OneDrive Files On-Demand is an innovative feature that enables users to access all their stored files in OneDrive without the need to download them onto their devices, thus conserving valuable storage space. This comprehensive guide will walk you through enabling and managing this feature effectively on both Windows 10 and Windows 11.
When utilizing the Files On-Demand feature on Windows 10 and 11, all your files appear in File Explorer, but they don’t occupy local storage space—only the thumbnails and metadata of the files are stored on your device. When you open a file, the system retrieves the complete document, image, or video from the cloud, making an internet connection essential for this feature.
Only the files that you specifically designate as “Always keep on this device” will be downloaded and stored locally, allowing access even when offline. This guide will facilitate the management of OneDrive Files On-Demand to help you free up space during your cloud storage management journey.
Activating OneDrive Files On-Demand on Windows 10 & 11
To manage Files On-Demand efficiently, you can utilize various methods via OneDrive settings, the Storage Sense tool, or directly through File Explorer. Here’s how you can do it:
Method 1: Accessing Through OneDrive
Follow these steps to activate OneDrive Files On-Demand via the application settings:
Locate and click the OneDrive icon in the System Tray.
Hit the Help & Settings (gear icon) and select Settings.
Select the Sync and backup tab.
(Option 1) Click on “Free up disk space” under the “Files On-Demand” section to activate the feature.
(Option 2) If you prefer to disable the feature, select “Download all files” under the “Files On-Demand” section.
Click Continue to apply your changes.
After completing these steps, all OneDrive files will automatically be categorized as online-only, including those previously set to “Always keep on this device.” Remember, an active internet connection is mandatory to access these files after enabling this feature.
Method 2: Utilizing Windows Settings
Here’s how to configure the Storage Sense feature to manage your files:
Open the Settings menu from the Start button.
Click on Storage.
Select Storage Sense.
(Option 1) Configure the number of days (1, 14, 30, or 60) before files become online-only under “Locally available cloud content.”
(Option 2) Choose Never to keep files locally stored indefinitely.
Click “Run Storage Sense now” to execute your settings.
Upon finishing these steps, OneDrive folder files will conform to your settings, turning them online-only based on the triggers you’ve set.
Method 3: Through File Explorer
If you want to make specific files online-only, follow these actions:
Open File Explorer on your device.
Navigate to the OneDrive folder.
Select the files and folders you wish to designate as online-only.
(Option 1) Right-click your selections and choose “Free up space” to make them available online only.
(Option 2) Alternatively, right-click your selections and choose “Always keep on this device” to keep a local copy of the files.
Upon completion, the selected files will be switched to online-only status, meaning you will need an active internet connection for accessing them subsequently.
Note that OneDrive will automatically re-download these files upon access. Therefore, it is advisable to utilize the steps outlined above periodically to prevent cluttering your device with files that do not need to be stored locally.
While OneDrive used to offer a feature named “Fetch files on your PC,” which allowed remote file access without cloud storage, that functionality has been discontinued by Microsoft.
Additional Insights
1. How does Files On-Demand impact my internet usage?
Using Files On-Demand means files are stored online and only downloaded when opened. This can save local storage space but will require more frequent internet access, potentially increasing data usage, especially if you open large files often.
2. What happens if I lose my internet connection while accessing a file?
If your internet connection is lost while trying to open a file, you won’t be able to access it until you reconnect. It’s crucial to have a stable connection for the Files On-Demand feature to function appropriately.
3. Can I still access files if I decide to disable Files On-Demand?
Yes, if you disable Files On-Demand and download your files, they will be stored locally on your device, making them available offline. However, this will consume local storage space.
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