Diablo 4 players versus private profiles in Tournament leaderboards

Tournament leaderboards in Diablo 4 allow players to check which builds are being used by top-ranked players. However, players have discovered that these profiles are private, so they are requesting that they be made public.

The Tournament is an Endless Dungeon that was added to Diablo 4 with update 1.3.3. This activity also has a weekly leaderboard. As mentioned by Blizzard, players would also have the ability to inspect the builds of players already on the board.

As they have already begun venturing into the Tournament with the aim of being immortalized, they have spotted a small problem. Despite the option to inspect builds, players realized that most of these builds were in private mode.

Diablo 4 players disappointed at not being able to access Tournament player builds

Player Beginning-Advice-168 shared his opinion on Reddit about this. According to him, the rankings for the Tournament are “useless” because of the private profiles. He believes that developers should allow everyone to see at least the basic skills and character.

Make Gauntlet Profiles Public. byu/Beginning-Advice-168 indiablo4

One player responded by saying: “The fact that this is the ‘current’ build makes it even more useless, there are a few in the top 10 with level 1 gear and just 5 useless skills to confuse people lol.”

Another player agreed with the poster and said: “I don’t think it should be hidden.”The Diablo 4 Tournament challenge isn’t just about the skills and equipment you have. There is a degree of strategy and perhaps a degree of luck in how you move and when you activate enemy spawn pylons.”

A few players pointed out that Diablo 3 had a similar feature. They also found it surprising that Blizzard did not implement public leaderboards in Diablo 4 with the Tournament.

One fan commented wryly, “Apparently the technology that allowed this for years in D3 isn’t available for a feature they’ve been planning for at least a year for D4.”

Since the activity has just been introduced, it’s possible that the developers will end up listening to players. They will then implement changes and fixes based on feedback from Diablo 4 players.

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