“Drunk Driving” BTS’s Suga, Neglecting Duty Was Real?…”Embarrassed the Instructor by Falling Asleep”

Despite being under investigation for drunk driving on an electric scooter, BTS member Suga is once again facing criticism for allegedly neglecting his military responsibilities.

Last November, a post concerning Suga was shared on the “Public Servant” app, which is commonly utilized by social workers. Mr. A, who states he trained alongside Suga, alleges that Suga was designated as the team leader but did not adequately participate in the training.


Mr. A observed, “The instructor appeared to think that it was excessive and dropped a subtle hint, but Suga simply nodded without fully comprehending the situation. He then checked his phone and went back to sleep.”He also noted, “Compared to the other groups, Suga’s group had the lowest participation rate. He seemed to have a rebellious attitude at the start of the school term, trying to act tough.”

The recent revelation that Suga was caught by police riding an electric scooter while under the influence has brought renewed attention to this post. On the 6th of this month, Suga had an accident while riding an electric scooter near his home in Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. Patrolling police officers noticed the incident and administered a breathalyzer test, which revealed Suga’s blood alcohol concentration was above the limit for maintaining a driver’s license.

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After facing criticism for his supposed negligence, Suga’s alleged neglect of duty prompted Mr. A to make an additional comment: “I am now in the spotlight because of Suga. I want to clarify that I never condoned the spreading of my post, and my main concern now is protecting myself… Is it possible that ARMYs (BTS fans) will retaliate and harm me?”

In reply, a different social service agent questioned, “Did you truly make the statement that Suga had a negative attitude? Is it accurate?”Mr. A responded with conviction, “Similar to the other individuals, my observation is that despite being aware of his role as a team leader and being granted special leave, his engagement was lacking. Additionally, despite being given a hint by the instructor, he disrespected them by falling back asleep. In my view, this speaks volumes about his character.”

Despite already facing public criticism for his drunk driving incident, Suga’s reputation has been further damaged by the recent revelations of his alleged neglect of military duties.

The source for this information can be found on “nate”at https://news.nate.com/view/20240815n11298?mid=n1008.

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