Destiny 2 Disables Private Crucible Match Rewards Due to Exploit Concerns

Bungie has deactivated the ability to earn rewards from private Crucible matches in Destiny 2, following reports of players exploiting a major loot farm glitch to obtain Legendary gear, Enhancement Prisms, and Red Border Weapons.

In a recent announcement on the official Bungie Help Twitter/X account, the developers of Destiny have confirmed the temporary disabling of all rewards from Crucible private matches. This decision was made in response to an unspecified issue, but it has since been revealed that the action was taken to address a known exploit involving certain items.

This exploit was based on the unintended connection between Crucible matches and the recently implemented Pathfinder system. By completing Private Matches, players were able to fulfill Pathfinder objectives and quickly accumulate loot. Through the use of specific Ghost mods, Guardians were able to earn rewards from both the Pathfinder and Crucible vendor ranks by simply playing matches.

This approach proved especially successful due to the added features available in Private Matches. For instance, players have the option to significantly reduce the match duration, and matches can even be started without multiple players. As a result, many players were able to enter matches alone and let the timer expire in order to receive credit for completing the game.

Despite the announcement, the feedback from the players was largely negative. One player even proposed a different solution, stating, “All they had to do was acknowledge the issue and promise a fix by Monday. Enjoy your weekend, everyone.”They also expressed confusion over why certain bugs are resolved promptly while others linger for extended periods of time.

One more dissatisfied user argued, “Seriously guys, can’t you just let us have one of these for a little while? It’s not like it will have any negative impact. We’re not sabotaging your Eververse sales, we’re all still actively participating in the game.”

As of this writing, Bungie has not offered any additional information on the matter. It remains uncertain how they will address the exploit and when Private Match rewards will be reinstated. However, it is expected that they will eventually be restored in some form.

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