In a thrilling crossover, Godzilla has emerged in Fortnite during Chapter 6 Season 1, leaving players intrigued as they hunt for signs of the legendary creature. Although the massive monster hasn’t appeared on the island directly, its presence is felt through footprints scattered across certain locations. Below, we detail how players can find and investigate these elusive clues.
Locating Godzilla’s Footprints in Fortnite
To spot Godzilla’s footprints, players should head to the peninsula beaches located on the eastern side of the map. This area is in close proximity to the Shattered Span, a location that previously featured as a full bridge, which was included in the latest Godzilla update.
The footprints are prominently displayed between two hills on the beach, making them hard to miss, especially for players dropping in from the sky at the start of the match. It’s advisable to tackle this mission early on, as the location is somewhat remote compared to the busier central areas, surrounded by ample water. Notably, the northern hill near the footprints contains a demon portal that might spawn a Demon Warrior, though it’s situated quite distant from the footprints themselves.
Investigation of the footprints is straightforward; players simply need to walk near them to complete the challenge. There’s no additional interaction required, and as soon as you get within proximity, the challenge will register as complete. This task is particularly simple, allowing you to land directly on top of the footprints. While other competitors might also drop in at the same location, it’s feasible to quickly gather the information and exit without engaging in combat if you prefer avoiding early-game skirmishes.
By completing the challenge of investigating the footprints, players will earn a substantial reward of 25,000 XP. Though the footprints may not be situated near popular hotspots, this challenge shouldn’t be overlooked for those looking to level up efficiently.
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