Defending Marques Brownlee’s Bad Reviews After Backlash Over Humane AI Pin Video

Marques Brownlee, a popular YouTuber, recently released a video addressing the criticism he received for his Human AI Pin review. In the video, he stands by his choice to publish negative reviews.

On Monday, Marques Brownlee, also known as MKBHD, shared his review of the Humane AI Pin, deeming it the “worst product” he has ever reviewed. However, his criticism has been met with backlash as some have accused him of being “unethical” and potentially jeopardizing the success of someone else’s developing project.

In response to the criticism, MKBHD reassured, “Humane isn’t going anywhere,”and posed the question, “If a product is truly excellent, can it still fail due to negative reviews?”

The YouTuber acknowledged the criticism about the video’s title and thumbnail being ‘clickbaity’ and stated, “I understand that concern, but I still believe in our title and thumbnail, particularly the ending of the title. It’s important to remember that many of our viewers who come across this in their feed or subscription box may not be familiar with The Humane AI pin, so this will be their first introduction to it.”

“According to MKBHD, once users click on the video, they will hopefully be presented with a thoughtful, well-considered, balanced, honest, entertaining, and informative content.”

MKBHD reiterated his mission to create “an informative, educational, and truthful video review”and clarified that he does not feel obligated to any companies whose products he features. His sole responsibility is to the viewers of his videos.

The Humane AI Pin is a revolutionary device that is designed to take the place of your smartphone. It does not have a traditional screen, but instead utilizes advanced voice technology and a laser projector. When worn on your clothes, it acts as a personal assistant to assist you while you are on the go.

Despite the initial excitement surrounding the AI Pin, early reviews, such as the one published by MKBHD, point out that it has been found to be slow and lacking basic features. Additionally, it has been reported to give incorrect answers and comes with a price tag of $899, along with a monthly subscription fee of $24.

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