Dara’s Controversial Weight Comments on 2NE1

Despite the fact that Dara was painfully reminded during a show, she revealed that YG Entertainment would purposely restrict the members of 2NE1’s meals in order to maintain her weight at 38-39kg.

On May 31, the YouTube channel, “ZIP DAESUNG,”hosted by BIGBANG member, released a new vlog featuring never-before-seen footage of their previous guests, to celebrate reaching 100,000 subscribers.

One of the members included in the group was 2NE1’s Sandara, who shared about her small appetite and how it caused her fellow members to struggle.

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Dara agreed and recalled that the PD had brought up her trainee days and asked if she had always had a small appetite.

“Yes, so when the members were hungry, I would secretly give them my food.”

She subsequently admitted that there was a time when YG prohibited the members from eating meals and she used her weight of 38-39kg as a target for dieting.

“The members had a strict diet, especially before debut, CL lost weight until she weighed 43kg. Back then, there was a goal, ‘Match Dara’s Weight.’ But I was 38-39kg.”

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Dara carried on:

“I felt so sorry for my members. I think they didn’t allow them to eat dinner or something like that. But since I can eat, I would order tangbokbap and secretly feed them one at a time.”

Despite Daesung’s suggestion that she may have purposely gained weight to alleviate the burden on her group members, Dara disclosed that she had actually undergone training to do so, but unfortunately was unsuccessful.

“With trainer Hwang Ssabu, I did some training but I failed. At 10 p.m., the trainer would say, ‘Order and eat tonkatsu now!’ He told me to do it. But since I can’t eat it, the members eat for me.”

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During the broadcast, Dara and Daesung shared a meal together and indulged in “Sinigang,”a Filipino dish. The actress recounted how she developed a fondness for this comforting dish, stating:

“When you eat this at first, you’re like, ‘What is it?’ But it’s not that sour. It contains vegetables that were not originally found in Korea. It contains things like okra and ampalaya. There may be some ingredients that are not available in Korea.

Originally, I didn’t have any Filipino friends in the Philippines, so I always ate fast food like spaghetti. After making my debut in the Philippines, I went to a broadcasting station and there were adults there.”

She went on to say:

“They said, ‘You should try Filipino food’ and they took me to a restaurant and that was my first time eating it. Almost 20 years ago.”

In the end, Dara also displayed a Filipino characteristic by requesting Daesung to pack the remaining sinigang for her. She wanted to take it home and eat it with rice.

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