Deadlock Shiv Build Guide

Shiv is a highly skilled assassin within the ranks of Deadlock. While mastering his techniques may take some finesse and extensive training, successfully neutralizing a powerful Shiv is a daunting task. The following information will help you effectively lead Deadlock alongside him.

Shiv is a relatively new character in Deadlock, having been added shortly before Valve acknowledged the game’s existence. However, since his initial release in an overpowered state, he has been repeatedly nerfed. This version of Shiv only lasted less than a day before being toned down.

Despite the nerfs, Shiv remains a formidable assassin with high burst potential and the ability to survive. Taking down a fed Shiv is no easy feat.

Discover Shiv’s ultimate Deadlock build, featuring recommended maxed abilities, essential items to purchase, and expert tips for unleashing the full potential of his kit.

How to Make the Most Out of Shiv’s Abilities

If you have yet to play as Shiv or would like a more comprehensive understanding of his abilities, below is a complete list of his kit and its functions:

  • 1: Serrated Knives
    • Throw a knife that damages and slows an enemy. Each additional hit adds a stack and refreshes the debuff duration, causing the damage to increase per stack.
    • While rage is full, knives will ricochet to another enemy and apply a 35% slow to enemies they bleed.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: +2 second debuff duration
      • Level 3: +40 damage and +5 bleed DPS
  • 2: Slice and Dice
    • Perform a dash forward, damaging enemies along the path.
    • While rage is full, an echo of Shiv retraces the dash path after a short delay, damaging enemies again.
      • Level 1: -4 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +100 damage
      • Level 3: Reduce cooldown by 2 seconds per enemy hit. Max 6 seconds per dash
  • 3: Bloodletting
    • Take only a portion of incoming damage immediately and defer 35% of the damage to be taken over time. Activate to clear a portion of the deferred damage.
    • While rage is full, the amount of damage deferred is increased by 15%.
      • Level 1: +5 second deferred damage duration
      • Level 2: -5 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +25% deferred damage cleared
  • 4: Killing Blow
    • Activate to leap toward an enemy hero and instantly kill them if their health is below the kill threshold (20% HP). Otherwise, deal 200 damage to them.
    • Passive: Damaging enemies fills you with rage. While at full rage, Shiv gains 25% increased damage and special properties on his other abilities.
      • Level 1: Gain +2 meters per second movement speed while at full rage
      • Level 2: +8% health execute threshold
      • Level 3: Finishing off an enemy with Killing Blow resets its cooldown

Although focusing on using Serrated Knives and attacking enemies from afar can be a successful strategy, investing in Slice and Dice early on in the ability path is a more dependable and consistent approach. The following is the recommended starting and max path for Shiv’s abilities in Deadlock:


While his starting path is relatively simple, his max path is far from it. It is recommended to allocate an additional point in Serrated Knives to obtain the bonus charge, followed by 2 points in Slice and Dice for the 100 bonus damage. After that, you can customize your path according to your personal preference, but it is crucial to always prioritize the dash damage. This is what makes Shiv such a formidable burst damage dealer in the early stages.

In addition, it is important to save your Bloodletting cooldown for moments when you are taking a significant amount of damage. Also, do not hesitate to use Killing Blow to pursue an enemy if you have enough damage to secure a kill. It is more effective to hold onto Slice and Dice and utilize its 200 damage base from your ultimate, rather than using it to close the distance before using your ultimate.

Additionally, Shiv’s Rage passive on his ult will build up more quickly when attacking enemy heroes rather than creeps. Throwing knives at your opponents will help you quickly fill up the Rage meter, allowing you to unleash the full potential of your damage.

Shiv Movement Tech

The knockback on Shiv’s right click generates sufficient movement to warrant its own section.

Shiv’s right click has the ability to fire two bullets simultaneously, resulting in a powerful shotgun blast. If you’ve ever faced Shiv and wondered how he manages to defeat you, this is the reason. When engaging in close combat, it is recommended to use the right click instead of regular shots and to intersperse abilities between shots. Additionally, it is important to note that the right click can be used even if there is only one round left in the magazine, so it is wise to utilize it before reloading.

Shiv’s right click has a unique ability to slide backwards on the map with unlimited ammunition, known as Shotgun Sliding. While it may seem simple, it can be challenging to execute. However, with a little practice and an item or two that increases attack speed, players can achieve incredible speed while sliding, although it may be a bit noisy. It is recommended to experiment with this technique in the practice mode to get a good grasp of it.

It is also feasible to perform a Bunny Hop and remain airborne by shooting towards the ground, although this method will not provide an endless supply of ammunition like sliding does.

Although the knockback on Shiv’s right click can be overwhelming, it is important to remember that it is an incredibly useful movement tech. The ability to properly utilize the right click is what sets apart good Shiv players from truly exceptional ones.

Best build on Shiv: Deadlock items explained

The items available will be categorized into four sections: early game, mid game, late game/luxury, and situational items.

In the beginning of the game, it is important to prioritize obtaining 500 soul items. As the game progresses, the choice of mid/late game items can be more flexible. If you have accumulated a large amount of souls early on, it may be wise to invest in a more expensive item. However, keep in mind that some items may not be as cost-effective as others and it may be beneficial to purchase multiple cheaper items rather than one expensive item.

There is no one definitive build that works for every game. As you progress to higher-level matches, it will become necessary to understand the function of each item and when to purchase it. Nevertheless, this will serve as a solid foundation for you to begin with.

