Crypto mains fear instant nerf after OP buff for Season 22 of Apex Legends

Some Apex Legends players who main Crypto are already concerned about a potential nerf after his highly anticipated buff in Season 22. Some believe that it is too powerful and goes against the character of the battle royale.

Since Crypto’s introduction in Apex Legends Season 4, fans have been captivated by his drone. The Surveillance Expert’s ability to provide a free UAV for your team in the vicinity has allowed trios to strategize and execute more precise maneuvers.

Despite undergoing multiple changes over the years, the drone has not been able to save Crypto from a significant decrease in pick rate. He has consistently been one of the least popular legends and only received a much-needed buff in Season 22.

The ‘off the grid’ passive ability now grants Crypto the ability to remain completely undetected while using his drone, unless scanned by characters such as Bloodhound. Despite only being recently introduced, some players are already concerned about a potential decrease in effectiveness.

After another player shared a video of using Crypto’s invisibility to catch teams off guard in the final zone, one of their fellow crypto mains exclaimed, “We must take advantage of this feature before it’s taken away!”

“I am concerned that they will remove the invisibility and make us unable to be scanned,”expressed another member in the discussion. “Please consider removing this post. We do not want any nerfs in the first week. Let us continue to enjoy using crypto for a little while longer,”commented another user.

Crypto’s invisibility in final ring. byu/Rex_RiCo inapexlegends

Some players joined the discussion and agreed that the recon legend currently feels overpowered and should be toned down. However, others argued that the issue may simply be a matter of skill, as players should prioritize shooting Crypto’s drones whenever they appear.

Despite initial doubts, fans were certain that Crypto would eventually rise to the top as a character. According to ApexLegendStats, his pick rate has already increased to approximately 3%, and it is expected to continue to rise.

However, the issue with Crypto being able to simultaneously turn invisible and heal will require prompt resolution. This particular exploit is a bit overpowered.

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