proceeding. Interact with the gate twice to proceed onward.

Pass the small pool (interacting with it will heal you and cleanse your character of damage) and climb down the lengthy ladder to reach your next location: The Lab.

Crow Country Lab Walkthrough – How to defeat Crow

Inside the first room, you will find another safe area—interact with the Bunsen burner in the right corner to save your progress. There are plenty of interactions available, so take your time exploring. When ready, engage the intercom next to the large metal doors.

Door leading to the Pool area in Crow Country
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After speaking with Mr. Crow on the intercom, he’ll instruct you to collect vials situated on the table before you can proceed. Comply and return; when the door opens, move forward until you approach and speak with Mr. Crow where the ultimate fight will occur.

Mr. Crow before the final boss fight in Crow Country.
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As the battle begins, aim to shoot the bear traps as you approach, to minimize damage. Your aim is straightforward: shoot ‘Crow’ until he is defeated. You’ll gauge your progress based on the pool’s color. Be wary of flashes of red accompanied by an alarm sound—when this occurs, sprint out of the red area to avoid falling rocks that can inflict damage.

Final boss encounter against Mr. Crow in Crow Country
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Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll be prompted to converse with him again—do so, and as promised, end his suffering.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed Crow Country!

End screen of Crow Country
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After viewing the credits, you’ll see a screen detailing your overall rank—higher ranks unlock new rewards! In my journey, I attained an ‘A’ rank, primarily due to the extensive damage I took to provide you with insights. There are still many secrets and achievements to discover in Crow Country, so leverage those rewards and embark on another adventure!


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