In the realm of Jujutsu Kaisen, numerous cursed techniques have been introduced, each governed by its own intricate set of rules. Among these, the Ten Shadows Technique stands out, particularly due to its enigmatic nature, especially as utilized by Megumi and Sukuna during their climactic battle against Gojo. Although the series has concluded, the mysteries surrounding the Ten Shadows Technique, particularly regarding the fate of its invoked shikigami, remain compelling points of discussion among fans.
One of the pivotal shikigami within this technique is Mahoraga, whose fate became a topic of intrigue after the intense fight between Gojo and Sukuna. This clash resulted in Mahoraga’s destruction, alongside Gojo’s demise, leaving lingering questions about Mahoraga’s true status. The narrative concludes without explicitly confirming Mahoraga’s fate, leading many within the fandom to infer its permanent absence based on the aforementioned rules of the Ten Shadows Technique.
Note: This article contains significant spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen series.
Understanding Mahoraga’s Fate Post-Gojo vs. Sukuna
Mahoraga was initially referenced in the early chapters of Jujutsu Kaisen through subtle hints in Gojo’s dialogues about the profound implications of the Ten Shadows Technique, which was suggested to rival the power of the Gojo Clan’s Infinity. While Megumi had intentions to summon Mahoraga, it wasn’t until the Shibuya Incident arc that audiences witnessed Mahoraga’s first appearance during Megumi’s confrontation with Haruta.
To summon Mahoraga, a sorcerer must undergo a ritual that necessitates defeating the shikigami independently. Upon defeating Mahoraga, it becomes subservient to the sorcerer, enriching their arsenal under the Ten Shadows Technique. Notably, if a third party intervenes and destroys Mahoraga, the prior ritual becomes void, allowing it to be resummoned through a new ritual.
According to the established rules of the Ten Shadows Technique, any destroyed shikigami is lost permanently, with its powers transferring to surviving shikigami through a rule known as Totality. Mahoraga, while still adhering to these rules, possesses a unique distinction as it is the only shikigami that enhances the overall capabilities of the Ten Shadows Technique.
During the climactic showdown between Gojo and Sukuna, Mahoraga played a crucial role in devising the strategy behind the World Cutting Slash, which ultimately contributed to Gojo’s defeat after he eradicated Mahoraga.
While it seems that Mahoraga, along with other shikigami such as Mourning Tiger, Nue, Round Deer, and the Great Serpent, has been lost from the Ten Shadows Technique, its distinctive attributes leave a minuscule chance for its potential return without Megumi’s awareness.
At present, Megumi has access only to Divine Dog and a limited number of other shikigami that survived the cataclysmic encounter with Sukuna. The allure of the Ten Shadows Technique has notably diminished in the wake of Mahoraga’s absence, but due to its peculiar status, there remains a slim possibility of its resurgence.
Concluding Insights
The Jujutsu Kaisen manga wrapped up in September 2024 with the release of chapter 271, while two seasons of the anime have been unveiled. Fans can anticipate the arrival of Jujutsu Kaisen season 3 in 2025. Although the final fates of many of Megumi’s shikigami remain ambiguous, there is potential for author Gege Akutami to provide further clarifying details about these techniques in the anime. This approach mirrors the way Tite Kubo has introduced new canon information in the anime adaptation of the Bleach TYBW arc.
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