WoW SoD: All Hunter Runes in World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery

Hunters have been a strong class since WoW’s beginning, and now you can pack even more power into your abilities. And as an added bonus, you can use runes to increase your pet’s damage, too. Here’s a list of all Hunter Runes in WoW Classic: SoD!

World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery All Hunter Runes List

As always, Hunter just might be the most popular class in WoW Classic: SoD. Beast Mastery and Marksmanship Hunters are still at the tippy top, and there’s a lot to love among the Runes available in Phase 1.

It’s worth noting that you can only have three runes active at once, with one each on your Chest, Hands, and Legs. Swapping between them for PvE or PvE situations is as easy as opening your character sheet and reslotting your Runes, but you’ll still have to make decisions between the three equipment slots.

  • Cobra Strikes (Chest): Your critical hits with Shot abilities cause your pet’s next two special attacks to critically hit.
  • Aspect of the Lion (Chest): The Hunter takes on the aspects of a lion, increasing total stats by 10% for all nearby allies, and increasing total states for the Hunter by an additional 10%. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
  • Lone Wolf (Chest): You deal 10% increased damage with all attacks while you do not have an active pet.
  • Master Marksman (Chest): Increase your critical strike chance by 5%, and reduces the Mana cost of all your Shot abilities by 25%.
  • Carve (Hands): A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for 50% weapon damage.
WoW Classic Hunter Runen
Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Beast Mastery (Hands): Your pet’s damage and health are increased by 30%, and its Focus regeneration by 80%. In addition, your pet’s Growl now also Taunts the target to attack it for three seconds.
  • Chimera Shot (Hands): You deal 125% weapon damage, refreshing the current Sting on your target and triggering an effect.
  • Explosive Shot (Hands): You fire an explosive charge into the enemy target, dealing (Ranged Attack Power * 0.14 + 103 / 100 *)-(Ranged Attack Power * 0.14 + 155 / 100 *) Fire damage. The charge will blast the target every second for an additional two seconds. Cooldown shared with Arcane Shot.
  • Sniper Training (Legs): Your Shot abilities gain 10% increased critical strike chance while you have not moved for the last six seconds.
  • Serpent Spread (Legs): Targets hit by your Multi-Shot are also afflicted by your Serpent Sting for six seconds.
  • Kill Command (Legs): Give the command to kill, increasing your pet’s damage done from special attacks by 60% for 30 seconds. Each special attack done by the pet reduces the damage bonus by 20%.
  • Flankenschlag (Beine): Du und dein Haustier verursachen gleichzeitig sofort 100 % Nahkampfschaden. Danach verursachen Ihr „Mongoose Bite“ und „Raptor Strike“ 10 Sekunden lang 10 % mehr Schaden und können bis zu dreimal gestapelt werden. „Raptor Strike“ hat eine Chance von 20 %, die Abklingzeit von „Flanking Strike“ zurückzusetzen.

Und das deckt alle Hunter-Runen in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery ab. Runen steigern nicht nur die Macht, sondern verleihen dem Spiel durch die Kombination moderner Erweiterungen mit Vanilla auch wieder ein neues Gefühl. Ich persönlich liebe den Zugang zu Beast Mastery und Kill Command, die mir mehr als einmal geholfen haben.

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