Destiny 2: Top Auto Rifles for PvE & PvP

The use of Auto Rifles is crucial in Destiny 2 as they offer a well-rounded and effective way to hit targets at various distances. Their versatility makes them a frequently utilized weapon in gameplay.

The game offers a variety of Auto Rifle choices, all of which are reliable, but some are superior to others. To achieve success in The Final Shape, it is crucial to have the best option.

To assist players, we have compiled a list of the top Auto Rifles in Destiny 2, along with their respective strengths in PvE and PvP gameplay.

Top Auto Rifles for PvE

1. Quicksilver Storm

Destiny 2 Quicksilver Storm Pre-order Lightfall Bonus Exotic Weapon


  • Impact: 18
  • Range: 40
  • Stability: 85
  • Handling: 48
  • Reload Speed: 54

The Rocket Tracers ability is what makes Quicksilver Storm an immensely powerful Auto Rifle. By consistently hitting your target, the next shot will transform into a guided rocket. Furthermore, successfully hitting multiple rockets will trigger an Alternate Weapon action, loading a grenade into the gun.

The explosive ability is highly advantageous in eliminating the smaller enemies that are often encountered in PvE scenarios. It can greatly assist in swiftly eradicating them, which is crucial when facing the minions present in the game’s numerous boss battles.

Monte Carlo Simulation

Destiny 2 Monte Carlo Exotic Auto Rilfe


  • Impact: 21
  • Range: 45
  • Stability: 55
  • Handling: 60
  • Reload Speed: 79

Utilizing the Markov Chain capability of the Monte Carlo enables the weapon to receive a boost in damage from both melee kills and kills with the weapon. Additionally, melee kills will result in a replenishment of ammo. This is enhanced by the Monte Carlo Method, which decreases the cooldown of melee attacks as damage is dealt.

In PvE, you will frequently find yourself in situations where melee attacks are necessary. This weapon’s enhancements provide a significant advantage in these scenarios, as you can rely on your fists to defend yourself when reloading is not an option.

3. Necrochasm

A screenshot of Necrochasm from Destiny 2


  • Impact: 18
  • Range: 34
  • Stability: 74
  • Handling: 55
  • Reload Speed: 76

The abilities of Necrochasm are fittingly ominous, as they trigger Cursed Thrall explosions upon scoring a Precision Final Blow. These explosions replenish your magazine when they result in an enemy’s demise. Furthermore, reloading after a Precision Final Blow or Cursed Thrall explosion kill will enhance your rate of fire and stability.

The explosions are highly effective in eliminating large groups of enemies and obtaining Precision Final Blows is not as challenging as one may anticipate. Maintaining aim at head level is relatively easy, and the chain reaction of exploding enemies can be an incredibly powerful tactic in urgent situations.


Destiny 2 Cerberus+1


  • Impact: 33
  • Range: 0
  • Stability: 25
  • Handling: 32
  • Reload Speed: 35

Despite its lack of accuracy, this Auto Rifle’s multiple gun barrels fire simultaneous and unpredictable bullets, resulting in potential high damage upon impact. Moreover, its spread is significantly reduced when aiming down the sights.

Cerberus+1 excels at clearing both rooms and groups, making it a versatile weapon for PvE matches. It also has decent damage output against larger targets. However, its range is limited, so it is best to use it in close quarters. Save it for navigating tight hallways or smaller rooms for maximum effectiveness.

5. The Abyss Defiant

Destiny 2 Abyss Defiant


  • Impact: 33
  • Range: 83
  • Stability: 35
  • Handling: 33
  • Reload Speed: 35

Utilizing Abyss Defiant will grant you a powerful healing capability that benefits both yourself and your allies upon delivering a Final Blow. Additionally, its damage output is heightened when targeting foes situated beneath you, making it an ideal choice for aerial combat situations.

The healing capability is what sets this gun apart in PvE, as it allows you to constantly regenerate health for your team. By staying above the battlefield while your squad engages in combat, you can make the most of this Auto Rifle’s potential.

