Destiny 2: Root of Nightmares: Guide to the Cataclysm Encounter

As part of a new expansion for Destiny 2, the release of a new raid is one of the most-anticipated events. Raids are the best place for players who want a challenge to find one. Raids don’t hold anyone’s hand in any way, and players have to figure out how to finish each encounter by a lot of trial and error.

The new raid has finally come out during the second week of Lightfall. The Root of Nightmares is the name of this raid. Here’s how players of Destiny 2 can finish the first part of the raid and get some nice new rewards.

Keep to the Path


There isn’t much of an opening encounter like there was in Vow of the Disciple. There is a short cutscene, and then players can go right to the first fight. There are some simple platforming parts, and forces from the Shadow Legion will try to stop the players, but that’s about it. Follow the path, and the goal will change to “Survive the Onslaught” at some point. There will be a place to put down a banner, which means that the first fight is about to start.

How to Understand Sweeping Terror


Make sure you’re ready to deal with Barrier Champions before you start the fight. Players will need to shoot the small glowing orb right in front of them to start the fight. Watch where this orb is, because it will be important to this encounter.

At the start of the fight, Destiny 2 players will get a debuff called Sweeping Terror that will last for 30 seconds. When this effect wears off, everyone in the group will die at once. Killing Tormentors is the only way to make the timer go longer. When a player kills a Tormentor, they will have more time to do other things. Tormentors only appear after both Psions in bubbles have been killed. Players will need to keep an eye on this mechanic during the fight to make sure they don’t run out of time.

During this encounter, players only have to fight the Tormentors and Champions. There are no bosses that players have to fight. For this first encounter, players should bring extra clear builds. By telling each other where Tormentors are, it will be easier and faster to kill them.

Cataclysm Encounter: How to Finish


Large white circles with a slow-spinning helix in the middle are spread out all over the arena. With these nodes, players will move through the encounter and finish it in the end. This mechanic is used in other parts of the raid, so it’s important for players to know how it works. One team will be killing Barrier Champions and Tormentors while the other team turns on these nodes. How it works is as follows.

At the beginning of the fight, there will only be one active node, which is the one that was shot to start the fight. When that node is shot, anyone standing in the aura around it will get a 20-second buff called “Field of Light.” When the first node is shot, a beam of light will point to one of the nodes that are spread around the arena. You can find a dark shape floating in the middle of the helix if you go in that direction. If a player has the buff Field of Light, they can shoot this shape and it will become a white glowing orb. After that, this orb will point to the next link in the chain.

Remember that the buff will end when a node is turned on. When this happens, players will have to go back to the starting node and shoot the orb again to get the buff back. Try to remember the last node that was turned on. A Tormentor needs to be killed before the next orb can be used. Repeat this process until “His Hatred Stops…” appears in the lower left corner of the screen. At this point, Sweeping Terror will go away, giving players a moment to kill adds and pick up any dropped ammo.

Sweeping Terror will start up again soon, and players will have to kill more Psions and then Tormentors to stay alive. At this point, another node will turn on, and this will be where players can start to get the Field of Light buff. It won’t be where it was at the start of the fight, so players will have to move quickly to find it. Keep turning on nodes until “His Hatred Stops…” appears again. Sweeping Terror will come back after a short break. Keep doing what was said above, and the fight will be over and a chest will show up. Cross the bridge to move on to the next part of the Root of Nightmares.

Destiny 2 is now available on PS4, PS5, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S through the Epic Games Store.

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