Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred: Story Recap Ahead of Expansion Launch

Vessel of Hatred will continue the narrative following the conclusion of Diablo 4, but what has transpired up to this point? Here’s a comprehensive overview to get you fully updated. Be warned, this guide contains significant spoilers for the main game.

Diablo 4 adopted a notably distinct approach compared to its predecessors. Unlike Diablo 1, 2, and 3, which revolved around the revival of Diablo himself, the fourth installment is set in a world that is gradually healing from his previous assaults. These assaults occurred decades ago, and although the menace of the Prime Evils still looms over Sanctuary, they have been exiled to Hell and are viewed by many as a distant memory.

In their absence, various faiths have emerged, worshipping the creators of the world, notably the Angel Inarius, who has become the central figure in Sanctuary’s primary religion, alongside the cult of Lilith, his demon queen whom he was compelled to banish. This banishment occurred due to a war Lilith waged against Heaven and Hell, aiming to safeguard her Nephalem offspring from the accusatory Angels and the corrupting influence of her uncle, Diablo.

Diablo 4 Lilith
Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo’s shadow looms large over Lilith.

Diablo 4 Story Recap

In Diablo 4, Inarius grows weary of Sanctuary and regrets his entanglement with Lilith. He longs to return to Heaven yet fears his fellow Angels for their scorn towards him for associating with demons. Simultaneously, Lilith’s cult discovers a method to resurrect her, and she re-emerges in Sanctuary. Horrified by the state of the world she fashioned for her progeny, Lilith immediately sets her sights on conquering it.

Nevertheless, her motives extend beyond mere conquest. Lilith bears a deep-seated resentment towards Heaven and correctly perceives the Angels as a looming threat. Additionally, she harbors a vendetta against Hell and yearns to shield Sanctuary from Diablo, Baal, and her own father, the Lord of Hatred, Mephisto. To achieve this, Lilith assembles a demonic army and embarks on a mission to obliterate all adversaries, be they human, Angel, or Demon.

This leads her to clash with Inarius, who believes that slaying her will pave the way for his return to Heaven. However, Lilith bests him before shifting her focus to the game’s protagonist. She attempts to persuade the player character to join her, and although she puts forth a compelling argument, her demonic nature ultimately disqualifies her from rightful rulership. Nevertheless, the player senses a greater threat beyond her.

Mephisto has been orchestrating events from the shadows with plans to re-enter the world. Realizing he poses a far greater danger than Lilith, the player character and their ally Neyrelle manage to trap Mephisto in a soul stone to thwart his return from Hell. This disruption foils Lilith’s perilous strategy to devour the Prime Evils, culminating in a decisive battle.

Lilith is cast back into Hell but warns the player that without her safeguard, Sanctuary remains vulnerable to Diablo and that they may have unwittingly fallen into Mephisto’s trap. Following this event, Neyrelle absconds with the soul stone containing Mephisto, retreating to Kurast. She leaves a note for the player, instructing them not to pursue her as she has a plan. However, the aspect of Mephisto begins to exert its influence over her.

Diablo 4 Mephisto
Blizzard Entertainment

Thus far, Mephisto has manifestly appeared only as the Bloody Wolf.

Understanding the Vessel of Hatred

The term Vessel of Hatred essentially represents Neyrelle as she battles against Mephisto’s influence and resists being possessed by him. Given that Mephisto is the Lord of Hatred, Neyrelle has effectively become his vessel. Unfortunately, the outlook is grim for Neyrelle, as characters who have previously attempted to contain the Prime Evils have all met tragic fates.

Diablo has previously possessed his Vessels of Terror, including Prince Albrecht in Diablo 1, his sibling Aiden “The Dark Wanderer” in Diablo 2, and his human daughter Leah in Diablo 3. Likewise, Baal seized control of his Vessel of Destruction, a powerful sorcerer named Tal Rasha. Mephisto’s former Vessel of Hatred, Sankekur, similarly fell victim to his influence.

In summary, the prospects for Neyrelle look bleak, and the player character will need to track her to Kurast and confront Mephisto following his inevitable return. That is unless the game introduces a significant twist in the storyline.

Neyrelle Mephisto
Blizzard Entertainment

Neyrelle faces torment from Mephisto now that she possesses his soul stone.

Seasonal Stories and More

The main questline is not the sole narrative in Diablo 4, as each season of the game features its own unique story, with some interlinking with the overarching plot.

Season 1 saw the emergence of a formidable demon following Lilith’s defeat, compelling the player to embrace the power of Malignant Hearts to overthrow it. In Season 2, the long-sleeping vampires of Sanctuary, spearheaded by Lord Zir, made their move only to face defeat. Nevertheless, their lingering forces remain in the world, poised for their next attack.

During Season 3, players allied with a mechanical construct known as the Seneschal to vanquish ancient constructs overtaken by demons. This side story featured the return of a beloved character, Zoltun Kulle, known as a frenemy of the player in Diablo 3.

In Season 4, players reunited with the Iron Wolves, a mercenary faction that previously assisted the protagonist of Diablo 2 in overcoming Mephisto in Kurast. Ultimately, the storyline of Diablo 4 culminated in the protagonist collaborating with the remnants of Lilith’s cult, working towards their redemption by thwarting Mephisto’s impending return.

While it is likely that the Lord of Hatred will stage a comeback, Season 5 has laid the groundwork for this and heightened the anticipation of his threat. Season 6 will coincide with the launch of Vessel of Hatred, and it is expected to tie into the expansion’s storyline.


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