Best Auto Rifles for PvP


centrifuse exotic auto rifle from destiny 2.


  • Impact: 29
  • Range: 42
  • Stability: 50
  • Handling: 77
  • Reload Speed: 40

This Auto Rifle is equipped with the skill Regenerative Motion, which automatically reloads the weapon while sprinting. Additionally, the rifle accumulates an electrostatic charge when sprinting, sliding, and firing, enhancing its reload speed and range. When the charge is high, a Final Blow can be delivered, resulting in explosive effects.

In PvP, particularly in the Crucible, the ability to keep your weapon reloaded while maneuvering through a battle is crucial. This is because remaining stationary is never a wise move. Furthermore, Centrifuse’s explosive capabilities can swiftly eliminate an opponent, and also cause confusion among their nearby allies.

CORKS Scheme

Destiny 2 Suros Regime Exotic Auto Rifle


  • Impact: 21
  • Range: 45
  • Stability: 43
  • Handling: 64
  • Reload Speed: 63

Pressing and holding the trigger on this gun gradually increases its firing speed. As you reach the lower half of the magazine, it gains the ability to deal additional damage and may also provide healing when you eliminate an enemy.

This weapon can be extremely beneficial when facing an enemy Guardian, as the damage boost in the second half of a clip can significantly impact the outcome of a battle. Additionally, the added healing effect upon killing an enemy is a welcome bonus. However, the true potential of this weapon is seen when used against a boss, as it can drain a large portion of your ammo clip and truly showcase its capabilities.

Hard Light

Destiny 2 Hard Light Exotic Auto Rifle


  • Impact: 21
  • Range: 40
  • Stability: 65
  • Handling: 72
  • Reload Speed: 64

In Destiny 2, Hard Light can be a highly disruptive Auto Rifle due to its Volatile Light ability. This feature allows the bullets fired to pierce through enemy armor with extreme force, eliminates damage reduction over distance, and ricochets off surfaces. Each bounced bullet also inflicts additional damage.

This method is highly effective against Guardians in PvP, as it can easily overpower them in close combat. The confined space becomes a dangerous zone as bullets ricochet in all directions, leaving the opposing player with no escape and ultimately resulting in their defeat. To maximize success, it is recommended to stick to smaller areas on the map.

4. Tommy’s Matchbook

Side profile of the Solar Exotic weapon Tommy's Matchbook in Destiny 2.


  • Impact: 18
  • Range: 43
  • Stability: 44
  • Handling: 58
  • Reload Speed: 20

When using this weapon, it is important to exercise caution as sustained fire can cause it to heat up. While this can increase its damage output, it also runs the risk of overheating and potentially causing burns. Nonetheless, when handled properly and the temperature is monitored, Tommy’s Matchbook proves to be an excellent firearm.

As the temperature of Tommy’s Matchbook increases, it becomes capable of melting through enemy Guardian shields and eliminating them within seconds. By firing off shots before aiming at your target, you can quickly benefit from the damage buff.

5. Sweet Business

Destiny 2 Sweet Business


  • Impact: 18
  • Range: 30
  • Stability: 40
  • Handling: 0
  • Reload Speed: 0

Another feature of the Sweet Business weapon is its ability to enhance its range and fire rate with sustained fire. Additionally, the weapon boasts a larger magazine to prolong these advantages. It also offers improved accuracy when firing from the hip and the added perk of an instant reload when collecting Special or Heavy ammo.

One of the standout features of this Auto Rifle in PvP is its improved accuracy when firing from the hip. This is particularly useful in moments where you are unexpectedly ambushed, as you can quickly start shooting without needing to aim down the sights and still make accurate shots. However, it is important to remember to find a secure location to reload, as it can be a lengthy process to replenish your ammunition.

For further information on The Final Shape and Destiny 2, explore the variety of weapons available such as Hand Cannons, SMGs, and Shotguns. Additionally, be sure to review the contents included in each edition of The Final Shape.

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