Diablo 4 Season 3 has some interesting additions, and one of them has become a community favorite. Players are therefore begging Blizzard to keep it.
The Diablo 4 Assembly Season got off to a bit of a rocky start. Indeed, fans of the game rushed to criticize the new seasonal mechanics. Even the most prominent streamers had difficulty finding merit in Season 3.
Fortunately, the most recent patch for Diablo 4 Season 3 has caused players to completely change their minds. The changes to Vaults, the heart of this season, have reinvigorated Diablo 4 fans.
Now that the anger has subsided, the players see the season in a new light. And finally, they notice more positives. And they’re asking Blizzard to make it a permanent feature.
Players want the Hall of Doors to stay in Diablo 4 after Season 3
Indeed, this location provides access to all relevant sellers in a restricted area. Towns in Diablo 4 aren’t particularly difficult to navigate, but it can be frustrating when the two vendors you need are opposites.
The convenience of the Hall of Doors compared to other cities in Diablo 4 has definitely changed players’ habits. “There’s no going back, Blizz,” said player u/Such_Performance229, who made the Reddit post.
Please keep Gatehall once the season is over byu/Such_Performance229 indiablo4
Several people agreed that the Hall of Doors should become a permanent addition to Diablo 4 in the future. Although the details are debatable on how to implement it, one suggestion has had a lot of success.
“Turn the Whispering Tree base into a full base like the Hall of Doors,” one player suggested. This would probably be the easiest method, as all the site needs is an Occultist and an Alchemist.
The Diablo 4 development team has done a good job integrating requested seasonal content. Making Infernal Waves permanent particularly pleased players.
Hopefully the suggestion to make the Hall of Doors from Diablo 4 Season 3 permanent will be heard.
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