Dave Bautista Viral Photos Highlight Lessons Unlearned from Chadwick Boseman’s Passing

On August 29, 2020, the world was shocked to learn that rising star Chadwick Boseman had tragically passed away at the age of 43.

His death prompted an immense outpouring of grief across social media from friends, family, and fans. This response was a fitting tribute to a charismatic actor, cherished family man, and committed philanthropist.

However, it’s undeniable that in the weeks and months leading up to his death, the online commentary surrounding Boseman was significantly less kind.

Boseman had been battling colon cancer since 2016, and the illness undoubtedly affected his physical condition. Looking back at photos from 2020, it’s clear that the Black Panther star appeared significantly thinner, and many media outlets were quick to highlight his changing appearance. A quick online search reveals numerous articles speculating about his “gaunt appearance,””fan concern,”and even dubious guides questioning, “Why is Chadwick Boseman so skinny?”

People Learned Nothing

Chadwick Boseman in Ma Rainey's Black Bottom.

With hindsight (and perhaps without), these articles were certainly in poor taste. Sadly, social media showcased humanity’s capacity for cruelty, with derogatory nicknames hinting at drug use and other gross speculations regarding Boseman’s weight loss.

Once Boseman passed away, many of those same individuals went silent. Trolls who typically reveled in callous commentary were notably absent; writers who previously speculated about the reasons behind Boseman’s weight loss instead began penning heartfelt op-eds calling for compassion. There seemed to be an unspoken promise to improve.

However, that resolve was short-lived. The insatiable demand for online engagement quickly reverted writers and social media commentators back to their old habits. Fast forward to today, where images of another Marvel star, Dave Bautista—who portrays Drax in the acclaimed Guardians of the Galaxy films—surfaced, showing him looking thin and becoming a trending topic.

Websites are expressing concern about Bautista’s weight loss, while Twitter users are questioning, “What happened to Dave Bautista?” This pattern feels all too familiar. If anything illustrates that we haven’t learned from Boseman’s experience, it’s this ongoing cycle of body shaming and uninformed speculation.

Be Better

Dave Bautista in Blade Runner 2049
Warner Bros.

It’s important to note that while I could discuss the potential reasons for Bautista’s weight loss—none of which necessarily imply illness—I choose not to engage in that conversation. Ultimately, it’s not my place to speculate on his personal matters.

Bautista does not owe anyone an explanation regarding his weight, and such inquiries are inappropriate. His journey is a private matter, not fodder for gossip.

Celebrities, like all individuals, do not owe the public anything merely because fans enjoy their work or follow them on social media. They are human beings with their own lives, deserving of the same dignity and respect we would offer to friends and family.

So, let’s take a lesson from Boseman’s story before making ourselves look foolish. And if you came here hoping to see photos while scrolling down to the bottom, I must apologize—you’ve missed the essence of this piece. Reading it, however, might be beneficial for you.

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