Diablo 4 Ending Explained: Potential Storylines for Future Annual DLC Expansions

Diablo 4 Ending Explained: Potential Storylines for Future Annual DLC Expansions

After the credits of Diablo 4 conclude, you might find yourself with lingering questions. This article provides a comprehensive explanation of the Diablo 4 ending and speculates on the potential direction of the story moving forward.

Diablo 4 concludes with multiple cliffhangers, indicating that the conflict between angels and demons is far from finished. Blizzard has already announced the introduction of new story content every few months, suggesting that the core narrative of Diablo 4 serves merely as an introduction to an expansive saga.

As we await the Vessel of Hatred DLC and subsequent story expansions, let’s delve into the plot of Diablo 4 and consider the potential future narrative arcs. Prepare to explore the dark depths of the Burning Hells – here’s the explanation of the Diablo 4 ending.

Inarius in Diablo 4

Inarius confronts Lilith.

Diablo 4 Story Overview

Set 50 years after Diablo 3, the stage of Diablo 4 unfolds in Sanctuary, which has enjoyed a period free from invasions by the Prime and Lesser Evils. However, a religious faction has emerged, idolizing the fallen angel Inarius, while a smaller sect venerates the exiled demon princess, Lilith.

Lilith, the progeny of the Prime Evil Mephisto, was cast out of Hell by her father after her forbidden romance with Inarius led to the birth of Sanctuary. Their goal was to escape the unending battle between Heaven and Hell, but their Nephalem offspring were deemed abominations, hunted to near extinction by both angels and demons.

In retaliation, Lilith became a tyrant, turning her children into weapons used against both realms. To protect reality, Inarius imprisoned her in a dark void before embarking on his own exile. The Nephalem would eventually evolve into humanity, with remnants of their powers lying dormant in certain individuals.

At the outset of Diablo 4, Lilith’s followers succeed in summoning her back to Sanctuary, where she seeks to reclaim her dominion while plotting an attack on Hell to eliminate the Prime Evils, beginning with her father, Mephisto.

Inarius, weary of Sanctuary, desires a return to Heaven. He believes that killing Lilith would restore his favor with the Aegis council. This belief leads him to murder their son, Rathma—leader of the Necromancers and a Nephalem—when Rathma refuses to take sides. Inarius aids the player in hunting Lilith, who leaves a path of destruction in her wake. However, he attempts to sabotage the plan to trap Lilith in a Soulstone, as he aims to kill her instead.

Lilith and Inarius
Blizzard Entertainment

Inarius attempts to eliminate Lilith.

Explaining the Diablo 4 Ending

Mephisto seeks to form an alliance with the player to halt Lilith, but they rebuff the Lord of Hatred’s offer. Similarly, Lilith tries to recruit the player, only to be refused. As Inarius assaults Lilith on her way to confront Mephisto, she cleverly coerces him into hesitating, resulting in his death.

Upon reaching Mephisto’s palace, the player and their ally, Nyrelle, recognize him as a greater threat than Lilith, deciding to entrap him in the Soulstone instead of her. This choice prevents Lilith from absorbing his essence, akin to Diablo’s actions in Diablo 3.

Infuriated, Lilith launches an attack on the player, but after an intense battle, she is ultimately defeated. Although she disintegrates into dust, she ominously warns the player that the Prime Evils will return and that Sanctuary is doomed without her to safeguard against them. A vision of Diablo suggests his potential return looms closer.

Nyrelle appropriates Mephisto’s Soulstone and departs on a ship, her motivations remaining shrouded in mystery. She writes to the player, pleading for them not to pursue her and to trust her judgment.

In the closing scene, Mephisto’s wolf aspect is seen stalking Nyrelle, hinting that the characters may have unwittingly fallen into the Prime Evil’s scheme by eliminating Lilith and allowing one of them to return to Sanctuary.

Lilith kills Inarius
Blizzard Entertainment

Lilith eliminates Inarius at the conclusion of Diablo 4.

Potential Future Developments in Diablo 4

Mephisto is set to become the next major antagonist, drawing the player back to the jungle city of Kurast, a locale previously threatened by him in Diablo 2.

With Mephisto now back in Sanctuary, he begins to manipulate Nyrelle, potentially grooming her as his Vessel of Hatred, while Diablo and Baal likely plot their own returns. Was this always part of the Prime Evil’s plan? With Lilith—once their most formidable adversary—out of the picture, their re-entry into Sanctuary seems more plausible.

Historically, the Prime Evils have exploited their soulstones to taint and dominate those who possess them.


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