Asura is a compelling family drama series that centers around four sisters who come to a startling realization: their father is engaged in an extramarital affair. This Netflix adaptation promises to capture your attention and become your next binge-worthy series.
The narrative originally stems from Kuniko Mukōda’s novel, Ashura no Gotoku, which was transformed into a television series in 1979 and an acclaimed film in 2003. Recently, acclaimed director Hirokazu Kore-eda, known for his work on Shoplifters, has crafted a seven-part series that was launched on January 9, 2025, and it has quickly garnered positive feedback.
In this article, we will delve into the premise of Asura, introduce the cast, and share what critics are saying about this intriguing new show.
Overview of Asura
Set in Tokyo during the winter of 1979, Asura intricately explores the challenges faced by four sisters. The official synopsis from Netflix states:
“On a winter’s day, the four Takezawa sisters—teacher Tsunako, housewife Makiko, librarian Takiko, and waitress Sakiko—reunite after a long time apart. Takiko harbors suspicions that their aging father, Kotaro, has a lover and possibly another child. While the others dismiss this idea, they agree to keep it from their mother, Fuji. However, this revelation ignites hidden tensions and conflicts in their lives.”
Producer Yasuo Yagi expressed his motivation for adapting this classic narrative, stating, “Before the 40th anniversary of her passing, I revisited [Mukōda’s] works and recognized that Asura was central to her legacy. Our focus was on assembling the best cast for the sisters. With Kore-eda at the helm, I believe we’ve crafted a quintessential drama.”
Meet the Cast of Asura
Here’s a look at the talented cast bringing the Takezawa sisters and their father to life:
- Rie Miyazawa as Tsunako
- Machiko Ono as Makiko
- Yu Aoi as Takiko
- Suzu Hirose as Sakiko
- Jun Kunimura as Kotaro
Kore-eda shared his thoughts on the cast and Mukōda’s writing: “The beauty of Kuniko Mukōda’s dramas lies in the seemingly superficial exchanges and the profound love that underlies harsh words. The actresses portraying the sisters grasp this essence, making the filming process truly enjoyable.”
Critical Acclaim for Asura
The reception of Asura has been overwhelmingly positive, with reviewers praising Kore-eda’s adept writing and direction, alongside the impressive performances of the cast.
The Nightly asserts that the series offers a refreshing escape, stating, “Asura allows for that breathing room. It invites audiences to immerse themselves in the lives of these fascinating women, promising both insights and emotional resonance.”
Similarly, The Daily Beast describes the series as “an incisive portrayal of the compromises faced by women, exploring their responses—whether compliance, rebellion, or transcendence. It’s a narrative that resonates across generations.”
Decider adds, “These intricate performances combined with a skillfully woven narrative establish a drama that transcends typical soap opera conventions, depicting not only the plight of those wronged but all women navigating societal expectations.”
All seven episodes of Asura are currently streaming on Netflix. For more entertainment options, explore our recommendations for upcoming shows and the 25 most anticipated films of 2025.
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