Diablo 4 Custom Character Art Sweepstakes: How to participate, dates, and more

Diablo 4 is turning out to be an incredibly popular game. With the Season of the Malignant due to start in a few days, Blizzard Entertainment is launching the game’s first sweepstakes. Known as the Custom Character Art Sweepstakes, this mini-event will run for four days, after which a winner will be chosen. Although there is no participation fee, those who take part must follow specific rules.

This mini-event is a good way to increase public engagement. Not only does it make the game more popular, but it also encourages more players to pick it up.

How to participate in the Diablo 4 Custom Character Art Sweepstakes

To participate in the Diablo 4 Custom Character Art Sweepstakes, you must first create a character in the game. Assuming that you already have done so, you can take a screenshot of how your character looks or use the transmog feature to customize how you want your character to look.

After you’ve done that, you must take a screenshot and head to Twitter. Post the screenshot along with the hashtag #DiabloIVCharacterSweepstakes. Once you’ve done this, you will have to follow both the @Xbox and the @Diablo Twitter accounts.

If you don’t follow the aforementioned accounts, you will not be eligible to participate in the event. Submissions will be accepted from July 12, 2023, at 12:01 am Pacific Time and will close on July 16, 2023, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

Diablo 4 Custom Character Art Sweepstakes rewards

Once the submission period is over, winners will be selected within seven days of the window being closed. A total of nine winners will be chosen.

Those who win will receive a custom artwork of their character created by artist Brian Moncus. The winners will first get a sketch of their character for their approval. Once approved, they will receive a digital copy of the custom artwork. They can also choose a 13″x 19″printed version of the artwork.

If a winner is located within the United States of America, they won’t have to pay anything for the printed version. However, international winners will have to pay for shipping charges.

Blizzard Entertainment’s promotion of Diablo 4 has been intriguing, to say the least. The developer hasn’t left any stone unturned, and it doesn’t look like it’s stopping anytime soon.

With the new season coming in within a few days, it will be interesting to see what the future of Sanctuary looks like.

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