Destiny 2 Grasp of Avarice loot table for all encounters

With the arrival of the 30th Anniversary pack in Destiny 2, Bungie introduced a brand new dungeon known as the Grasp of Avarice. The premise of this dungeon was simple: Guardians were tasked with exploring a loot cave in the Skywatch on the Cosmodrome and uncovering the story of a fireteam that succumbed to greed. Although the dungeon itself is fairly easy, it’s littered with traps.

Dungeons in Destiny 2 are three-player activities with varying levels of difficulty. Most of these contain three to four encounters. At the end of each encounter, players are rewarded with gear. Having said that, here’s a quick rundown of all Grasp of Avarice encounter rewards.

Destiny 2 Grasp of Avarice encounter specific rewards

There are three very basic encounters in this dungeon. Interestingly, this activity does not offer too many weapons in terms of loot, but the ones it drops have some amazing rolls.

Destiny 2 Phry’zia, the Insatiable encounter guide and rewards

In this encounter, you will be tasked with defeating a huge ogre known as Phry’zia. Towards the room’s entrance, you shall see a big crystal, with two barricaded doors on either side with a lock mechanism on top.

Once the encounter begins, you must defeat the Fallen captains that spawn and then pick up the scorch cannons they drop. Use the scorch cannons to shoot the lock mechanism to open the door and then kill the enemies inside.

When you defeat them, they’ll drop engrams, which you must collect and deposit in the crystal. Do this for both rooms to trigger the damage phase. You will have three chances at defeating the ogre. After you’ve dealt with it, here are the rewards you can earn.

  • Matador 64
  • Hero of Ages
  • Leg Armor
  • Class Item

Destiny 2 Fallen Shield encounter guide and rewards

This encounter will also follow the engram collection mechanic you saw in the previous one. There are multiple platforms with cannons on them. You must align them properly to shoot the big Fallen device in the middle of the room.

The ammo for the cannons will be the Servitors that spawn on that very platform. You will have to do this three to four times. Once you’ve completed it, here are the potential reward drops:

  • Matador 64
  • Hero of Ages
  • Chest Armor
  • Arms Armor

Destiny 2 Captain Avarokk, The Covetous encounter guide, and rewards

This is the final encounter in this dungeon. The boss will spawn in the center of the room. You must use a scorch cannon to activate an elevator mechanism that will drop engrams. You will have to collect all these engrams and deposit them in the center of the room to trigger the boss DPS phase in the Grasp of Avarice dungeon.

Here’s an entire list of the potential rewards you can earn from this encounter:

  • Gjallarhorn
  • Matador 64
  • Hero of Ages
  • Leg Armor
  • Class Item
  • Helmet
  • Arms armor

Those are all the encounter-specific rewards in this dungeon. After you’ve successfully completed one run, you will be rewarded with the Gjallarhorn Exotic Rocket Launcher. To get the catalyst, you must complete another run of the Grasp of Avarice dungeon in Destiny 2 and defeat some hidden bosses before beating the main boss.

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