Diablo 4 Season 3 Class Balancing: All Buffs and nerfs

Season 3 of Diablo 4 promises an exciting adventure, with classes rebalanced for the occasion. Discover the buffs and nerfs of the Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Wizard and Thief.

Season 3 of Diablo 4 – or rather the Season of Assemblies – will have kept its mysteries until the end, only revealing the big of its mechanics, QoL improvements and new features only a few days before the fateful date of January 23, 2024.

Blizzard has confirmed that balancing has been one of the big objectives of this new season. As such, many builds have been carefully modified for each class, in order to offer players an ever-increasing diversity of viable builds.

Without further ado, here are the buffs, nerfs and new items for each class in Diablo 4 for the Assemblies Season.


Diablo 4 Class Balancing | Assembly Season

Here are the changes announced by Blizzard regarding class balancing for Season 3. They come from the official Blizzard blog.< /span>


The Barbarian class of Diablo 4
Blizzard Entertainment

New items

Ring of the Hungry

  • Rip’s duration increases by 2–4 sec. Dealing damage to opponents with your combat skills applies 2 stacks of Rending bleed. Can affect each opponent only once every 4 sec.

Aspect of Sundered Earth – Attack

  • Every 25 sec, Uprising necessarily overwhelms and deals 10–20% additional damage. This delay is reduced by 4 sec when Uprising overwhelms a boss or elite monster.



  • Base damage increased by 900%, from 0.25 to 2.50.
  • Damage when hitting Enhanced Charge obstacles increased by 150%, from 0.6 to 1.5.
  • Energetic Charge no longer needs to crash into obstacles to reduce Charge’s cooldown. If you charge a boss, now reduces the cooldown by 6 sec.


  • Base damage increased by 30%.

Passive skills

Force brute

  • Overwhelm damage reduced from 15% to 8% per rank.

Arsenal ambulance

  • Duration of each weapon bonus increased from 8 to 10 sec.
  • Additional damage increased from 15% to 20% when all bonuses are active.
  • If all bonuses are active, your attack speed increases by 20%.

Without restraint

  • Berserker’s Rage effect damage bonus increased from 60% to 100%.

Gaping wounds

  • Bonus bleed amount increased from 115% to 140%.
  • Overwhelm explosion damage increased from 70% to 85%.

Weapon Expertise

  • Expertise leveling has been reduced by 50%.


Mobilization Glyph

  • Now reduces the cooldown of all non-shout skills by 4 sec, instead of all shout skills by 1.2 sec.

Updated objects

Aspect of Resounding Fury – Resource

  • You now generate 6–10 Fury per second while a Shout skill is active, instead of 2–4 Fury per second for each active Shout skill.

Aspect of Infinite Rage – Attack

  • You now have 5 sec to use the damage bonus.

Combat Veteran Skin – Attack

  • Stack damage bonus reduced from 15–20% to 6–8%, up to maximum bonus reduced from 225–300% to 30–40%.

Aspect of Ancestral Charge – Attack

  • Damage bonus reduced from 75–125% to 20–30%.

Aspect of Overflowing Anger – Attack

  • Weapon proficiency damage bonus reduced from 82–100% to 40–60%.
  • You now have 5 sec to use the damage bonus.

Ring of Red Fury

  • You now have 5 sec to use the damage bonus.


Diablo 4 Druid
Blizzard Entertainment

New items

Unsung Ascetic Bandages

  • Storm gains 1 additional strike each time it expands. Storm’s critical hits double Lightning Strikes, dealing 10–20% more damage.

Virulent Aspect – Attributes

  • When Rabid Bite infects an opponent, its cooldown is reduced by 0.3–0.6 sec. Cooldown reduction triples when infecting elite targets.


Reinforced rabies bite

  • Maximum damage bonus increased from 30% to 60%.


  • Cooldown reduced from 45 to 35 sec.

Primordial laceration

  • Functionality changed: Laceration heals you for 3% of your maximum health and for 6% on a critical hit.


  • Whirlwind damage increased from 23% to 46%.
  • Lightning damage increased from 77% to 95%.

Supreme cataclysm

  • Vulnerability duration increased from 3 to 6 sec.

Passive skills


  • Additional healing received increased from 5% to 6% per rank.

Thick skin

  • Amount of fortification obtained increased from 6.4% to 10% per rank.

Without restraint

  • Reduced duration of out of control effects increased from 3% to 5% per rank.
  • This effect is doubled (instead of tripled) when you benefit from a fortification greater than 50%.

Natural vigor

  • Amount of fortification obtained with the Metamorphosis skill increased from 1.4% to 2% per rank.