Early Game items

In the early stages of the game, Close Quarters and Headshot Booster are crucial for maximizing damage. Since you will be in close proximity to your enemies while using Shiv, the Headshot Booster’s 45 bonus damage will be applied even if only one pellet hits the target’s head. This results in a surprising amount of burst damage.

Melee Lifesteal can be chosen based on personal preference. However, as Shiv will be in close combat, it would be beneficial to take it. It also provides some healing from minions, although it may not be as effective. In case you are struggling in lane, it would be wise to opt for Healing Rite. Sprint Boots are ideal for early rotations, but if you are struggling significantly, Extra Stamina can be a viable alternative.

Extra Charge is essential for obtaining additional knives, while Mystic Vulnerability is highly valuable for increasing your bleed. Spirit Strike is a matter of personal choice, but Shiv performs exceptionally well with the added protection shred. Melee is a formidable option if you can integrate it into your combos effectively.

Mid Game Items


If you intend to use Shiv’s movement technique, Swift Striker will provide a sufficient attack speed boost. Consider picking up Melee Charge if you frequently use melee attacks, or choose between Quicksilver Reload and Melee Charge based on your preferred playstyle. It is not necessary to take both. Soul Shredder Bullets offer sustain and penetration, while Point Blank’s bullet slow is useful for pursuing targets. If you have limited Flex Slots, you may want to sell Headshot Booster.

Your Vitality items will have a different appearance when viewed from the front or back. If you find yourself in a leading position, prioritize Healbane, Enduring Speed, Lifestrike, and Superior Stamina for their beneficial effects. However, if you are trailing behind, consider investing in Spirit Lifesteal, Bullet Armor, and Spirit Armor to increase your chances of surviving during fights. Regardless of your position, Healbane remains a valuable item for its anti-heal properties and extended bleed duration.

The Suppressor makes trading with Shiv extremely difficult and is recommended to be prioritized in his item build. Bullet Resist Shredder is not necessary, but can be effective against tankier opponents. Additionally, Duration Extender is a useful option for increasing the duration of Shiv’s bleed.


Crippling Headshot is highly recommended for Shiv (and any other shotgun character) if you want to increase your penetration and overall damage output. The same reasoning applies to Headshot Booster. Additionally, Spiritual Overflow provides a significant amount of extra spirit damage after landing multiple hits with your primary weapon, while Pristine Emblem is ideal for dealing heavy damage to opponents with high health and causing them to bleed when they are low.

At this stage, it is advisable to prioritize taking Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor if you require the upgrades. Additionally, Leech can provide significant assistance in situations where you are facing anti-healing and struggling to survive.

Increasing Exposure turns Serrated Knives into a deadly weapon against most enemies. Landing three or four knives and allowing the bleed to run its course will result in a 100-0 kill. Additionally, Mystic Slow will prevent enemies from escaping. These two spirit items are essential to have. Rapid Recharge provides more knives for throwing, while Superior Duration prolongs the duration of the bleed.

Situational Items


To address the various situational uses of these items, we will be discussing them individually, one by one.

  • Warp Stone: If you find yourself in need of additional mobility, Warp Stone is a reliable choice. However, keep in mind that Shiv is already quite mobile most of the time, so it should only be chosen if absolutely necessary.
  • Silencer is particularly effective against casters or characters who rely on their abilities to create distance instead of depleting their stamina bar. While it may not be a commonly chosen item, it can be beneficial when facing certain heroes in combat.
  • If you are in need of sustain and want to dominate a team, Vampiric Burst is a reliable option. This item is highly effective in 1v6 situations and can give you the upper hand when you are ahead.
  • Phantom Strike: If you’re struggling to reach a backline carry, consider using Phantom Strike. This item makes it difficult for opponents to protect Shiv, but it does come at a high cost and requires additional damage items to be truly effective.
  • Unstoppable/Debuff Remover: These two abilities work well together, but you may only need one of them. If you’re struggling with a single instance of crowd control, such as a silence, stun, or Grey Talon’s trap, using Debuff Remover is the best option. However, if you’re facing multiple instances of CC from champions like Mo & Krill or Dynamo, it’s important to have Unstoppable equipped and activate it before you become locked down.
  • Inhibitor: The Inhibitor is an excellent choice for the Vitality slot, offering weapon damage and a valuable passive that decreases enemy damage. This is especially useful for controlling a fed carry on the opposing team.
  • Echo Shard: Obtaining the Echo Shard will give you access to 2 dashes. While the reduction in cooldown when dashing through multiple enemies is a useful perk, the ability to perform consecutive dashes is beneficial for both swift movement and sudden burst damage. This is an unexpected advantage that catches most opponents off guard.
  • Knockdown: Need help dealing with a pesky Seven ult? Grab knockdown. Struggling against an opponent shooting at you from above? Knockdown. Being dived by an enemy? Knockdown. Trying to catch someone fleeing? Knockdown. This item’s active provides a powerful addition of crowd control to your arsenal.
  • Ethereal Shift: If you are struggling with getting bursted down, Ethereal Shift is the perfect solution. While Shiv may provide some tankiness, it may not be enough unless you have specifically built for it. By purchasing Ethereal Shift, you can give yourself some much-needed breathing room and time to wait for your cooldowns to reset.
  • Slowing Hex: Considered the more budget-friendly version of Knockdown, Slowing Hex can still be effective in preventing your opponent from escaping during the early stages of the game. If your target is evading you, this spell can help track them down and hinder their attempts to get away.

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