DAY6’s Efforts to Support Children with Incurable Diseases

In June 2019, JYP entered into an MOU with Make-A-Wish Korea to extend their CSR initiative “EDM (Every Dream Matters!)”, which provides emotional support to children with terminal illnesses and gives them hope. Most recently, a Korean child’s wish to meet DAY6 was fulfilled, and the members happily spent quality time together.


Last year, seven-year-old Lee Gun-woo was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and has since been undergoing consistent treatment. Despite his difficult journey, Make-A-Wish recipient Lee Gun-woo has found solace in the music of DAY6, using it to boost his mood and find strength during his treatments. Unfortunately, his weakened immune system prevented him from attending DAY6’s concert “Welcome to the Show”in April. However, Lee Gun-woo’s wish to meet the band was granted through Make-A-Wish Korea, resulting in a heartwarming meeting.

DAY6 organized a special mini-concert, showcasing songs that are beloved by Gun-woo. In addition, the members spent quality time engaging in instrumental play with Gun-woo, who has a strong passion for music. They patiently answered his queries and together, they captured memorable photos. As a token of appreciation, the members presented Gun-woo with autographed albums and T-shirts. Notably, Wonpil showed his generosity by gifting Gun-woo his personal keyboard, allowing him to practice consistently.


Gun-woo shared his happiness, stating, “Meeting DAY6 was a dream come true and the experience was out of this world. I am so thankful for receiving the piano (keyboard) I’ve always wanted. I will work hard to become as talented and cool as the members of DAY6.”Gun-woo’s mother also expressed her gratitude, saying, “Today will forever hold a special place in my child’s heart, just like one of DAY6’s song titles. I am incredibly grateful to JYP and Make-A-Wish Korea for creating such a meaningful memory in my child’s life.”

DAY6 expressed their hope that their time spent with Gun-woo would be a cherished memory in the future. They wished for him to maintain his cheerful and innocent nature as he grows up, and eagerly anticipated his healthy return to their concert. Additionally, they encouraged him to pursue his dream of becoming a talented musician by diligently practicing with the keyboard gifted to him by Wonpil.

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