Deadlock Pocket Build: Best Items, Abilities & More

Deadlock Pocket Build: Best Items, Abilities & More

u003cp>While Deadlock can be a challenging game to pick up, choosing Pocket as your starting hero is a wise decision. Here are some tips to help you master this character.

Despite being labeled as a hero shooter MOBA, Valve’s third-person shooter game is fully operational in early access and leans more towards the complexities of a traditional MOBA.

Whether it’s the mid-game spawning Rejuvenator, effectively last-hitting minions, or understanding Souls, these concepts can be challenging to grasp.

When discussing heroes, it’s a complex subject. However, if you’re searching for a top pick at the moment, Pocket is a strong contender.

Prior to diving into a game with the character, it is important to consider the optimal builds, recommended items, and the preferred order for leveling their abilities.

Top Abilities for Pocket

Below is a summary of the capabilities that Pocket possesses:

Deadlock Pocket abilities
  • 1: Barrage
    • Channel to start launching projectiles that deal damage and apply movement slow around their impact point. Each projectile landed on a hero grants you a stacking buff that amplifies all of your damage. If you cast it while in the air, you’ll float and maintain any horizontal momentum you started with.
      • Level 1: +15 Damage Per ProjectileLevel 2: -15 second Cooldown
      • Level 3: +5% Amp Per Stack
  • 2: Flying Cloak
    • Launch a sentient cloak that travels forward and damages enemies. You can press [ability 2 button] to teleport to its location
      • Level 1: -15 second Cooldown
      • Level 2: +80 Damage
      • Level 3: +7 Weapon Damage for 10 seconds after teleporting with Flying Cloak
  • 3: Enchanter’s Satchel
    • Escape into your suitcase. When the duration ends, deal damage to nearby enemies. Duration can be ended early by performing any action.
      • Level 1: -5 second Cooldown
      • Level 2: +80 Damage
      • Level 3: Applies 40% Fire Rate Slow for 4 seconds
  • 4: Affliction
    • Apply damage over time to all enemies nearby. Affliction’s damage is non-lethal and does not apply item procs.
      • Level 1: -30 second Cooldown
      • Level 2: Suppress target’s healing by -60%
      • Level 3: +27 DPS

The order in which you should select abilities and which ones to prioritize maxing out can be found below.

Deadlock Pocket ability level up order

Our suggestion would be to begin with Barrage (Ability 1) as it is an effective way to poke at enemies. Next, you should use Flying Cloak (Ability 2) as it allows for easy escape from difficult situations or engagement with enemies.

Alternatively, if you are facing heroes with a gap closer, you may opt to unlock Enchanter’s Satchel (Ability 3) as your second choice. As for maximizing your abilities, it is recommended to prioritize Affliction (Ability 4).

It is recommended to prioritize reducing the cooldown of Flying Cloak when leveling up abilities. After that, it is essential to allocate the next two upgrades to Barrage in order to obtain the cooldown reduction and damage increase.

It is important to note that the order in which you upgrade your Enchanter’s Satchel or Flying Cloak may vary depending on the situation. If faced with an aggressive opponent, you may want to prioritize upgrading these items early on. However, in general, this is a solid starting point.

Building the Best Pocket in Deadlock

The items will be divided into four categories: early-game, mid-game, late-game, and situational items.

It is clear that the first three sections are relatively straightforward. However, it is possible to purchase a late-game item earlier on, especially if you are doing well or have an available Flex slot.

These are just recommendations to keep in mind, as there is no one “correct”build for Pocket or any other character. The items purchased are typically determined by a variety of factors.

Nevertheless, if you are a beginner, this build will guide you in the right direction.

Early Game items

pocket early game

As someone who excels in close-quarters combat, building the item Close Quarters in the early game is ideal. With the high damage output from your abilities, obtaining Mystic Burst is a great way to add even more damage to your attacks.

In addition, it is advisable to prioritize building Extra Regen and Healing Rite due to the likelihood of encountering difficult situations while playing in such close proximity to the enemy.

Furthermore, if you’re facing difficulties with laning, consider purchasing Monster Rounds and Ammo Scavenger as they can help with farming. Additionally, Sprint Boots and Extra Stamina are excellent options for rotating into other lanes.

Mid Game Items

Deadlock Pocket mid game items

When it comes to mid-game items, it is recommended to prioritize building off Close Quarters with Point Blank in order to effectively defeat enemies and potentially pressure them into close-range combat. Additionally, Active Reload is a beneficial choice to ensure quick reloading for an advantage in battles.

Both Combat Barrier and Enchanter’s Barrier will provide added defense against bullets and spirits, while also boosting your attack. This is particularly beneficial for an aggressive playstyle as Pocket.

Enhanced Burst is a solid initial choice for a Spirit item, as it enhances Mystic Burst and provides additional spirit damage. For added durability against spirit damage, consider investing in Bullet Resist Shredder and Mystic Vulnerability.

The items Kinetic Dash and Warp Stone are both effective movement tools that offer versatility in terms of engaging or retreating. Additionally, Ethereal Shift provides another invulnerability option, which can be advantageous as it allows you to reload while using it.

Late Game and Luxury

Deadlock late game items

In addition to its utility in engaging enemies, Phantom Strike also allows you to retain your Flying Cloak or Warp Stone for a potential escape. Similarly, Soul Rebirth can serve as a valuable backup plan in the event of your demise. For those seeking increased damage, Spiritual Overflow is a viable option.

Using Superior Cooldown can be beneficial, especially when applied to Barrage. This allows for consistent poke damage, but its usefulness may vary depending on the situation. Superior Duration is also a valuable option, as it amplifies the effects of Barrage and Affliction, resulting in increased damage output. Additionally, Escalating Exposure is a recommended item for maximizing spirit damage.

If you are feeling too vulnerable and in need of more defense, both Boundless Spirit and Diviner’s Kevlar are reliable options. However, keep in mind that using Diviner’s Kevlar will require you to activate your Ultimate in order to benefit from its effects.

Situational items

Deadlock situational items

While these items may be situational and have specific use cases, it is not necessary to obtain them. Therefore, we will provide an explanation for each one:

  • The Pristine Emblem is a great solution for dealing with a tough enemy that requires additional damage.
  • Hunter’s Aura: This ability is also effective against tanky opponents, especially when you are being targeted by a powerful enemy. It can potentially save your life in these situations.
  • Crippling Headshot: This is yet another item if you need to find yourself up against very tanky enemies, but certainly not necessary.
  • Colossus: If you’re struggling to keep up with your enemies, Colossus is an effective choice to draw them into close combat where you can excel.
  • Despite being fairly mobile, Pocket may still require additional assistance. In such cases, Majestic Leap can be a helpful solution.
  • Divine Barrier: In situations where you feel too vulnerable, you can acquire Divine Barrier to protect yourself before engaging in combat, or even to safeguard a teammate.
  • If you are facing a situation where you are taking too much damage while diving into a fight, Metal Skin can provide a useful opportunity to use your abilities without being susceptible to enemy attacks. This allows you to remain protected and still be able to use your skills effectively.
  • Echo Shard: The effectiveness of Echo Shard may vary depending on the situation, as by the late game, most of your non-ultimate abilities have short cooldowns and may not be necessary in many scenarios. However, in a tight spot where an additional Enchanter’s Satchel or Flying Cloak could save you, Echo Shard could prove useful.
  • Knockdown: This is beneficial if you wish to have a smoother time initiating a dive on an opponent, as their stun will provide you with an opportune moment to engage without the risk of being countered.

That is the appropriate method to construct and engage in Pocket in Deadlock!

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