Deadlock Gamers Urge Valve to Roll Back Mini Map Modifications from September 12 Update

Deadlock gamers are urging Valve to reconsider the mini-map modification implemented in the September 12 patch, as the revised version has become less informative.

The unexpected Deadlock update introduced numerous changes, including map overhauls and a new reporting system designed to mitigate toxic behavior. There’s a lot to process, particularly regarding significant hero and item balancing.

A key alteration in the patch was the revamp of the mini-map, which aimed to streamline certain elements and even introduced new hero icons. However, mere hours post-update, players expressed dissatisfaction with this change.

New Patch Minimap – Please REVERT! by u/Iodolaway in DeadlockTheGame

A particularly popular Reddit post highlighted comparisons between the previous mini-map and the new version, shedding light on multiple flaws in the update.

One significant issue noted was that the new mini-map is “less informative,”as it fails to indicate the tiers of each jungle camp and, in fact, does not even show their locations.

Initially, upon the launch of the update, rather than displaying icons for the camps on the mini-map, it simply provided heat spots representing their approximate areas. This feature was subsequently corrected to restore the jungle camp icons and their associated tiers.

This oversight poses challenges for new players who are still learning the map, making it more difficult to reach specific locations—an important aspect given the numerous valuable crates located throughout.

In terms of visual presentation, players commented that the new dark translucent mini-map on black is less visible than the old light grey on black version, hampering quick awareness of one’s position.

Additionally, concerns arose regarding the hero icons. Instead of the previous headshot representations from their splash art, the icons have been replaced with drawn creations that are less recognizable than before.

“Holy yikes it’s horrific,” one player remarked in the Reddit discussion. “Not a huge fan of this change. The map is so convoluted as it is, the mini-map was really helpful before,” another expressed.

“Yeah, overall it’s just ugly; less informative, and the hero icons are less clear,” summarized another player.


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