Deadlock Warden Build: Best Items, Abilities, and More

The character known as The Warden in Deadlock is a powerful gunner who specializes in preventing enemies from escaping.

In this 6v6 MOBA shooter, Deadlock offers a diverse selection of characters for players to select from. However, newcomers may struggle to determine the optimal builds for each hero.

We are available to assist you in determining the optimal items and abilities to utilize with Warden, maximizing his aggressive playstyle focused on attacking enemies.

Best abilities to use on Warden

Deadlock Warden abilities

“For those who are not familiar with the functioning of Warden’s abilities, here is a brief summary:”

  • 1: Alchemical Flask
    • Throw a flask that damages, slows, and reduces the weapon damage and stamina of enemies it hits.
      • Level 1: +40 Damage
      • Level 2: +1 Stamina Reduction
      • Level 3: -7 seconds Cooldown and applies 35% Fire Rate Slow
  • 2: Willpower
    • Gain a spirit shield and bonus movement speed.
      • Level 1: +20% Move speed bonus
      • Level 2: -20 seconds Cooldown
      • Level 3: +200 Spirit Shield Health and now scales with Spirit Power
  • 3: Binding Word
    • Curse an enemy hero. If they don’t move away from their initial position within the escape time, they will be damaged and immobilized.
      • Level 1: +1 second Immobilize Duration
      • Level 2: -20 seconds Cooldown
      • Level 3: Warden deals +20% more Bullet Damage to trapped Heroes for 6 seconds
  • 4: Last Stand
    • After charging for 2.2 seconds, releases pulses that damage enemies and heal you based on the damage done.
      • Level 1: +3m Radius
      • Level 2: +70 DPS
      • Level 3: -60 second Cooldown
Deadlock Warden ability point order

It is recommended to begin by unlocking Alchemical Flask (Ability 1) for the purpose of debuffing enemies. Next, prioritize unlocking Binding Word (Ability 3) which can effectively immobilize enemies, making them more vulnerable and easier to approach.

To progress, first unlock Willpower (Ability 2), which greatly increases your movement speed. Then, as the last ability, acquire Last Stand (Ability 4) which not only inflicts significant damage on enemies, but also allows for self-healing. However, keep in mind that there is a lengthy channel duration before it takes effect.

When enhancing your skills, focus on your initial three abilities until they reach Level 2. After that, prioritize fully upgrading Last Stand as it is essential for winning endgame battles.

Your remaining three upgrades should focus on enhancing Willpower and Binding Word, as these will be the most frequently utilized abilities at this point in the game. To round things off, you may want to prioritize fully upgrading Alchemical Flask to take advantage of its Attack Speed reduction. If split pushing is a major part of your strategy, considering investing in the final upgrade for Flask early on would be a wise decision.

Best Build for Warden: Explanation of Deadlock Items

We have categorized the items into four sections: Early game, mid game, late game/luxury buys, and situational items.

The first three sections are crucial as they provide a comprehensive understanding of the items that are frequently purchased in each stage. Situational items, on the other hand, are specifically utilized to counter enemy mechanics in unique circumstances.

In every stage of the game, it is essential to consider the top items to buy for Warden. Let’s take a closer look at these items below.

Early Game Items

Deadlock Warden Early game items

In the early stages of the game, it is important to focus on upgrading Warden’s strengths. This includes prioritizing the High-Velocity Mag upgrade for a faster and more powerful weapon. Additionally, Monster Rounds is a versatile upgrade that can help with lane pressure and clearing jungle camps, ultimately allowing you to gain a lead.

Warden takes great pride in catching fleeing enemies, so be sure to acquire Slowing Hex to hinder foes trapped in your Binding Word. It is essential to have this and Mystic Burst as soon as possible to assert dominance and force your opponent out of lane.

Sprint Boots are a great choice for gaining an early advantage by moving to other lanes or taking jungle objectives, but if you’re having trouble in lane, you can switch to Extra Stamina. Additionally, Extra Regen and Healing Rite are both viable alternatives if you fall behind in lane.

Mid game items

Deadlock Warden mid game items

During the mid game, you can boost Warden’s speed by equipping items such as Fleetfoot, which reduces his movement speed penalty while firing, and Quicksilver Reload on Alchemical Flask to decrease the need for frequent reloading. If desired, you can opt for Active Reload instead. Conversely, you can hinder enemy movement by utilizing Slowing Bullets to apply debuffs.

As the game progresses, it is important to continue building your defenses with items such as Fortitude, Bullet Armor, and Spirit Armor. If you are in the lead, focus on acquiring Fortitude as it greatly enhances your ability to maneuver and divide your opponents. Additionally, consider obtaining the Bullet Resist Shredder to decrease your target’s bullet damage resistance when they are immobile.

The use of Knockdown is often necessary. It can be used to immobilize enemies who are attempting to attack you, or it can be used on someone who is already under the effects of Binding Word to extend their time under crowd control.

Late Game and Luxury Items

Deadlock Warden late game items

The Warden becomes even stronger in the late game. Acquire upgraded versions of Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor to increase survivability, and use Veil Walker to gain extra shield and stealth when entering the lane.

We are further enhancing the effectiveness of your own attacks and weakening those of your opponents with items such as Inhibitor and Point Blank, thus continuing the ongoing trend. For those looking to excel at split pushing, consider obtaining Heroic Aura to bestow nearby allies and minions with increased movement speed and firing rate. Deadlock highly values the use of splitting as a strategic tactic.

By equipping Improved Reach on Binding Word, the size of the cage can be increased. Additionally, utilizing Pristine Emblem can greatly assist in swiftly defeating an opponent.

Situational Items

Deadlock Warden situational items

Although not necessary for this specific build, there are still valid reasons for choosing these items in your matches.

  • Alchemical Fire can be used in conjunction with Alchemical Flask to inflict damage and debuff your enemies. It is most effective when used on a target that has already been restrained with Binding Word.
  • The ability “Crippling Headshot”reduces your enemy’s overall damage resistance, making it effective for quickly taking down sturdy heroes that you have trapped.
  • The Silencer item prevents your enemies from using their abilities while they are Silenced. It is recommended to use this item against enemies with annoying abilities.
  • The “Debuff Remover”will eliminate any debuffs and also boost your movement speed.
  • Choose the Unstoppable option if you are tired of being stunned, silenced, or put to sleep, as it provides immunity to these debilitating effects. Use it before activating your ultimate ability if you are concerned about being affected by crowd control.
  • Phantom Strike: Teleport to a target and disarm and slow quick-footed enemies to close the distance between you and them.
  • Cold Front is a great choice for those seeking to inflict Spirit damage while also slowing down their enemies’ movement.
  • Decay: In order to limit your enemies’ healing capabilities, this ability reduces the amount of healing they receive and inflicts damage.
  • Ethereal Shift is the perfect item for those looking to gain an advantage over enemies by becoming untargetable for certain periods of time, or for those who frequently find themselves under attack.

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