Deadlock Bebop: Best Build Guide for Items, Abilities, and More

“For those transitioning from aim-reliant games like Valorant and Overwatch 2, Bebop is a reliable choice when it comes to beginner heroes, although he does have some weaknesses.”

When starting up Deadlock, it is highly likely that the first hero you will choose to play as is Bebop, as Valve themselves suggests it as a good option for beginners.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that his kit can prove difficult to master as it leaves you vulnerable to counters if you are not cautious, particularly without the proper equipment.

Therefore, in order to assist you in your gameplay, here is the top build for Bebop in Deadlock, including the most beneficial items and the optimal path for upgrading abilities.

Best Abilities to Use on Bebop

The following is a breakdown of Bebop’s abilities to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of his kit:

Deadlock's Bebop abilities icons
  • 1: Exploding Uppercut
    • Deal light melee damage to nearby units and send them flying back, causing area damage where they land. Does not damage allies, but can knock them back.
      • Level 1: -11 second cooldown
      • Level 2: On Uppercutting enemy hero, gain fast spin-up time on your primary fire, 2x range, and +60% weapon damage for 12 seconds
      • Level 3: On Uppercutting enemy hero, set hook cooldown to 0 and instantly +100% bullets to your current clip
  • 2: Sticky Bomb
    • Attach a Sticky Bomb to a nearby target that deals explosive damage after a short fuse time. Gain +2.5% bomb damage permanently for every enemy hero hit. You can cast Sticky Bomb on yourself.
      • Level 1: -8 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +80 damage
      • Level 3: On Attach, disarms the target for 3.5 seconds
  • 3: Hook
    • Launch out a hook that grabs and reels in the first enemy or friendly hero it hits, dealing damage if the target is an enemy. Target will be placed where you’re facing.
      • Level 1: Bebop deals 30% more bullet damage against hooked enemies for 10 seconds
      • Level 2: +30 meter cast range
      • Level 3: -12 second cooldown
  • 4: Hyper Beam
    • Charge up your laser to unleash a powerful torrent of energy that deals damage and slows enemies’ movement and dashes. You have slow movement and turn rate for the duration. If activated in the air, you hover while unleashing the beam.
      • Level 1: -40 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +100 DPS
      • Level 3: Hyper Bear heals Bebop for 100% of its damage on heroes, 33% for non-heroes

The most optimal order in which to upgrade your abilities can be found below:

Deadlock Bebop abilities upgrades

Bebop’s kit is specifically designed for laning, excelling at bullying enemies during this phase. His Hook serves as a strong deterrent against enemies getting too close, while his Sticky Bomb and weapon allow for easy wave clear and soul securing.

It is highly recommended to prioritize upgrading the Sticky Bomb ability as it is an effective tool for defending against enemy attacks during the laning phase. Additionally, it can also help in clearing out creeps more efficiently.

In terms of ability priority, it is recommended to max out Hook second. This skill becomes crucial in the later stages of the game as landing a successful hook can be the deciding factor in winning or losing a teamfight. Additionally, it is a valuable tool for taking out individual enemies.

Your ultimate ability, called Hyper Beam, should be prioritized for maxing out after your other abilities in the late game. It is an excellent tool for dealing high damage, especially when you have focused on increasing your Spirit damage.

While Exploding Uppercut can be effective when being dived on, it should be considered a lower priority compared to your other abilities. Therefore, it is recommended to save it for last.

Remember that when playing as Bebop, you must consider your proximity to enemies due to your Hook ability. This puts you at risk of being instantly killed by CC, but with a well-chosen build, you can overcome this challenge.

Best build for Bebop: Deadlock Items Explained

To organize your purchasing decisions, we have segmented the items into four categories: early game, mid game, late game/luxury, and situational items based on the appropriate stage of the game.

The first three options are typically standard, with luxury items being potential choices if you are being given enough resources. Situational items, on the other hand, are items that can be purchased to counter specific strategies or tactics used against you.

While there is no one definitive correct build, Valve is known for constantly introducing new updates that can change the item meta. If you’re new to the game, this build is a good place to start.

Early Game Items

Deadlock Bebop early game items

In the early stages of the game, it is crucial to win your lane as Bebop due to his kit’s expertise in this area. To improve your chances, utilizing Monster Rounds to farm creeps and equipping the Basic Magazine to increase your weapon’s poking ability will make you a more formidable opponent for your enemies.

Despite Bebop’s low mobility, investing in Extra Stamina is a wise choice as it will increase your stamina. Additionally, Healing Rite is a recommended first purchase for Vitality as it will help you stay fully healed during the laning phase.