Bestial Rampage

  • Required duration of Transfiguration reduced from 2.5 to 2 sec.
  • Attack speed bonus increased from 25% to 30%.

Benefits of spirits

Spiny skin

  • Spines increased from 0.15 to 0.6 (from 1194 to 4776).

Gift of the deer

  • Maximum Spirit increased from 10 to 20.

Avian anger

  • The critical damage bonus is now multiplicative (instead of additive).



  • Bonus chance of getting a lucky strike increased from 15% to 20%.


  • Barrier increased by 5% of maximum health to 15%.
  • Duration increased from 4 to 6 sec.


  • Companion skill passive feature damage bonus increased from 80% to 120%.

Updated objects

Aspect of the Troubled Beast

  • Previous Aspect: When dashing towards opponents, Shred searches for nearby poisoned targets and instantly deals 70–100% poison damage.
  • New Aspect: When dashing towards opponents, Shred searches for nearby poisoned targets and deals 20–40%[x] increased damage.

Metamorphic rock appearance

  • Rock spirit cost reduced from 50 to 40 points.

Aspect of the Insatiable

  • Spirit generation and damage bonus increased from 20–30% to 30–40%.

Aspect of retaliation

  • Damage bonus reduced from 20–40% to 20–30%.


Necromancer in Diablo 4
Running Studios

New items

Harness of Mutilation

  • You are subject to a Direct Debit. If the latter deals damage to you, it instead grants you an amount of fortification worth 1–2% of your maximum health and has a 5% chance of spawning a blood orb. Levy deals 10–20%[x] additional damage.

Aspect of the Fragmented Mind – Attack

  • Casting Bone Spirit also throws 18 bone shards everywhere, dealing 200–400%[x] additional damage and generating 6 essence points per opponent hit.


Iron Maiden

  • Damage increased from 0.2 to 0.3.

Vierge de fer horrible

  • Damage bonus increased from 20% to 30%.

Explosion macabre

  • Chance of getting a lucky strike reduced from 40% to 25%.
  • Base damage increased from 50% to 70%.
  • Ghoulish Festering Blast damage increased from 110% to 95%.


  • Damage over time increased from 80% to 95%.


  • Initial damage increased from 66% to 75%.
  • Return damage increased from 21% to 25%.

Bone Spirit

  • Damage increased by 4% for each Essence point spent when using Bone Spirit (was 3%).

Dreadful bone spirit

  • Now restores 30% of your maximum Essence instead of 30 Essence.

Sidekick Decay

  • Previous Skill: You and your minions deal 10%[x] additional damage to Decaying opponents.
  • New Skill: Every 1.5 sec, Decay leaves opponents vulnerable for 4 sec.

Adept Breakdown

  • Previous Skill: Decay slows opponents by 50%.
  • New Skill: Decay slows opponents by 50%. If you channel this skill for at least 1.5 sec and then interrupt the channel, you gain 30%[+] movement speed for 5 sec.

Dreadful blood mist

  • Previous Skill: Blood Mist grants you an amount of fortification equal to 0.5% of your maximum health each time it hits a target.
  • New Skill: You gain a +10% chance to critically strike for 4 sec when Blood Mist ends.

Bone Prison

  • Players and allied minions can now freely pass through the walls of Bone Prison.
  • The functionality of Reinforced Bone Prison and Funeral Bone Prison has been swapped.

Reinforced Bone Prison

  • Targets trapped in Bone Prison are vulnerable.

Funeral Bone Prison

  • If a target is trapped by Bone Prison, you gain 25 essence points plus 5 additional points per target trapped.

Dreadful Bone Prison

  • Previous functionality: You gain an amount of fortification equal to 8% of your maximum health for each target trapped by Bone Prison.
  • New Feature: Reduces your active cooldowns by 0.5 sec per opponent trapped by Bone Prison, up to a maximum of 3 sec.

Passive skills

Ossified essence

  • Now displays the current bonus in the help box.

Book of the Dead


  • When golems finish using their active skill, they will first try to find another nearby target before returning to their previous target.
  • Golem of blood we golem to make you
    • Basic attacks now hit opponents in an area around the primary target.
  • Golem d’os
    • The active skill now grants the golem thorn damage equal to 70% of your armor value for the duration of the taunt.
  • Bone Mage
    • Now grants Fortification based on your maximum health (instead of your base health).
  • Skeleton Priest
    • Healing increased from 25% to 40% for 8 sec.


Legendary Paragon Knot Sect Guide

  • Previous node: Your minions deal 15%[x] additional damage for each active minion type under your control.
  • New node: Your minions deal 10%[x] more damage for every 20%[+] of the attack speed bonus they receive.


