CS2 Experts Believe Game Quality Will Decline Until 2030 Due to Valve’s Slow Major Updates

Counter-Strike 2 professionals have expressed their dissatisfaction with the game’s current state, suggesting that it may not reach its potential until 2030 due to Valve’s slowdown in major updates.

As September 27 approaches, it marks the one-year anniversary of CS2’s transition from closed beta to a full public release in 2023. The game’s launch coincided with IEM Sydney that year, showcasing top-tier gameplay for the first time.

However, during its initial phase, many professional players and fans had critical opinions regarding the successor to CSGO. Now, nearly a year after its release, these pros still believe the game is in a troubling state.

In an interview with Blast.TV, FaZe Clan’s ropz shared his thoughts about CS2 as it nears its one-year mark.

He criticized CS2’s subtick feature, which remains at 64 instead of the preferred 128, as well as its frames per second (FPS) performance—elements that are crucial for high-level play.

“The game is alright when compared to the early days of CSGO. But I believe Valve could do significantly better,” ropz commented.

Counter-Strike 2 gameplay

Professional players have been vocal about their concerns regarding the current state of Counter-Strike 2

When asked for his prediction on when CS2 might achieve a similar caliber to CSGO, he replied candidly, “I’m not sure, but I would guess the game will be great by 2030.”

Blast also sought insights from G2 Esports’ NiKo, who also expressed his disappointment with CS2’s trajectory.

“I’m quite disappointed with the development of CS2,” NiKo stated. “It’s upsetting that with a new title, we seem to have taken a step backward instead of moving forward. It’s been a year now with no significant enhancements.”

“The current state of the game is not positive,” he emphasized.

In recent months, players have increasingly criticized Valve for the lack of substantial updates, with one update even being released containing just a single line of changes, as many believe the developers are prioritizing Deadlock over CS2.


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