DKZ Gengrun was criticized because of his family’s belief in Providence. After 5 months of suspension of activities, he decided to quit DKZ and enlist in the army.

(Cover image source: IG@dkz_dy)

After the Netflix Korean documentary “In the Name of God: Betrayal of Faith”was broadcast, not only in Korea, but also internationally, there was a strong backlash against Korean cults. Industries related to the cult founders, such as Xinnara Records, etc., were boycotted. Boy group DKB member Geng Jun’s family business is also involved and has been criticized by the public. The latest news is that Geng Run has announced his departure from the group.

The incident started when the coffee shop run by Geng Run’s parents was found to be the stronghold of one of the cults in the documentary, JMS. The response from the agency Dongyo Entertainment was that Geng Run had no idea that the church he believed in was different from The general church also stated that the coffee shop operated by Geng Run’s parents has been closed immediately, and he has nothing to do with the family who has left the church. However, afterwards, some netizens found out some of Geng Run’s actions, which clearly revealed that he was closely related to the Providence Church. The coffee shop of Geng Run’s parents often held prayer ceremonies and played hymns. They suspected that Geng Run and his agency were lying and shirking responsibility. Later, fans broke the news that they were persuaded by Geng Run’s mother to join the church in the coffee shop. After watching the documentary, they felt confused and tormented by the warmth given by Geng Run’s mother and other believers these days.

Some people think that the Providence Church is likely to use idols like Geng Run to preach. Geng Run’s fame has indeed attracted people to join the religion, so he is asked to quit the group or even the show business circle to stop being a celebrity; of course, some people think that he is the same Victims, after all, their parents have no choice, let alone being brought into the church by their parents since childhood. In the context of constant controversy, Geng Run’s agency announced that he was suspending activities due to anxiety disorders more than a month after the incident broke out. After nearly half a year, his agency announced yesterday (7) that he would withdraw from DKZ and enlist in the army.

Dongyo Entertainment stated that after Gengrun’s health improved, they discussed the direction of activities with the company. The conclusion was to end DKZ’s activities (meaning to quit DKZ), and planned to enlist in the military within this year. Gengrun also wrote a letter to The fans announced the news of their withdrawal. In addition to apologizing to the disappointed fans and thanking the fans who were worried about themselves, they said that they had thought a lot in the past 5 months, “What is the best choice for everyone I cherish? After careful consideration, I came to the conclusion that I want to send DKZ Gengrun away.”He said that considering the remaining members, he would not regret his choice, and hoped that fans would support him.

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