CS2 Players Express Frustration with Valve as Deadlock Gains Popularity

CS2 players are concerned that Valve is shifting their attention towards Deadlock and may begin neglecting their game, similar to how they have done with Team Fortress 2.

Throughout the years, Valve has created numerous beloved games on the internet. Some of these include Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Dota, and Team Fortress, all of which have gained passionate fanbases that continue to play them enthusiastically.

Valve’s favoritism towards Dota has been widely recognized, particularly due to Gabe Newell’s personal preference for the game. As a result, other games under the Valve umbrella have often been neglected. This is particularly evident with Counter-Strike, as numerous CS players have expressed their dissatisfaction with Valve’s lack of attention towards the game.

Despite the beloved status of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, it has now been substituted with CS2. Although an improvement over the previous version, it still has its share of problems.

With Valve now placing a significant amount of attention on their recently released third-person MOBA shooter, Deadlock, fans of Counter-Strike are expressing concern. This was illustrated by a widely circulated post comparing Counter-Strike to Woody from Toy Story, no longer the favored toy of Andy. In the video, CS is shown being discarded in the same manner as Team Fortress 2, a game that has been largely neglected by Valve for quite some time.

One TF2 fan jokingly welcomed the CS2 Community, stating, “The TF2 Community welcomes you!”Another fan shared their connection to the meme, saying, “Having played CS(GO), TF2, and Deadlock, the meme definitely resonates with me.”

“Another fan joined in to welcome us to the 2015 TF2 state, where updates and operations were no longer being released except for a few minor fixes and changes.”

Despite receiving complaints, CS has not been completely neglected since Deadlock’s initial beta release. The popular shooter has undergone several updates, including a controversial change to jump binds for throws.

This is considerably more than what TF2 has received in recent years.

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