Did Yang Jae-woong Announce Marriage With EXID’s Hani Just 4 Days After a Patient’s Death?

It was recently revealed on July 26th that a 33-year-old woman had passed away on May 27th at the hospital in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do operated by Yang Jae-woong. The patient had been admitted on May 10th to receive treatment for her addiction to diet pills containing drugs, but unfortunately passed away 17 days later.

The hospital’s name and director were initially withheld in the initial report, but netizens were quick to discover that it was Yang Jae-woong’s hospital. As backlash grew and the family of the deceased sued the hospital for their negligence, Yang Jae-woong eventually released a statement through his agency Mystic Story on the 29th, apologizing and pledging to assist with the police’s investigation.

Even though Yang Jae-woong has apologized, the public’s response remains negative. Furthermore, netizens have expressed more criticism after discovering that Yang Jae-woong announced his marriage with EXID’s Hani on June 1st, just four days after the patient’s passing.

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During that period, Hani publicly announced her decision to marry Yang Jae-woong through a handwritten letter. The singer expressed her gratitude for the love and support she had received from many individuals, which made her feel fortunate. She also mentioned that growing up surrounded by love had shaped her into a person who could reciprocate love to others. Hani shared that she had found someone special with whom she wanted to spend the rest of her life, and they had mutually decided to get married. She promised to always live happily and with a grateful heart, and expressed her deep appreciation to those who had congratulated her.

Once this information reached the public, netizens began leaving malicious comments on Hani’s SNS account, accusing her of disrespecting the deceased and the grieving family. Some said, “You should think twice about who you choose to marry”, “Maybe you should reconsider your marriage”, “Why would you announce your wedding on that day?”, “I hope your relationship ends”, “The bereaved family must have been in so much pain while you were celebrating your wedding”, “We can’t say for sure if Hani was aware of the incident or not”, and more.

In 2022, Yang Jae-woong announced his relationship with Hani, a 10-year younger member of EXID and actress. The couple is set to get married this September.

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