Do You Really Need Protein to Build Muscle?

Do You Really Need Protein to Build Muscle?

If you are wondering whether you really need protein to build muscle, then the answer is yes! Whether you are deeply invested in the fitness world or not, you might know that protein is the key player in our diet and for those in the muscle-building game. Protein can be consumed in so many different forms such as meats, milk, or incorporating protein powders into your routine.

Whether you are a newbie who is just starting out on your fitness journey or a seasoned lifter with years of experience, this blog can be the ultimate resource to look at how much protein you might need to achieve maximum muscle growth.

How Much Protein per Day to Build Muscle?

How much protein you should eat per day depends on your goals. If you want to build muscle, then the amount of protein to build muscle in your diet should be slightly higher than what’s needed for general health.

The exact amount of protein to build muscle will differ depending on your age and gender, but it’s generally around 1-1.5 grams per kilogram (or 0.45-0.68 grams per pound) of body weight per day about double what’s recommended for non-athletes!

The amount of protein to build muscle varies. (Image via Pexels / Antoni Shkraba)
The amount of protein to build muscle varies. (Image via Pexels / Antoni Shkraba)

If you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight by eating fewer calories than usual (say because of an injury), then extra protein won’t help at all. In fact, it might make things worse by increasing hunger pangs if consumed in large quantities without enough healthy fats or carbs to supplement it.

Eating More Protein to Build Muscle – Does It Help?

Yes, protein is an important part of the equation, but it’s not the only thing that matters. Protein is critical for building muscle, but you also need to eat enough calories and exercise to build muscle.

Eat more protein to build muscle (Image via Pexels / Photomix Company)
Eat more protein to build muscle (Image via Pexels / Photomix Company)

Protein helps you lose weight by making you feel full so that you don’t overeat or binge on junk food when trying to lose weight (which can cause muscle loss). Finally, eating more proteins can help keep your body healthy by keeping blood sugar levels steady, supporting the immune system, and helping with digestion!

How Much Protein Do You Need to Eat to Lose Weight?

If your main goal is to lose weight, then consuming more protein can help with that.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN), increasing your intake of animal-based proteins resulted in reduced calorie intake as well as increased satiety levels compared with consuming plant-based proteins or no protein at all, even though both groups consumed the same number of calories overall!

The high protein diet helps with weight loss (Image via Unsplash / Mark Deyoung)
The high protein diet helps with weight loss (Image via Unsplash / Mark Deyoung)

In general, high-protein diets have been shown to help people feel fuller for longer periods of time than low-protein diets do. Therefore it’s easier for them not only to stay away from junk food but also keep their portions small when eating meals that contain plenty of carbs and fats too!

Should You Buy Protein Powder?

If your goal is to build muscle and stay lean, then the answer is no. Protein powder is not necessary for a healthy diet. It’s expensive, hard to digest, and often high in sugar–not exactly what you want if your goal is to get bigger and more muscular.

Protein powders are not necessary (Image via Unsplash / a meal replacement)
Protein powders are not necessary (Image via Unsplash / a meal replacement)

Whole foods are better than protein powders because they contain more than just protein. They provide you with other nutrients like carbohydrates and fats that help fuel your body during workouts. If you want something extra after working out (or instead of eating), try adding peanut butter or nut butters into smoothies!

So, do you really need protein to build muscle? The answer is yes and no. Yes, because if you don’t eat enough protein each day, it will be harder to build muscle. And no, because there are other ways to get all the amino acids your body needs besides eating more meat or dairy products.

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