Disabling the Chromatic Aberration Effect in Wuthering Waves

The game Wuthering Waves, which runs on Unreal Engine 4, offers a good selection of customizable options for PC players. Although it includes features such as DLSS and FSR for improved resolution, there are a few post-processing options that are not available, affecting the overall image quality. If you wish to remove the bothersome chromatic aberration effect in Wuthering Waves, here are simple steps to do so.

Disable the Chromatic Aberration Effect

In order to get rid of the chromatic aberration effect, you simply need to include several lines in the Engine.ini file of the game.

  • Go to the location on your PC where Wuthering Waves is installed, and then navigate to the specified destination.

Wuthering Waves\Wuthering Waves Game\Client\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

  • Here, open the Engine.ini file using a text editor like Notepad, or Notepad++
  • Insert the lines below at the end of the file, in the same manner as shown:
  • Save the file (Ctrl + S), and exit out

Simply follow these steps and the next time you open Wuthering Waves, the chromatic aberration effect will be disabled entirely.

Comparison Screenshots

The following screenshots demonstrate the noticeable improvement in the game’s visual quality when chromatic aberration is disabled. This effect is typically seen at the edges of various objects and throughout the entire screen, and can be quite intense in the Wuthering Waves level.

In order to provide a more detailed examination, my attention has been specifically directed towards the bush on the left and the rocks on the right.

Restoring the Effects

If you want to re-enable chromatic aberration, you can easily do so by following the same steps as before and deleting the lines you inserted into the Engine.ini file.

Many modern PC releases often include in-game options to toggle post-processing effects such as chromatic aberration, film grain, and depth of field. We remain optimistic that the developers will incorporate this feature into Wuthering Waves in a future update.

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