Destiny 2 New “Prismatic” Subclass Revealed For The Final Shape

Destiny 2: The Final Shape is finally getting some much-anticipated gameplay details from Bungie. During a livestream on April 9, players were treated to some exciting information about the new expansion, including the reveal of a brand new subclass – Prismatic. With its release scheduled for June 4, here’s everything we know so far about this new subclass in Destiny 2.

Understanding the Prismatic Subclasses in Destiny 2

Despite numerous leaks and rumors surrounding an upcoming subclass for The Final Shape in the past, it appears that some of those rumors were indeed accurate.

The upcoming Prismatic subclass will be unlike any other, as it does not directly provide Guardians with a new element. Rather, it enables players to meld together various elements (such as Arc, Solar, Void, Stasis, and Strand) and experiment with different combinations to unlock fresh possibilities for customizing abilities and creating unique builds.

Players will not only have the ability to remix and create unique builds, but they will also be able to push the boundaries of Light and Darkness through a state known as Transcendence. This state can only be accessed while using the Prismatic subclass. Upon achieving Transcendence, a new grenade ability will be unlocked, merging elements and providing additional bonuses to weapon damage.

Revolutionizing Crafting in The Final Shape

Bungie’s addition of the Prismatic will provide players with a wider range of Aspects and Fragments to personalize their build and utilize new combinations never seen before. With the ability to merge multiple subclasses, players now have an even greater variety of options for creating distinct and innovative builds for both PvP and PvE.

Additionally, it should be noted that acquiring Aspects and Fragments will only need to be done once, as they will be available for all classes in the game. This will undoubtedly alleviate some of the grind and monotony for players. In a generous move, Bungie will also be providing more slots for Aspects and Fragments than ever before.

At the preview livestream for The Final Shape, Bungie presented gameplay of Prismatic for every class. Check it out:

Prismatic Titan Abilities

via Bungie

Exploring the Mechanics of Prismatic Hunter

via Bungie

Unlocking the Power: Prismatic Warlock Gameplay

via Bungie

It should be noted that Bungie only demonstrated a fraction of the potential of the new Prismatic subclass. It will certainly be intriguing to witness the builds that players create in the upcoming months.

Is Destiny 2 Prismatic Too Strong?

During and after Bungie’s live stream, there was speculation among players about whether or not Prismatic would make the game “easier”. However, it is likely that Bungie has already considered this possibility. With the addition of new enemy factions in The Final Shape and the expected power scaling, it is safe to assume that Bungie will find ways to maintain the game’s level of challenge.

Despite the remaining unanswered question of whether Prismatic will be too strong in PvP, we will need to await further details on The Final Shape in order to come to a conclusion.

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