0x803f800e Error When Launching a Game: How to Fix It


Xbox games are among the most widely played by users on the console or PC. Unfortunately, some users are complaining of the 0x803f800e error when they are launching a game.

This error is frustrating, as it prevents users from playing the affected game. If you are also experiencing this issue, this guide will show you how to fix it and return to enjoying your games.

Why am I getting the error 0x803f800e?

The potential causes of the 0x803f800e error are within a close circle. Below are some of the potential causes:

  • Issues with profile: In some cases, this issue can be caused by glitches with your user profile. This is prominent with users using the Xbox Gold profile. You can fix this by signing in and out of your profile.
  • Verification issues: At times, this problem be caused by issues with the verification of your subscription. The solution to this is to contact Microsoft Support to help fix the issue.

How do I fix the error code 0x803f800e?

1. Power cycle console

  1. Long press the Xbox button at the front of your console for about 10 seconds.Konsole 0x803f800e
  2. Wait for the console to turn off completely.
  3. Finally, wait for about 60 seconds and turn on the console again.

Sometimes, the error code 0x803f800e can be due to minor glitches with your console. The solution to this is to power cycle your console.

If you are experiencing this issue on your PC, you only need to restart it.

2. Verify your subscription

  1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to launch the menu settings.Regler
  2. Choose the Profile & system option.
  3. Now, select Settings.Einstellungen
  4. Next, select Account.
  5. From here, choose Subscriptions.
  6. Finally, select the subscription you want to check.

If your subscription has expired, you might get the 0x803f800e error. So, you need to verify if your subscription is still active.

If your subscription has expired, you need to visit the Microsoft Store to renew it.

3. Try launching the game again.

  1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the menu.Controller 0x803f800e
  2. Now, highlight the game from the list available and press the Menu button.
  3. Select the Quit option.
  4. Finally, wait for about 10 seconds before trying to launch again.

Sometimes, this error 0x803f800e might occur because the game encountered an error. Restarting the game has proved effective for many users, and you should try it too.

If you are experiencing the issue on your Windows PC, close the game and wait for about 10 seconds before relaunching it.

4. Sign out and into your profile

  1. Press the Xbox button on your controller.Controller 0x803f800e
  2. Wählen Sie nun Profil & System.
  3. Als nächstes wählen Sie Abmelden.Abmelden
  4. Warten Sie abschließend etwas und melden Sie sich erneut an.

Wenn Sie das Gold-Profil verwenden und der Fehler 0x803f800e auftritt, müssen Sie sich abmelden und bei Ihrem Profil anmelden. Dadurch sollte das potenzielle Problem mit Ihrem Konto behoben sein.

5. Kontaktieren Sie den Support

Wenn die oben genannten Korrekturen Ihnen immer noch nicht helfen können, den Fehler 0x803f800e zu beheben, müssen Sie sich an den Microsoft-Support wenden. Sie haben vielen Benutzern geholfen, dieses Problem schnell zu beheben. Also sollten Sie es auch versuchen.

Einige Benutzer verwendeten stattdessen Xbox-Chat-Unterstützung. In diesem Fall wurde das Problem durch Kündigung und Neuinstallation des Abonnements behoben. Die verfügbare Option ist also nicht begrenzt.

Sie sollten das Problem nun endgültig beheben können, wenn Sie die Schritte sorgfältig befolgen.

Teilen Sie uns gerne in den Kommentaren unten mit, welche Lösung Ihnen bei der Behebung dieses Problems geholfen hat.

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