Diablo 4 Elixir of Magic Resistance: Recipe, effects, and more

Diablo 4 Elixir of Magic Resistance: Recipe, effects, and more

The world of Diablo 4 is filled with all kinds of monsters, many of whom are users of magic-based attacks. Fighting them poses an additional challenge to players because they can conjure spells that do ranged damage. Such attacks can be difficult to dodge depending on their area of effect. Sometimes the best way to deal with such magic-based attacks in Diablo 4 is to simply tank them.

That said, you will need magic of your own so that you don’t get knocked out in a single hit. While spells help in the instant when attacks are coming your way, you can pre-boost your robustness against such damage using the Elixir of Magic Resistance.

To use the Elixir of Magic Resistance effectively in Diablo 4, you must know the recipe and its exact effects and uses. You will find all the details regarding that in this guide.

Diablo 4 Elixir of Magic Resistance recipe

To cook the Elixir of Magic Resistance in the game, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 15 Gallowvine
  • 20 Biteberry
  • 1 Angelbreath
  • 1 Paletongue
  • 2 Grave Dust
  • 1000 Gold

Gallowvine, Biteberry, and Angelbreath are herbs used to craft potions like the Elixir of Magic Resistance in the latest Diablo game. While the first two are common herbs, Angelbreath is harder to come by. You can find it in regions such as the Deep Forest region of Scosglen, parts of Hawezar, and Kehjistan.

Paletongue is a Monster Part in Diablo 4. You can find it by defeating evil humans such as Cultists. These evil creatures appear in large numbers in Scosglen, so you might consider this area if you want to farm Paletongue. Grave Dust is an alchemical element that can be farmed from bodies of undead enemies such as Ghouls and Drowned.

You must be at least level 36 before crafting the Elixir of Magic Resistance. Once you are there and have collected all the above-stated ingredients, you have to go to the Alchemist and select this elixir to craft it.

Diablo 4 Elixir of Magic Resistance effects and uses

The Elixir of Magic Resistance will increase your Magical Resistances by 30%, that is, your defenses against Mana powered ranged attacks used by Sorcerers, Necromancers, and other enemies in the game.

This Elixir also boosts the amount of Experience you gain for completing challenges and defeating enemies by 5%. Both these effects last for 30 minutes after consumption.

Boosted Magic Resistance can be very useful when fighting tough bosses such as Blood Bishop, whose Magic Missiles can be lethal to you. The Elixir of Magic Resistance will also be helpful when facing Elias, Lilith’s right-hand man in Diablo 4, and his attack Crimson Ripple, which will do damage no matter what. So the best way to be prepared is using the Elixir.

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