CS2 Players Believe Valve is Trolling with Latest Minimal Update

Counter-Strike 2 players are convinced that Valve is playing a prank on them with a new minimal update that features only a single change in its patch notes.

In recent months, Valve has gained attention due to Deadlock; however, as early access progressed, many CS2 fans have felt neglected in favor of the MOBA.

Considering Valve’s recent delays in releasing updates, players’ concerns seem justified, as there are hardly any significant updates or major Operations on the horizon.

The situation intensified after CS2’s September 10 update, which included just one minor adjustment.

“Practice matches and matches started with the ‘map’ command will now run in engine loopback mode to mirror the CS:GO offline default. Engine loopback bypasses most networking code for the host, resulting in one less tick of latency for the local player.”

This is the entirety of the latest CS2 update.

Essentially, it acts as a minor server fix, which would typically be included in a more substantial update for CS2.

“No way they changed the tweet from ‘Release Notes’ to just ‘Release note’. We’re being trolled at this point,” commented Counter-Strike YouTuber Anomaly.

“They turned CS2 into the new TF2,” remarked another player in comparison to Valve’s former hero shooter.

As highlighted by many, the update was so trivial that it was only 12.2 KB, and unless players were alerted to the patch, they likely didn’t notice any update occurred.

“Really appreciate all the hard work and effort that went into this patch note,” a sarcastic commenter noted regarding the update.

Numerous players are eager for an Operation, which has not been seen since the 2021’s Operation Riptide; as of now, there are no plans for one in CS2 any time soon.

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