Deadlock Infernus Build Guide

Although Deadlock may not be the easiest game to learn, if you have recently gained access to the Alpha version and are searching for a character to begin with, Infernus would be an excellent option.

Valve’s newest multiplayer game has quickly become a huge success, despite originating as a supposed Half-Life spin-off game.

Despite the simplicity of last-hitting minions and trading in lane, it takes time to fully grasp these concepts in Deadlock. The game is filled with various mechanics that can be overwhelming at first. However, Infernus breaks this trend as he is not only one of the easiest characters to play, but also proves to be a strong and effective choice.

Additionally, for those who have more experience in playing, this resource offers a plethora of helpful information on counter-building and selecting the most effective items to secure victories in games.

The optimal build for Infernus in Deadlock, along with the recommended item sequence and ability leveling strategy, is outlined below.

Recommended Abilities for Infernus

In case you are unfamiliar with Infernus’ capabilities, here is a brief summary:

  • 1: Catalyst
    • Spew napalm that slows enemy movement and amplifies damage Infernus does to them.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: Infernus gains 20% Lifesteal against victims
      • Level 3: +10% damage amp and -40% heal/regen
  • 2: Flame Dash
    • Move forward at high speed and leave a flame trail that burns enemies.
      • Level 1: +30% fire rate slow for 7 seconds
      • Level 2: +45 DPS
      • Level 3: -20 second cooldown
  • 3: Afterburn
    • Your bullets build up to apply a burning effect on enemies. Infernus’ bullets and abilities refresh the duration.
      • Level 1: Victims deal -30% spirit damage.
      • Level 2: +1 second burn duration
      • Level 3: +30 DPS
  • 4: Concussive Combustion
    • Turns you into a living bomb that explodes after a short delay, stunning all enemies in its radius.
      • Level 1: -40 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +0.5 second stun duration and +4 meter radius
      • Level 3: +115 damage and 100% lifesteal from enemy heroes hit

Here are the starting and maximum orders for his abilities. There is some flexibility, such as adding an extra point in Concussive Combustion to decrease the cooldown, but this is an excellent guide for beginners.

  • Ability Starting path: 3>1>2
    • Note: Against heroes with gap close like Abrams or Bebop, you may want to grab 2 second or even first. If you feel like you’re in danger of dying, this is fine.
  • Ability Max path: 3>2>4>1
    • There is some deviation here. If you’d like to get an extra point in your 1 for bonus charge or an extra point in your ult for the cooldown, that’s fine. However, following this max path will get you the most success.

A common mistake among new Infernus players is underestimating the power and usefulness of Flame Dash. In the later stages of the game, this ability can deal over 100 damage per tick. In teamfights, if you activate this ability and have sufficient lifesteal, you will become a challenging target to take down as you move through a lane.

It is important to remember that when maxing Afterburn, you should continue shooting at the same target until they are defeated. It is crucial to keep the Damage over Time (DoT) effect refreshed, and your abilities will handle any Area of Effect (AoE) damage. As long as you concentrate on taking down enemies individually with your primary fire, you should have no trouble.

Infernus: Deadlock items explained

To ensure clarity, the items will be categorized into four sections: Early game, mid game, late game, and situational items.

The initial three sections are relatively simple, but don’t hesitate to take risks and potentially purchase a late game item at an earlier stage if you’re ahead or have run out of flexible slots and require alternative choices.

It is important to remember that there is no definitive or perfect build for any character in Deadlock. Each game is unique, and the requirements for both yourself and your team can vary based on various factors. To succeed in high-level matches, you will need to become familiar with the purpose of each item and when to incorporate it into your build. This guide will provide you with a solid foundation and allow you to continue improving through experience.

