Diablo 4 secret cow level might really exist according to veteran players

If you are unaware of the recent Diablo 4 news, the community has been relentlessly trying to uncover a secret cow level in the action RPG. Even though the developer has outright confirmed that there is no secret level in the title, veterans of the community will not settle until they have uncovered the truth. Finally, their discord server “D4 – Not Finding a Cow Level”has some insight.

The theory of a secret cow level has found a new way to move forward, as some veterans in the server have found a cellar in Scosglen that might hold some insight into this mystery.

Diablo 4 secret cow level has a new insight

The veterans in the aforementioned discord server have been working relentlessly to find the secret cow level in the action RPG. They have intricately built their server to attract more players to their mission. Until now, they had no luck regarding the matter.

However, the leaders of the server have found a secret cellar in Scosglen known as “Forlorn Hovel”in the game files. According to them, this appeared on the map during the beta, but it was never accessible. The veterans in the server wanted to look at this information and traveled to the said location in Scosglen. However, they uncovered some interesting points in the supposed location of the cellar.

The cellar’s supposed location is Highland Wilds in the official version of Diablo 4, and it looks a lot like a cow’s head. The entrance of the imaginary “Forlon Hovel”from the beta lies at the cow’s muzzle as if it indicates a direction.

Many players have traveled to this location after the discovery, and surprisingly, they found cows there. Hence, there is already some serious indication regarding the secret cow level in Diablo 4. However, there is still no solid way to access the cellar in the game just yet.

A data miner has allegedly revealed the three quest items needed to access the cellar, including their drop locations. These include— Bloody Wooden Shard in Hawezar or Kejhistan, Musty Tome in Scolsglen or Fractured Peaks, and Intricate Metallic Fragment in Dry Steppes.

Although the items are already revealed, there still has been no confirmation from the discord server about any findings in Diablo 4. It seems like no one has yet found these drops.

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