  • The additional bonus grants 25% damage instead of 25% health.

Updated objects

Aspect of the Growing Curse

  • Previous Aspect: Bone Spirit deals additional damage based on distance traveled, up to a maximum of 15–25%[x].
  • New Aspect: Bone Spirit increases your critical strike chance by 15–25%[+]. Your maximum essence increases by 2 for each opponent hit for 15 sec.

Torture aspect

  • Previous Aspect: Targets affected by your Iron Maiden have a [15–25]% chance to be stunned for 1 sec when dealing direct damage.
  • New Aspect: Iron Maiden is now also a Dark skill and deals Shadow damage. Targets affected by your Iron Maiden have a [15–25]% chance to be stunned for 1 sec when dealing direct damage.

Rotten appearance

  • Chance of generating additional corpses increased from 30–60% to 50–100%.

Aspect massif

  • Chance to reduce golem’s active cooldown increased from 2–5% to 4–10%.
  • Chance of spawning a corpse increased from 1–2.5% to 2–5%.


Wizard in Diablo 4
Blizzard Entertainment

New items

Tiara of the Fallen Star

  • Meteor now has 2 charges and a cooldown of 11–6 sec (instead of a mana cost) and projects 3 additional meteors around the target. The effect of the Meteor and Empowered Meteor enchantment projects 1 additional meteor.

Rending Blades Skin – Attack

  • Increases the chance of ice blades to make targets vulnerable by 20%[+] and the duration of this effect by 4 sec. You gain 15–25%[x] damage against vulnerable targets.


Lightning Sphere

  • Reinforced Lightning Sphere has been changed. Its attack rate increases based on your attack speed, up to 25%.


  • Magic Blizzard’s requirement of having over 50 mana has been removed.

Lightning Spear

  • Critical hits leave targets vulnerable for 3 sec.


Fiery heat

  • Fixed an issue where the critical strike chance bonus was not applying correctly.
  • Bonus chance to inflict a critical hit increased from +10% to 12%.

Elemental Summon

  • Conjuration skill damage bonus increased from x3% to x5% of your total fire, lightning, and cold damage bonus.

Bubbing instinct

  • The Intelligence Points required to gain x1% bonus burn damage have been reduced from 75 to 25.

Updated objects

Aspect of Broken Stars – Attack

  • Meteors now deal 20–30% meteor damage.

Lam Esen Staff

  • Chance of Electric Shocks being attracted to opponents increased from 30–50% to 40–60%.

Breeches of the Frozen Heart

  • Chance of triggering a Frost Nova when opponents die increased from 11–20% to 21–30%.


Thief in Diablo 4

New items

Morbest Boots

  • When you use an ultimate skill, your next primary skill consumes all your energy and deals 0.5–1.5% more damage per point of energy consumed. Using a skill with a cooldown restores 5 energy points.

Tenacious Assault Aspect – Defense

  • Interrupt Hide grants +10% resistance and maximum resistance to all elements for 4 sec. Killing an elite opponent reduces the cooldown of Hide by 6–10 sec.


Passage of the blades

  • Damage increased from 16% to 20%.
  • Duration increased from 3 to 4 sec.

Fundamental Invigorating Strike

  • The vulnerability applies when you have less than 85% energy points (instead of 75%).

Reinforced trapdoor

  • Previous skill: Targets take 5%[x] additional damage from you per second spent in traps.
  • New skill: You deal 10%[x] additional damage to opponents caught in traps, plus 5%[x] per second.

Rain of arrows

  • Cast delay reduced by 15%.
  • The first wave of arrows now hits closer to the player.

Frost Impregnation

  • Chilling effect amount now increased by 5% per skill rank (was 2.5%).

Composite frost impregnation

  • The critical hit condition has been removed and the chance of landing a lucky hit has been increased from 20% to 35%.

Mixed Poison Impregnation

  • Previous Skill – Fluke: Poison-imbued skills have up to a 30% chance to apply double poison damage over time.
  • New Skill – Fluke: Skills imbued with poison have up to a 30% chance to reduce the cooldown of Imbue Poison by 2 sec.

Powerful Arrow

  • Vulnerability duration increased from 3 to 5 sec.

Reinforced penetrating fire

  • Previous Skill: Penetrating Shot deals 10%[x] additional damage per target pierced.
  • New Skill: Increases the chance of inflicting a critical hit with Penetrating Shot by 10%[x]. If Penetrating Shot deals damage to 3 or more opponents, your chance of inflicting a critical hit is increased by 10%[+] for 5 sec.

