Destiny 2 is Changing the Way Power Works in The Final Shape

Figuring out the power level system in Destiny 2 has always been a challenge for new players.

Bungie recently released “This Week in Destiny”where they outlined the upcoming changes to power in The Final Shape. These changes are aimed at creating a smoother experience for all players, whether they are new, returning, or veteran. Below are all the adjustments that will be implemented in Destiny 2: The Final Shape.

Fireteam Power in Destiny 2: The Final Shape

Fireteam Power Destiny 2
via Bungie

One of the main challenges in Destiny 2’s past was the struggle of introducing new players to the game. For instance, a friend who recently began playing would have a hard time participating in most of the PvE activities due to their low power level.

Despite not being inherently negative, it is important to note that players must actively engage in the game in order to access end-game activities. This can pose a challenge in a game like Destiny 2, which heavily emphasizes player collaboration and teamwork. Luckily, Bungie appears to have found a solution to this issue.

Bungie will be implementing a system called Fireteam Power in The Final Shape, which will equalize the power of every member in a fireteam. This will allow friends at higher power levels to join and participate in activities together.

The member of the fireteam with the highest Power level will take on the responsibility of being the Power Leader. If any other players have a Power level lower than five points below the Power Leader, their levels will be adjusted accordingly. The level of difficulty for activities is solely influenced by the Fireteam Power, while your initial, unaltered Power level will still determine the quality of rewards you earn.

This change would be beneficial for those players who were once intimidated by Destiny 2’s demanding grind. They will no longer have to spend weeks grinding in order to participate in activities with their friends.

Legacy Gear Power Limits in Destiny 2

Bungie has responded to numerous requests and included a new feature in The Final Shape – the elimination of power restrictions on legacy gear. This decision appears to be influenced by the recent change in Fireteam Power. Rather than disregarding the power limits that would have been imposed on legacy items with the implementation of Fireteam Power, Bungie has opted to completely remove all power limits.

According to Bungie, players who have dismantled their old legacy gear will not have an immediate way of retrieving it. This may be disappointing for those who have already gotten rid of these items, and unfortunately, there is currently no recovery system in place for them. Going forward, Bungie plans to reintroduce sources for most, if not all, of these items in a modern Destiny sandbox with upgraded features such as Origin Traits and buildcrafting perks, similar to what has been done with the BRAVE arsenal in Destiny 2: Into the Light.

The implementation of this change will streamline the process for new players to upgrade their current gear, aligning with Bungie’s goal for The Final Shape.

Power Bands in Destiny 2

In The Final Shape, Bungie’s dedication to enhancing Power Bands is evident in their efforts to reduce the barrier to entry. Now, players only require an extra 40 Power (instead of the typical 150 Power) to reach the Soft Cap. This modification aims to give new players ample opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Power System before delving into more extensive gameplay without any obstacles.

Furthermore, Bungie has made it easier to reach the Soft Cap by participating in either the normal or challenging versions of The Final Shape campaign. Upon successful completion of the Legendary difficulty, players will be rewarded with a complete gear set at 1960 power and an additional +20 power in the Powerful category. This adjustment has been implemented to prepare players for the upcoming Raid Contest Mode, which will require a power level of 1965.

The Power Bands for The Final Shape are listed below:

  • Power Floor: 1900
  • Soft Cap: 1940
  • Powerful Cap: 1990
  • Pinnacle Cap: 2000

Activity Power in Destiny 2

Activity Power Destiny 2
via Bungie

Bungie has stated that The Final Shape’s activities will have a simpler structure, with two categories: Power Disabled and Power Enabled. This will make them more streamlined and easier to comprehend.

Power Disabled

Power Disabled activities ensure that all players have an equal experience, regardless of their individual Power levels. This means that increasing your Power level will not affect the difficulty of the activity, and having a lower Power level will not put you at a disadvantage. Some examples of Power Disabled activities are Crucible matches, campaigns (Normal and Legendary), Season story missions, and exploring free-roam locations.

Power Enabled

Power Enabled activities are designed to help players increase their Power levels and become more effective in the game. They will have a clearly indicated Power Cap in the game’s UI. These activities include Vanguard playlists, Nightfalls, Exotic Missions Rotators, Trials of Osiris, Raids, and Dungeons.

If you want a more detailed understanding of how Power will function in various activities, you can read Bungie’s most recent edition of “This Week in Destiny”by visiting their website at

The Final Shape: Account-Wide Power in Destiny 2

One of the most thrilling unveilings about the way power will function in Destiny 2 was when Bungie disclosed the mechanics behind account-wide Power.

According to Bungie, “Beginning with The Final Shape, gear rewards obtained on any character will correspond to the highest Power level character on your account. As you increase the Power level of your Hunter, gear rewards earned on your Titan or Warlock will also increase in level. The specific Power level of rewards will still vary based on their source, but the Power gained on one character will have a positive impact on the rewards received by your other characters.”

Enabling this feature will greatly facilitate the process of leveling up multiple characters simultaneously, while also providing players with a long-awaited motivation to revive their neglected characters from different classes.

Despite its initial release, players have been asking for major changes to the core fundamentals of Destiny 2, which The Final Shape will finally bring. As we approach its arrival in just a month, we will continue to report on any new information that is revealed. The Final Shape is sure to bring an immense amount of excitement to the Destiny 2 community.

See you again soon, Guardians…

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