Enotria: Complete List of All Bosses and Their Order in The Last Song

Enotria: The Last Song is the newest addition to the Soulslike genre, and like many of its predecessors, boss battles serve as significant highlights. While several bosses may fall flat, others deliver memorable challenges filled with both excitement and frustration. Here’s our list of all bosses and their order in Enotria: The Last Song.

All Bosses & Order in Enotria: The Last Song

All Quinta Bosses

The Force of Change

The first tutorial boss encountered in Enotria: The Last Song is the Force of Change. It’s a straightforward melee battle, though new Soulslike players may find it challenging. This fight teaches essential skills like parrying and attacking. Defeating the Force of Change rewards you with its Mask.

Enotria mask of change first boss encounter in cave with water underneath
Screenshot via Twinfinite

Curtis, Prince of Laughter

The first major boss fight occurs inside the city of Quinta at the Church of Maja. This boss employs the Vis element, making a Fatuo-infused weapon and Mask Lines advantageous for the encounter. Parrying is key for survival, especially when Curtis unleashes area-of-effect (AoE) attacks.

Enotria The Last Song Curtis Prince of Laughter rewards
Screenshot via Twinfinite

Vermiglio the Red Prior (Optional)

Considered one of the most challenging bosses early in the game, Vermiglio inflicts punishing laser attacks. Bring a Malanno weapon and ensure your HP is leveled up. The fight is tough due to relentless projectiles and beam attacks that track your every movement. Staying close forces him into less threatening melee strikes.

Enotria The Last Song vermiglio the red priest in his altar
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Zanni, the First Mask

Aligned with the Vis element, Zanni requires a strong Fatuo weapon to defeat. You can unlock one of the best Fatuo weapons by defeating the enemy near the Old Ruler’s Crypt under the Church of Maja. This will significantly ease the battle, as this fight can be tough due to AoE attacks and tricky camera angles.

Enotria The Last Song zanni the giant puppet master with orange eyes boss
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Maja, Goddess of Life and Death (Optional)

After defeating Zanni, engage with the Statue in the Crimson Cloiser to reach the Old Sanctuary, where Maja awaits. Using a Gratia weapon, particularly the Penance Bearer, will be beneficial. Defeating her initiates her questline upon visiting the Theater of Masks.

Enotria The Last Song hidden boss maja in a giant cave with flowers
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This relatively easy boss blocks the path to Falesia Magna and is aligned with Vis. If you’ve defeated Zanni, this boss should pose minimal challenge, unlocking only after Zanni.

Enotria the Last Song Lumberjack boss enemy
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Baldovino, aligned with Malanno, obstructs access to Litumnia. Engaging him right after Zanni can be a challenge due to his unpredictable attack patterns and the presence of a distracting dog enemy in the arena. Defeating him grants early access to high-tier rewards in Litumnia.

Enotria the last song baldovino knight automaton at docks
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All Magna Bosses Cliff

The Spaventa Gatekeeper (Evil)

The first of two annoying Spaventa Gatekeepers found in Falesia Magna, this boss appears on an optional path to the right after entering. Aligned with Malanno, utilizing a Vis weapon is essential. Upon reducing his HP by half, he enters an empowered state with increased range attacks. Timing parries during this phase is crucial.

Enotria the Last Song spaventa gatekeeper green poison element in arena
Screenshot via Twinfinite

Big Pay, Coastal Horror

Your initial confrontation with Gran Paguro, the Coastal Horror, introduces a moderately challenging battle against this giant crab. To succeed, parry its attacks while building the Unravel meter for damage, ensuring you arrive with plenty of healing items.

Enotria The Last Song giant crab gran paguro boss
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The Last Breach Defender (Optional)

If you continue down the left path after defeating Gran Paguro, you’ll traverse a long optional area leading to the Last Breach Defender at the end. This Gratia-aligned enemy’s clear telegraphed moves allow parrying and counterattacks, making this optional boss fight manageable and enjoyable.

Enotria The Last Song the last breach defender boss in arena with hammer
Screenshot via Twinfinite

Simulacra of Veltha

Ensure you unlock the shortcut ladder in the Hall of Veltha before the boss fight. As long as you’re proficient at parrying and dodging, this battle will proceed smoothly. Focus on evasion while taking advantage of generous openings for counter-attacks.

