Diablo 4 player discovers incredibly rare ‘Legendary’ items that defy logic

We might be skeptical if a Diablo 4 player claimed to have received an item drop that surpasses Uber rarity, but seeing proof would convince us otherwise.

The game title for Diablo 4 is centered around loot, and Blizzard has put in a significant amount of effort to ensure that it meets expectations. Through Season 4, the game’s itemization mechanics were completely revamped, with permanent changes that will continue to be implemented in all future updates.

Despite the improvements made to increase the thrill of receiving standard item drops in the game, the ultimate goal remains the continuously growing collection of Unique and Uber Unique gear. These highly sought after items are not only prized for their strength, but also for their incredibly limited availability. Recently, a Diablo 4 player may have come across something even more rare than an Uber item.

Fr0zenberg‘, a Reddit user, recently shared a fascinating discovery on the Diablo 4 Subreddit. They showcased a piece of gear that defies all logic, claiming to have obtained a “legendary”Rare item. This is certainly one of the most intriguing finds in the game’s history.

I got a “Legendary”Rare item… byu/FR0ZENBERG indiablo4

The item in question, known as Paragon’s Ire, is classified as a Rare drop and is easily identifiable by its yellow UI coloring. In addition to the three expected Affixes, it also possesses a fourth Affix with all the characteristics of a Legendary (orange) drop.

Fr0zenberg reached out to the community to inquire if anyone had encountered a similar situation, and the unanimous response was negative.

One Diablo 4 player speculated that this may be even rarer than an Uber Unique, stating that it should not even be possible.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the Paragon’s Ire retains a Damage Reduction Affix, which goes against the Season 4 reworks. Currently, the only means of obtaining Damage Reduction is through the Paragon Board.

The item drop was met with bewilderment, and a player even went as far as accusing Fr0zenberg of editing the image in a comment thread that has since been deleted. However, this theory was promptly disproved when Fr0zenberg shared a video showing the item in their inventory.

Because someone didn’t believe my last post, I made a video. byu/FR0ZENBERG indiablo4

It is evident that the drop is a bug, however, it appears to be an extremely uncommon occurrence as the community is expressing great surprise. Despite having played countless hours of Diablo 4, we have never encountered anything similar.

There is a chance that this bug will be fixed when Diablo 4 Season 5 is released on August 6, 2024. Therefore, if you are attempting to replicate it, you should do so quickly.

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