Do You Know About Eat Like a Bear Diet?

Wouldn’t you be startled if we say that you can try an “eat like a bear diet”to lose weight? It is perhaps the last piece of advice you expect to hear if you are on a weight loss journey. But believe us, this tactic is getting popular, especially among women over 50, and for all the right reasons.

Are you wondering if it actually helps you lose weight? Continue reading as we answer all your queries!

What is “Eat Like a Bear Diet”?

When you think of bears, you probably picture them as fierce hunters who hunt deer and snag 20-pound fish with their own hands, but what you may not know is that bears are omnivores. Thus, their food sources also comprise berries, roots, and grasses.

Dr. Amanda Rose, a social scientist, has developed the Eat Like a Bear Diet by taking inspiration from bears that frequented the area around her California home.

Rose began to mimic some essential aspects of how bears eat after years of unsuccessful weight-loss attempts. She discovered that she had more energy, her knee problems had vanished, and she had lost 100 pounds in just 30 weeks. She ultimately lost 140 pounds.

The diet focuses on complete, unprocessed foods. (Image via Unsplash/ Louis Hansel)
The diet focuses on complete, unprocessed foods. (Image via Unsplash/ Louis Hansel)

The effects were so potent that Rose decided against having bariatric surgery in favor of starting a blog and sharing her strategy with her tens of thousands of followers.

What to Eat in the “Eat Like a Bear Diet”?

Followers of the Eat Like a Bear Diet indulge in a single huge meal, frequently over the period of an hour, comprising natural foods including salmon, berries, vegetables, and nuts. Then, in between meals, they “hibernate,”letting their bodies survive on their own fat.

The diet focuses on complete, unprocessed foods, and includes aspects of intermittent fasting, despite the fact that it lacks tight guidelines or detailed meal plans.

This diet suggests eliminating sugar, carbohydrates, and processed foods in addition to suggesting that you eat less frequently. It turns out that eating too many carbohydrates and sitting a lot encourages the creation of insulin, which is the primary hormone behind weight gain.

How Does “Eat Like a Bear Diet”Help in Losing Weight?

Three ideas form the foundation of the Eat Like a Bear Diet. First, it claims that eating like a bear will increase fat loss because bears primarily consume fat and protein. Second, it contends that consuming foods high in protein and fat encourages the release of hormones that aid in weight loss. Finally, it implies that cutting back on carbohydrates will increase fat burning.

This diet suggests eliminating sugar, carbohydrates, and processed foods. (Image via Pexels/ Cats Coming)
This diet suggests eliminating sugar, carbohydrates, and processed foods. (Image via Pexels/ Cats Coming)

You can eat whatever you want on this kind of diet without having to worry about tracking your points or calories. Instead, it emphasizes consuming a variety of fresh produce, nutritious grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. There is also some workout involved.

Blood sugar balance further aids in boosting fat burning while also tending to improve blood sugar control. All of these things make it simpler to reduce weight.

Rose has also developed a wonderful group of midlife women who share similar interests and who are all “eating like a bear,”reducing weight, and enjoying life.

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