Veltha, God of Strife (Optional)

This optional boss presents a formidable challenge. After defeating the imitation, face the genuine Goddess of War, who unleashes a relentless series of dash and ranged attacks. Most players may want to postpone this battle until later, although there are instances where the AI’s behavior can be exploited. Defeating her unlocks her as the stat reset NPC in the Theater of Masks.

Enotria The Last Song goddess veltha boss cutscene
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The Spaventa Gatekeeper (Vis)

The second and arguably most difficult Spaventa Gatekeeper features the same mechanics as the first but takes place in a smaller arena where an archer constantly harasses you. Consider eliminating the archer or utilize the right wall to minimize your effective play area while mastering your parry to engage this boss.

Enotria The Last Song spaventa gatekeep vis element boss in small area
Screenshot via Twinfinite

Sanctum Zealot (Optional)

This exceedingly difficult boss resides on the optional path to the Colosseum. The Gratia boss boasts an incredibly high attack stat, with a manageable first phase, but the second phase becomes exceedingly challenging without sufficient levels. Unpredictable dash attacks and a spinning lunge that can one-shot lower-level players heighten the difficulty of this encounter, making it more suited for seasoned players.

Enotria the Last Song Sanctum Zealot enemy in armor in front of colosseum
Screenshot via Twinfinite

Giangurgolo, Champion of Veltha (Optional)

Deep within the Colosseum lies the chimera boss, Giangurgolo, who boasts one of the largest health pools in the game. Engaging him is manageable when you learn his attack patterns. His first phase primarily relies on a tail attack applying Malanno, so always anticipate this to dodge effectively. As long as you can avoid getting poisoned and parry his claw attacks, you can accumulate the necessary parry meter to overcome this fight.

Enotria The Last Song defeating Giangurgolo lion boss
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The Spaventa Gatekeeper (Gratia)

The next Spaventa Gatekeeper feels like a breeze compared to the previous two. Retaining the same attack patterns, this boss presents less of a challenge with different elemental alignment. Timing your parries and waiting for the empowered phase is a straightforward approach.

Enotria The Last Song spaventa gatekeeper with gratia element
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Huntress of Veltha (Optional)

Another optional boss located within a red rune, the Huntress of Veltha shouldn’t pose significant difficulty. With her alignment to Malanno, she uses various ranged attacks that can be countered through regular heavy attack sequences.

Enotria The Last Song huntress of veltha optional boss woman with poison sword
Screenshot via Twinfinite

High Priestess of Veltha

Prepare for a frustrating battle against this boss, where success may hinge on chance. To initiate the fight, defeat the three priestesses as you enter the arena. Stay close to mitigate her ranged attacks, as her melee attacks can be more manageable. Maintain aggression until she reaches half HP; stepping back allows her to unleash tracking pillars of Gratia. The second phase features a prominent AoE beam that requires jumping over its ring after hiding behind pillars. The AI tends to spam this move, leading to bouts of frustration.

Enotria The Last Song veltha priestess boss with three priestess enemies
Screenshot via Twinfinite

The Scary Gatekeeper (Fatuo)

The concluding Spaventa Gatekeeper stands as the last in this series. As with earlier encounters, maintain familiarity with his mechanics. Triumphing in this final battle rewards you with the Spaventa Gatekeeper’s Mask and Role.

Enotria Spaventa Gatekeeper knight enemy with fatuo element
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Captain Spaventa the Great

The final boss in Falesia Magna, Captain Spaventa the Great, is found atop the grand tower. This battle features two distinct phases. The initial phase involves dodging his aggressive combos and leaps, where mastering parries and walking toward him during his aerial attacks is crucial. Successfully parrying his five ranged attacks will ease this fight’s difficulty; however, the second phase sees Spaventa the Coward summoning a guard while evading your attacks—don’t underestimate this phase, as it can quickly deplete your resources.

Enotria The Last Song capitan spaventa standing on his throne above us
Screenshot via Twinfinite

All Litumnia Bosses

Big Hermit Crab (Badness)

The most dangerous iteration of Gran Paguro, this Giant Crab awaits on the path leading to the city, featuring a small arena. The boss employs Malanno breath and formidable Malanno Pillar attacks, resulting in a war of attrition where offensive opportunities are minimal.

