Discover the 10 Least-Played Champions in League of Legends Ranked Matches

League of Legends features over 160 champions for players to choose from, yet some champions are seldom picked in ranked play. Here’s a list of the top 10 least-played champions in Ranked Solo Duo.

As is common in online games, certain champions in League of Legends lag in popularity compared to the crowd favorites. For every Yasuo, Kai’sa, and Lux, you can find champions like Yorick, Ivern, and Taric who see significantly less playtime.

Here are the 10 least popular champions in League of Legends according to OP.GG.

10. Kassadin

Kassadin splash art
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Kassadin has gone from being a dominating force in League of Legends to one of the less favored champions.

Once feared for his mobility and high damage output, Kassadin has seen numerous nerfs that have significantly weakened his presence in the game. His anti-magic capabilities are less effective against the increasing popularity of champions like Yasuo, Zed, and Yone, making him a less desirable pick.

9. Nilah

Nilah Splash Art League of Legends
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Nilah’s low range and unique playstyle contribute to her status as a seldom-picked ADC.

A unique melee ADC, Nilah diverges from the traditional role focused on ranged attacks and kiting. She aims to engage directly in combat with her whip but her clunky playstyle often deters players, leading to her lower popularity despite potential spikes in effectiveness based on item builds.

8. Kalista

Kalista Splash art
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Kalista, once a dominant force among ADCs, is now overshadowed by more popular choices.

Kalista was once an incredibly powerful AD carry due to her kiting mechanics, but as stronger champions have emerged, her dominance has waned. Constant adjustments in her kit for competitive play have reduced her appeal in solo queues, leaving her underpicked.

7. Singed

Singed Splash Art
Riot Games

Singed’s unconventional mechanics make him less favorable in the current meta.

Singed’s unique style of play, reliant on hit-and-run tactics with his Poison Trail, makes him one of the least popular picks. His weak laning phase and reliance on specific mechanics deter many players in solo queue.

6. Kled

Kled Splash Art
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Kled’s unusual gameplay keeps him from being a popular pick in ranked matches.

As one of the most unconventional champions, Kled features an involuntary ability that complicates his balance and effectiveness. His unpredictability and inconsistency during the laning phase make him less appealing compared to other top lane champions.

5. Skarner

Earthrune Skarner Splash Art
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Skarner’s popularity has plummeted post-rework, with low pick rates reflecting his struggles.

Despite undergoing a rework intended to modernize him, Skarner has been subjected to multiple nerfs, reducing him to a state of unpopularity similar to before his rework. His current effectiveness is under scrutiny, and players often shy away from choosing him in ranked games.

4. Taric

Taric splash art
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Despite a seemingly strong rework, Taric struggles with low popularity due to clunky gameplay mechanics.

As a support champion, Taric was reworked in 2016 but continues to see low play rates. His kit, which theoretically provides powerful capabilities, is hindered by the need to tether to an ally, making his gameplay feel awkward and leading to limited appeal in the current meta.

3. Zeal

Ivern splash art
Riot Games

Ivern, as a supportive jungler, finds competition with more appealing champions in his role.

Initially a formidable Noxian leader, Ivern transformed into a supportive jungler who can farm monsters without fighting them. However, the role of the support has limited appeal among players, favoring more impactful jungle champions, which has led to Ivern’s decline in popularity.

2. Rek’Sai

Rek'Sai in League of Legends
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Rek’Sai’s fluctuating power levels make her a hit-or-miss jungler in the current meta.

Known for her volatile balance, Rek’Sai can swing from being a top-tier champion to low-tier within a few patches. Currently, she sits on the weaker end of the spectrum, resulting in her lower popularity among players.

1. Renata Glasc

Renata Glasc splash art
Riot Games

Renata’s unique support capabilities struggle for traction in a saturated role.

Renata Glasc’s unconventional approach to supporting her teammates often leaves her overlooked. Despite her potential for unique plays due to her background as a ruthless Chem-Baron, the presence of more traditional enchanters in the support role means she often falls by the wayside.


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