Obtaining Melee Lifesteal and Spirit Strike is highly beneficial since the goal is to attract and engage individuals with your Exploding Uppercut. These abilities will enhance the impact of your uppercut and also replenish your health during the combo.

Mystic Reach is a beneficial item to acquire as Bebop’s abilities have a limited range, and this item can help improve it. Additionally, Mystic Burst is highly effective when executing the Hook and Exploding Uppercut combo to increase damage output.

Mid Game Items

Deadlock Bebop mid game items

At this stage of the game, it’s recommended to craft Slowing Bullets and Soul Shredder Bullets in order to utilize your weapon effectively. These bullets will hinder the movement of enemies, making it simpler for you to successfully hook them.

If you continue to poke them, Soul Shredder will enhance the potency of your abilities, resulting in a more lethal Hook combo.

Melee Charge is a worthwhile purchase as you will likely be attempting to heavily melee enemies following a successful Hook combo.

Naturally, by now they will have caught on to your tactics, so it would be wise to strengthen yourself with Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor to increase your durability. Additionally, utilizing Enduring Speed will boost your movement speed, allowing you to navigate the map with ease.

Echo Shard may catch your attention – it is indeed a costly item to obtain during the mid game, however, it is highly beneficial as it enables you to use a hook once more in a teamfight.

Investing in Improved Cooldown is highly beneficial as it allows for more frequent use of your Hook ability. Furthermore, Improved Burst synergizes with Mystic Burst, increasing the damage output of your combos.

Late game/luxury items

Deadlock bebop late game items

In order to survive long enough to execute your ability combos, it is crucial to have both Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor as enemies will immediately try to defeat you once you hook them in.

If you are receiving sustenance, augmenting your Extra Stamina with Superior Stamina is beneficial. Inhibitor will also assist in catching fleeing enemies or slowing down fast-moving targets when hooking them.

Boundless Spirit is an ideal Spirit item to acquire since it continues to be effective in the late game, while Mystic Reverb is a valuable addition to your Hook as it significantly increases its lethality when enemies are ensnared in it.

Having Superior Cooldown early on is crucial if you are feeling full, as it will allow you to use Hook frequently. Additionally, Improved Reach will prove to be highly beneficial since many of your abilities have a limited range. This item will greatly assist you in that regard.

Situational Items

Deadlock bebop situational items

As these items are specific to certain situations, they will only be useful in limited circumstances. We will review each item and provide explanations on when it is appropriate to use them.

  • Warp Stone: Given Bebop’s limited mobility, Warp Stone can be a useful tool for escaping difficult situations, as well as closing the distance when enemies are trying to keep you at bay. This can help mitigate one of Bebop’s weaknesses and give you more options for maneuvering in battle.
  • Hunter’s Aura: If you encounter enemies in the early to mid game who are building items to counter your weapon damage, utilizing Hunter’s Aura can effectively counter their strategy.
  • In the late game, Spiritual Overflow can be a valuable asset for increasing your weapon damage instead of investing more in your Spirit.
  • Divine Barrier: If you find yourself easily overwhelmed by enemies after hooking them, obtaining Divine Barrier will provide you with enough time to defeat them.
  • Debuff Remover: Similar to Divine Barrier, having Debuff Remover is beneficial in situations where enemies are relentlessly attacking you after you have successfully hooked someone, as it can prevent you from quickly succumbing to the onslaught.
  • Majestic Leap: If you are constantly being targeted by enemy attacks or struggling with limited mobility, Majestic Leap can provide a solution to these issues.
  • The effectiveness of Shadow Weave depends on your level of enjoyment and satiety. This item is highly beneficial as it allows you to catch Hook enemies off guard, making it easier to eliminate them.
  • Essential: Similar to Divine Barrier, Unstoppable is crucial in preventing your death by removing all crowd control effects when you Hook an enemy.
  • Slowing Hex: If you are struggling with enemies escaping too easily after being hooked, utilizing Slowing Hex on your target can effectively secure the kill.
  • Cold Front: In case you are having trouble catching up to enemies, Cold Front can effectively slow them down, giving you the opportunity to hook them again and secure the kill.
  • Ethereal Shift: As enemies are often on guard for your hooks, obtaining Ethereal Shift can be beneficial since it can put you in tricky positions.
  • Knockdown: If your hooked enemies are escaping too easily, acquiring Knockdown can ensure that you secure that crucial elimination.
  • Curse: If enemies are trying to counter your Hook, using Curse right before you use it can greatly assist you in executing your abilities successfully.

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