Destiny 2 Crouch Spam Nerf: Developers Create a Fairer Playing Field for Players

Guardians are celebrating following the announcement from Destiny 2 developers that they will be nerfing crouch spamming, effectively leveling the playing field for both console and PC players.

Player vs Player (PvP) gameplay has long been a complex aspect of Destiny 2. With the game emphasizing the acquisition of weapons with random rolls and different perks, achieving balance between PvP and PvE has been a challenge for Bungie. A weapon may perform poorly in PvE but dominate in PvP, and vice versa.

As part of the upcoming expansion, The Final Shape, Bungie has primarily focused on completing the overarching narrative of the looter shooter. This shift has led to less emphasis on PvP modes like Gambit, while continuing to cater to the preferences of PvE players.

Now, with the launch of Episodes: Revenant on the horizon, a variety of PvP adjustments have been introduced, with one significant change garnering positive feedback within the community.

Guardians clashing in Destiny 2's Crucible PvP mode.

Crouch spamming is set to receive a significant nerf in Destiny 2 as Episode: Revenant launches.

The developers of Destiny 2 have announced modifications to crouch spamming for Episodes: Revenant. Starting with the new episode, there will be a limit imposed on the number of crouch inputs players can execute each second. This change aims to “equalize Hold to Crouch with Toggle Crouch in terms of its behavior,” as stated in the September 26 TWID.

“Our goal is to reduce the amount of untargeted crouch spamming, done either manually or via macros, encountered while playing in the Crucible, and we can adjust the value further if necessary to prevent this behavior,” the blog elaborated.

Guardians have responded positively to this change, as it diminishes players’ abilities to manipulate their hitboxes and also creates a fairer environment for console players, who often face off against ximmers.

Kudos to Bungie for enacting this change. I never thought I’d see it happen, but I’m very pleasantly surprised. byu/iblaise indestiny2

“Good now people have to play normal for a f**king change rather than crutching on hitbox manipulation,” commented one Guardian. “Good stuff,” was the agreement from another.

Many console players expressed excitement, anticipating a wave of reaction from ximmers on the subreddit once the update goes live.

“Gonna be a lot of Ximmers spamming the sub once that goes live,” one user pointed out. “Lotta SMG Xim freaks are gonna lose it,” another enthusiastically noted.

This update represents a significant nerf for anyone using input macros to facilitate crouching in the game, a practice that Bungie has been actively addressing.

It’s important to note that this change will not impact teabagging or PvE activities, allowing players to express their competitive nature without restrictions during non-PvP encounters. Just avoid spamming crouches during gunfights.


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