Improved penetrating shot

  • Previous Skill: If Penetrating Shot deals damage to at least 3 opponents, the chance of your next Penetrating Shot to critically hit is increased by 20%[+].
  • New Skill: Penetrating Shot deals 10%[x] more damage per target hit.

Passive skills


  • Damage bonus conversion percentage against targets losing control reduced from 40% to 10%.
  • Stack attack speed increased from 10% to 15%.


  • Previous Skill: Critical hits dealt with elite shooting skills grant you Accuracy. Your critical damage is increased by 4%[x] per Accuracy stack, up to a maximum of 20%[x]. When you reach max Accuracy, your next Marksmanship skill is a guaranteed critical hit that deals 40%[x] more critical damage and consumes all Accuracy stacks.
  • New skill: each sniper skill launched grants you 1 stack of Accuracy, or 2 in the event of a critical hit. When you reach 6 stacks, your next ultimate or primary sniper skill is a guaranteed critical hit that deals x50% more critical damage and consumes all Accuracy stacks. This damage is increased by an amount equal to x15% of your critical damage bonus.

Ice screed

  • Previous Skill: Frozen targets’ movement speed is further reduced to a maximum of 10/20/30%.
  • New Skill: The movement speed of frozen targets is further reduced to a maximum of 10/20/30% and your freezing effects are increased by 5/10/15%[x].


  • Previous Skill: After knocking back or knocking down a target, your chance to critically hit them is increased by 4% for 4 sec.
  • New Skill: After knocking back or knocking down a target, your chance to deal a critical hit is increased by 4% for 4 sec.


Leyrana’s Instinct

  • Previous node: When the Inner Vision gauge is full, your chance to dodge increases by 100%[+] for 1.5 sec.
  • New Node: When the Inner Vision gauge is full, your chance to dodge increases by 100%[+] for 2 sec. Your next 3 primary skills deal bonus damage equal to 20%[x] of your primary skill’s damage bonus.

Updated objects

Aspect of Blade Dance

  • Orbiting blades can now hit each opponent 2 times (instead of 3).

Dev Team Comment: This change was made to match the visual effects of two rotations around the player character.

  • Previous Aspect: After returning to you, Sneaky Blades orbit for a short time, dealing 10–15% of Sneaky Blades return damage per hit. Depending on how far the blades returned, orbit damage can increase by up to 20–30% of return damage.
  • New Aspect: After returning to you, Sneaky Blades orbit for a short time, dealing 20–30% of Sneaky Blades return damage per hit.

Aspect of hidden vigor

  • Previous aspect: Each stack of the main passive skill Inertia heals you for 0.04–0.08 health per second.
  • New Aspect: Each stack of the primary passive Inertia heals you for 0.04–0.08 health per second and grants you 5% damage reduction.

Aspect of the Glacial Alchemist

  • Previous Aspect – Fluke: Damaging an icy or frozen target with a shadow-infused skill has up to a 75% chance to trigger an explosion dealing 0.3–0.48 cold damage to the target and enemies. nearby opponents, which freezes them by 25%.
  • New Aspect – Fluke: Shadow-infused skills have up to a 75% chance to trigger an explosion dealing 0.3–0.48 Cold damage to the target and nearby opponents, which ices them up to 25%. If the targets were already icy or frozen, this damage increases by 100%[x].

Aspect of the Toxic Alchemist

  • Previous Aspect – Fluke: Damaging a poisoned target with a shadow-infused skill has up to a 75% chance to generate a toxic explosion that deals 0.15–0.2 poison damage over 5 sec to the target. target and nearby opponents.
  • New Aspect – Fluke: Shadow-infused skills have up to a 75% chance to generate a toxic explosion that deals 0.2–0.3 poison damage over 5 sec to the target and nearby opponents. proximity. If the targets were already poisoned, this damage increases by 100%[x].


  • Chance of getting a lucky strike increased from 20–30% to 30–40%.


  • The inherent affix of increased damage dealt to ranged opponents is replaced with critical damage.
  • The value of the critical damage affix is ​​increased by ~100%. This does not apply to the inherent critical damage affix.
  • Updated effect to reflect changes to the primary passive skill Accuracy.
    • Previous bonus: the first direct damage dealt to a target is a guaranteed critical hit. If you had the maximum stacks of the primary passive skill Accuracy when casting the skill, you get 20–30 energy. This effect can only occur once per use.
    • New bonus: the first direct damage dealt to a target is a guaranteed critical hit. When you consume Accuracy stacks when using a skill, the skill deals x10–30% more critical damage and you gain 20–40 Energy.

Eagle’s horn

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