This is a summary of the items you should purchase at each stage of the game:

Early Game Items


If you are having trouble and are still in the learning process, it would be beneficial to start with Monster Rounds in order to gain an understanding of laning and secure an advantage in your lane. However, if you are more experienced, prioritize Rapid Rounds and Infuser. If necessary, consider obtaining Healing Rite. In addition, if you decide to acquire Infuser, be sure to activate it with your 2 ability and move through a wave of minions. This added lifesteal could potentially save you in a tough situation.

Besides that, Sprint Boots are excellent for early rotations, Ammo Scavenger can assist in snowballing lanes, and Basic Magazine is a beneficial upgrade that can be obtained later.

Mid Game Items


Left to right order is important in this case. To ensure maximum sustainability, be sure to obtain Soul Shredder and Spirit Lifesteal first. Additionally, Duration Extender is essential for optimizing the effectiveness of your 3. Infernus performs best when he has some extra bulk, so prioritize acquiring Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor early on. If you find yourself dying too quickly, consider upgrading these items.

The bottom 4 items also fall under the late game category, but they hold significant importance if you are ahead in the game. These are the 4 essential items to acquire in order to establish a lead.

Leech negates the effects of anti-heal items by providing increased bullet and spirit lifesteal, while Ricochet allows Infernus’ primary fire to apply his 3 to all targets. Additionally, Escalating Exposure significantly boosts your damage output during prolonged battles.

Unstoppable is present simply to allow Infernus to engage in combat and carry the team. This will prevent difficult CC heroes such as Mo & Krill or Wraith from interrupting your actions, and it will also counter any active items designed to hinder you.

Late Game/Luxury


Infernus benefits greatly from the Spiritual Overflow item, as it not only increases his spirit but also provides a bonus to bullet damage. This makes it an excellent choice for the hybrid character. Another valuable option is the Inhibitor, which can weaken opponents and make trading more favorable. For those looking to increase survivability in combat, Colossus and Diviner’s Kevlar are strong choices, while Boundless Spirit is a versatile option for increasing overall damage output.

If you have reached this point in the game, it is likely that you either possess a considerable amount of money or the game has been ongoing for a long time. While it may be tempting to purchase these items, it is important to remember the following section if you are facing difficulties. Buying the correct item is often the key to solving Deadlock’s toughest challenges.

Situational Items


Given that these items are dependent on the situation, we will be discussing each one individually.

  • Additional Stamina: Infernus may not rely on stamina as heavily as other characters, thanks to the shorter cooldown of his 2 ability in later stages. However, it can still prove useful in specific matchups.
  • Lasting Swiftness: No matter the circumstances, purchasing these upgraded boots is a must. However, it is advisable to do so sooner rather than later if you frequently rotate.
  • Divine Barrier: If you find yourself falling behind, this item can be a lifesaver. Its active ability will protect you from high amounts of burst damage. Consider purchasing this and prioritizing damage items if you get shut down early, as it will allow you to still make an impact in the game.
  • Toxic Bullets: This item is effective against healing. It works well with Infernus because of its bleed, but Healbane and Decay are also viable choices.
  • Warp Stone: Utilize this ability to your advantage by blinking in with a fully charged ultimate. It is especially effective against agile opponents, as it can catch them off guard.
  • Slowing Hex: Airborne enemies pose a challenge for Infernus. This ability can be used to immobilize them and bring them to the ground. It is particularly effective against foes such as Vindicta, Lash, Pocket, Shiv, and other swift adversaries.
  • Mystic Slow: Great if you need to keep your team from getting dived, using this with your 2’s flame trail is a great counter-engage tool.
  • Ethereal Shift: Designed for those who are being heavily targeted, this item provides a valuable opportunity to turn the tide in fights. Use it to buy yourself some time and make a significant impact.
  • Blessing: While it may require a significant investment, this item can be crucial in certain situations. If the opposing team has a powerful hypercarry, this will effectively neutralize them. This can be particularly advantageous when facing opponents such as Seven, who possess a dangerous channeling ability.

This is the recommended way to construct and utilize Infernus in Deadlock!

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