“DP: Deserter Pursuing Order 2” has no shocking aftertaste: it is as shocking as the previous one, and the topics are wider and deeper. I can’t help but finish watching it in one sitting!

(Cover image source: FB@NetflixKR)

Netflix released all 6 episodes of “DP: Deserter 2″yesterday afternoon. The editor must admit: this is a long-lost drama that doesn’t need to be fast-forwarded at all!

*Although this article does not involve specific plots, if you don’t want to get in touch with any relevant information before chasing the second season, you can still skip it first!

(Source: Netflix)

Shock still

If the audience in the first season was shocked because they didn’t know anything about the content, then the second season is very likely to be deeply impressed by the screenwriter and director when they are mentally prepared. When watching the first few episodes, the feeling may not be too strong, but as the plot progresses to the second half, the increasingly tense interlocking, unpredictable human nature, and the excellent reversal based on careful thinking, all of them are People can’t stop, can’t help finishing it in one breath!

(Source: FB@NetflixKR)

wider topic

The story of multiple deserters in the first season has already allowed the audience to see various difficulties, and the second season continues to explore the difficulties faced by specific identities or specific troops. Although the narrative structure is similar to that of the first season, the hidden contradictions are brought out by hunting deserters or investigating cases, but the specific cases are completely different, and in the end, the scope of discussion is expanded to not only between people in the army… It is really worth reading carefully!

(Source: FB@NetflixKR)
(Source: FB@NetflixKR)

Foreshadowing characters of the first season

There are several characters who did not have many roles in the first season, such as Captain Lim Ji-sub played by Sun Xijiu, and the younger sister of the charcoal-burning deserter, etc., all of which received more descriptions in the second season. It not only shows their more three-dimensional and real personalities, but also makes the whole plot more powerful.

(Source: FB@NetflixKR)

More Humanity and Narrative Inversion

In the second season, there are newly added key characters, representing different interest groups and value systems, and their conflicts and changes make people sweat at any time. There are also many reversals in the plot, sometimes it is applauding, sometimes it is shocking and powerless… The director’s rhythm control is very good, and he can always throw out reasonable and reasonable moments at seemingly desperate moments. The foreshadowing keeps the audience in a state of tension throughout the whole process!

(Source: FB@NetflixKR)
(Source: FB@NetflixKR)

In general, the editor thinks that the second season is worth waiting for nearly two years, especially the last three episodes. It is recommended to watch it in one go with a complete time period!

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