Essential Base Location Clearing Tips in Satisfactory: Acquiring Explosives and Chainsaws

Satisfactory is focused on establishing your base and transforming it into the most efficient factory on the planet. However, the process can become complicated due to the uneven terrain, rocks, and trees that are present.

It’s easy to become absorbed in the design of the perfect base layout and determining optimal locations for your equipment. But have you considered how to properly flatten and clear the terrain before you begin? This crucial step is often overlooked by players.

Fortunately, the game offers several methods to clear terrain, although these techniques can be challenging to acquire and utilize. In this guide, we will explain how to unlock and operate the Chainsaw and Explosives.

How to Acquire and Utilize the Chainsaw

Using the Chainsaw satisfactory
Source: dexerto

The Chainsaw in Satisfactory is an excellent tool for quickly clearing large areas of terrain. With its help, you can improve your resource collection and effectively prepare the terrain for your projects.

Crafting the Chainsaw

Chainsaw crafting recipe
Source: dexerto

To craft a Chainsaw, you must achieve Tier 2: Obstacle Clearing. Once this is unlocked, go to the Equipment Workshop. The materials needed for crafting are:

  • 5 Reinforced Iron Plates
  • 25 Iron Rods
  • 160 Screws
  • 15 Cables

Equipping the Chainsaw

Once you’ve crafted the Chainsaw, equip it by pressing the Tab key to access your inventory, and place it in one of your hand slots. Ensure you have solid biofuel in your inventory since this is the fuel source for the Chainsaw.

Operating the Chainsaw

Using the Chainsaw satisfactory
Source: dexerto

Approach any tree or bush and right-click to activate the Chainsaw. It will clear the selected plant and any nearby plants within a 5-meter radius. The Chainsaw is effective on trees, shrubs, and small rocks, providing essential resources such as wood, leaves, and mycelium.

Chainsaw Fuel

The Chainsaw operates on solid biofuel, which can be crafted from Biomass derived from leaves and wood. Each solid biofuel allows for approximately six seconds of usage. Monitor your fuel levels to prevent running out during critical operations.

How to Obtain and Utilize Explosives

explosives satisfactory
explosives satisfactory
explosives satisfactory

Using a Chainsaw for clearing plants can only get you so far. As you progress into the mid to late game, it’s time to upgrade to explosives.

You can unlock the Nobelisk Detonator and standard Nobelisks through the Sulfur Research chain. To create a Nobelisk Detonator, you’ll require an Object Scanner, 10 Steel Beams, and 50 Cables.

Operating the Detonator and Explosive Nobelisks

choosing Nobelisk in Satisfactory
Source: dexerto
  1. Equip the Nobelisk Detonator. Press R to load or reload Nobelisks into the detonator.
  2. Use the left mouse button to throw Nobelisks and right mouse button to detonate them.

To maximize throw distance, aim at a 30 to 45-degree angle when standing on higher ground.

Best Explosives for Terrain Clearing

Different Nobelisks serve unique purposes. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Cluster Nobelisks: Ideal for rapidly clearing large areas. To craft them, you’ll need 3 Nobelisk and 4 Smokeless Powder.
  • Nuke Nobelisks: Excellent for major clearing but comes with radiation risk. Requirements for crafting include 5 Nobelisk, 20 Encased Uranium Cells, 10 Smokeless Powder, and 6 AI Limiters.
  • Standard Nobelisks: Suitable for minor tasks where a small explosion suffices. To create these, you need 2 Black Powder and 2 Steel Pipes.
  • Explosive Rebar: More efficient than Standard Nobelisks for terrain clearing. For crafting, gather 2 Iron Rebar, 2 Smokeless Powder, and 2 Steel Pipes.

For optimal factory placement, consider consulting the Pure Node locations and all SAM location guides.


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