Morreta, the Hidden Blade (First Encounter)

As you navigate through Litumnia’s streets and the City Commons resting spot, your first encounter will be Morreta, the Hidden Blade. Her melee attacks apply Malanno while her most significant threat derives from ranged projectiles—both single or rapid-fire orbs. Mastering parry timing is essential as she will reappear twice in the journey ahead.

Enotria The Last song boss morreta hidden blade
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The genius of an engineer

The Ingenium Engineer is a slow yet hard-hitting automaton guarding the way to the Engineer’s Guild. The most effective tactic is to apply Gratia and trigger its explosion to stun the boss, rendering her vulnerable. Low resistance to status effects makes a weapon like the Penance Bearer effective.

Ingenium Engineer boss rewards Enotria: The Last Song
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Big Pay, The Coastal Horror

The third and final Gran Paguro emerges in an even smaller arena. By this stage, you should feel familiar with the boss’s mechanics, and fortunately, a resting spot is right next to the battle. Focus on building the stagger meter quickly while evading its poisonous breath attacks.

Enotria The Last Song Giant Crab Boss
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Ascend the Astral (Optional)

Positioned left of the Engineer’s Guild building is an optional automaton boss wielding an anchor-like weapon, executing rapid swings. The straightforward attack rhythm allows for parrying and stunning with heavy attacks.

Enotria boss astarium ascendant woman robot with giant anchor weapon
Screenshot via Twinfinite

Master Gondolier (Optional)

The Master Gondolier is a Vis-aligned enemy with high stats. Though attacks are simplistic, his considerable health and resistance makes this fight challenging. Utilize your best Fatuo weapon and counter-attack windows after parrying his combo attacks. Locate him left of Gran Pagura in the Mines.

Enotria boss Master Gondolier man in cave
Screenshot via Twinfinite

Vetra, Glassblower (Optional)

This Gentle Giant, an optional boss found next to the Road of District resting spot, has no ranged attacks other than a parryable rock throw. A simple hit-and-run approach proves effective without excessive aggressiveness, ensuring you’ll prevail.

Morreta, the Pernicious Blade (Second Encounter)

Your second battle with Morreta takes place in a street rather than a bridge. The situation remains similar but her stats have increased slightly. Repeat your earlier strategy while ensuring accurate parries for her Malanno orb attacks.

Enotria Moretta bosses second encounter
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Astral Master

Spotted in the plaza at the Court Entrance resting spot, the Astrarium Magister employs dangerous projectiles with a quick three-ball barrage. Timely parries are critical, along with evading tracking streams of orbs, similar to Vermiglio. Equip your best Malanno weapon and strive to stay close to the boss to limit their ranged capabilities.

Morreta (Final Encounter)

The final fight with Morreta emerges on your path towards the last bosses. Expect a familiar pattern with modified stats and significantly greater aggression. Once beaten a third time, you’ll acquire Morreta’s mask, concluding her questline.

Enotria the Last song reward for defeating three morreta bosses
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Pantalone and Balanzone

In this duo boss fight, take on Pantalone, the swordsman, and Balanzone, the mage. As Pantalone teleports and applies melee pressure, focus on eliminating the stationary Balanzone first. This allows you to confront Pantalone in a more manageable 1v1. After downing both, they fuse into the Melted Ruler, a giant that utilizes wide AoE attacks. Target its feet while dodging, keeping in mind that it has two feet sets that attack alternately.

Enotria The Last Song Melted Ruler reward screen after beating bosses
Screenshot via Twinfinite

Veiled Arrow

Harlequin, Master of Canovaccio

The ultimate boss encounter in the game arrives with Arlecchino, waiting in Strale Velata. The battle strikes a balance between aggression and downtime, providing glimpses of attack opportunities as he approaches. Timely parries against his sequences are crucial, particularly against his lethal backflip slash that inflicts heavy damage. Upon reaching half HP, he will restore his health and heighten aggression; once again reaching half HP will initiate a third phase featuring powerful projectiles and teleport attacks. Mastering patience and observation of his moveset is essential for overcoming this final challenge.

Enotria the last Song Arleccino final boss cutscene
Screenshot via Twinfinite

This concludes our comprehensive overview of all bosses in Enotria: The Last Song, including their order, locations, and strategies to defeat them.


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